
On the stage, Asmodeus laughed heartily at Weiss and said:

"You're a f*cking idiot. You can't even see through such an obvious trap. Just wait for death."

Weiss had long since reverted to his original appearance. Hearing Asmodeus' words, he felt like mocking Asmodeus but after thinking about it, it was one of the Holy Relics he needed.

[Book of Demons: The wielder can summon a Hell Barrier to isolate the two worlds of Yin and Yang. In the real world, the Lord of Dreamland can summon the Lords of the Seven Great Demons as their master and command them.]

Weiss opened the key information prompt and saw the Book of Demons.

He walked up and looked at the seven demons on the throne, analyzing the information he knew.

The Sin of Arrogance was Satan;

Jealousy was Leviathan.

Fury was Samael. Samael was originally a High-Level Angel, one of the Seven Creation Angels.

The Sin of Laziness was Beliel, the Great Demon King and the Fallen Angel.

The Sin of Greed was Mammon.

The Sin of Gluttony was Beelzebub, the Fallen Angel, who used the Demon Contract to sign a contract with humans to work regularly for humans.

The Sin of Lust was Asmodeus.

He didn't know how long he'd have to fight one-on-one. He didn't have that much time. And according to Asmodeus, they'd been imprisoned in the book for a long time. With less than ten percent of their strength left, he still had a chance.

He took out the cross he had prepared from his storage space and the Holy Water he had bought from the merchant shop.

[Holy Water: The only effect. After applying it, the damage to the Demon will increase by 100%.]

Weiss bought a full ten bottles just to deal with this situation. He had guessed that Asmodeus would not give in so easily.

The faces of the seven demons on the throne immediately turned ugly. Who knew that Weiss still had so much Holy Water? Was he robbing the Church?

"Who wants to go first?"

Samael could not tolerate it any longer. He jumped off the throne and slashed down with his huge flaming sword.

Weiss said with a disdainful tone. Seeing Samael rushing down, he smiled and instantly moved behind Samael and punched him.

Samael had never experienced such a fighting style before. He was punched to the ground by Weiss. Seeing how ferocious Weiss was, the others did not say anything. They knew that if they could not defeat Weiss today, they might have to submit to him.

Asmodeus shot out a long whip from a tricky angle. Weiss used his psychic power to control the long whip and in an instant, two long and thin swords simultaneously attacked Weiss on his upper body and lower body.

Weiss twisted his body to dodge this fatal blow and instantly teleported behind Asmodeus to land another punch with Holy Water on him. Only five demons were left now.

Weiss's goal was achieved. Using Instant Transmission, a skill comparable to a godly skill, he could quickly launch a sneak attack to reduce the opponent's numbers but then he wouldn't be able to use this kind of fighting method.

Satan chuckled and said,

"You're quite strong. If it weren't for us being trapped in this damned space, you would have already been turned to ashes."

Weiss replied without hesitation:

"I knew that you guys weren't that powerful, so I came over to beat you guys up. Otherwise, you'd better obediently submit to me."

Satan's face was livid. As the Lord of Demons, no one had dared to speak to him like this for a long time.

He gestured to the other four demons and five of them attacked at once.

Weiss knew that they were going to fight head-on this time. He wrapped a cloth around his fist, poured holy water on it and rushed towards Satan. He knew that Satan must be the strongest.

This place instantly turned into a sea of fire. The demons also knew that the holy water was very harmful to them and they could not stop Weiss's strange teleportation ability, so they first exhausted Weiss through the terrain.

Weiss was wearing the Dream Immersion Device and this little thing could greatly increase Weiss's mental strength, allowing him to clearly see the dream fragments of the five demons. Although he could not directly kill them in the dream, their locations were all exposed.

While pretending to be suffering in the sea of fire, Weiss leaned toward Satan's hiding place. He recognized that Satan would not give up such a good opportunity and sure enough, he did.

Satan swung his Morning Star broadsword at him. Weiss ducked as Mammon's sword stabbed at him. Weiss was in the air, unable to dodge.

He could only move towards Satan's back in an instant. Beliel had been waiting behind him for a long time and a huge club smashed down on Weiss's head.

When the demons saw that Weiss had nowhere to hide, they all thought of the scene when Weiss died, where a corpse and blood splattered everywhere.

Weiss did not dodge Belier's cudgel. Attacking was the best defense.

A black shadow flashed behind Beliel. At this moment, Beliel was still immersed in the excitement of killing Weiss, completely unaware that he had been targeted.

With twelve percent of his strength, Weiss attacked Satan's face and behind him, Beliel's body had already been separated. His head fell to the ground with an expression of disbelief. Even in death, he did not expect to not see who had killed him.

Lilith stood behind Beliel with a huge scythe in her hand. Her long golden hair danced in the wind and the scythe had demon blood on it, blooming with a blood-red color.

All the demons were scared silly and Weiss's fist wouldn't wait for them. Satan was smashed into the ground, his face a bloody mess.

Seeing this, the other three demons no longer resisted. It should be known that Weiss's Instant Transmission ability was so abnormal that the three of them would definitely not be able to resist Weiss's iron fist of justice. Moreover, their strength had not recovered yet, so there was no need to fight to the death with Weiss right now.

It turned out that Weiss had asked Lilith to suck the blood before entering the base and was prepared to make the final decision at the most critical moment.

One had to know that Lilith's combat strength had increased exponentially after absorbing blood.

Weiss saw that these demons had lost their fighting spirit and led Lilith step by step to the highest throne. That throne was piled up with the flesh and blood of ordinary people and the ordinary people on it had ferocious expressions, showing the appearance of all living beings.

Weiss, who represented the source of power of the various demons, did not hesitate and directly sat on it, completely grasping the Book of Demons, this Holy Relic.

Weiss did not know how this holy relic was compared to the Underworld King's Scepter but if he could use all the power of these demons, he could definitely beat the Underworld King's Scepter.

"All of you, get up. This place belongs to me now."

Weiss said with a supreme tone.

The demons returned to their original state and knelt on the ground.

"To the Lord."