On The Way To Rodu

Three days later, Weiss was sleeping on the table with nothing to do. After the matter at Elena's house was settled, Wayne flew into a rage and fired at the Gawain family. During this period of time, the Gawain family could be said to be exhausted. They even lost the Book of Demons, so they had no way to attack Elena.

The Wayne family head was still very grateful to Weiss. He gave a limited edition of the Vacheron Constantin Cross to Weiss. After all, Weiss did not lack money. He even gave 900 million to Weiss's three companies as thanks. Weiss did not decline as this money was the most important starting fund for him.

Weiss also did not want to spend Dream Points in exchange for money to pull in investments for the company. There was still no one from Lilith's side. According to Lilith, the situation there was not too good. Recently, the British Royal Family had been troubled by a bunch of trivial matters. Who knew how long it would take for them to receive the Sword in the Stone.

However, the British Royal Family said that if Weiss could come to England as a guest, they would give him the highest level of treatment. However, he didn't have any thoughts about it. How could it be possible for them to send the stone sword to them as bodyguards?

Weiss was still thinking about going to Harvard. The company was still in its infancy and Alice was nowhere to be found. He was not in the mood to send the Sword in the Stone back to them.

While Weiss was still trying to figure out what to do next, Elena was stealing glances at him. She knew it was thanks to him that she'd been spared James's coercion. She felt even more confused about the current Weiss.

Lilith kicked Weiss's stool. Her favorite thing to do right now was take her rich second-generation sister next to her out shopping for clothes. Though she couldn't wear them in her current shape, she could wear them after her transformation. It wouldn't affect her.

"Are you going shopping after class?"

Lilith whispered in Weiss's ear, completely ignoring the envious gaze of Elena.

"Nah, I've got things to do tonight."

Weiss said without much interest that he had more important things to do now. The son-in-law of Soros, the richest man in the United States and Asmodeus, whom Weiss had sent to Rodu, had made contact. He was thinking about when he would go to Rodu to settle this.

The demons in the Book of Demons had been sent to various cities to investigate Alice's whereabouts. Now that the Book of Demons was in Weiss's hands, their lives were in his hands and they would be reduced to ashes with a single thought from him.

They could also appear in the Book of Demons if Weiss needed them which greatly relieved his stress.

The class teacher walked over shyly. It had to be said that it was quite unordinary for an old woman to walk over like this.

"Weiss, there will be a Global University Olympiad Competition. Are you going?"

The class teacher asked with a questioning tone. AfterWeiss did not hide his strength, he practically took the first place in this year's third-year cohort. This would greatly increase the results of the class teacher. Now that Weiss was her God of Fortune, she did not dare to offend him.

Actually, there was nothing Weiss could do. His grades in Year One and Year Two were not that good, so he could only accept full marks with tears in his eyes. However, according to his calculations, he was still a distance away from Harvard, so he could not reject it.

"When are we going?"

Weiss asked with a hint of resignation. 'There's no choice. It's necessary to get into Harvard.'

The class teacher was overjoyed. Since Weiss looked like he didn't care about anything, she thought that he would definitely not agree.

"Training in Rodu in a day. The venue for the Olympiad is in Geneva."

When Weiss heard that it was similar to his own schedule, he agreed.

At night, the Hennessey Viper GT that he bought previously arrived. The smooth body of the car looked pleasing to the eye and the color was also purple that he wanted. The person-in-charge asked respectfully,

"What do you think, Sir? Do you want to try it? I guarantee it will satisfy you."

One had to know that this kind of sports car had to be tested. If the owner of the car was not satisfied, they could return to the original factory. However, the person who could buy this kind of car was either rich or noble. Usually, they would not care so much if it looked suitable.

Weiss took the keys and waved. The Hennessey Viper GT automatically slid in front of him. The car door opened slowly. Beside him, Lilith couldn't wait any longer. She wanted to ride in the car.

Weiss watched her go up and, without missing a beat, sat down on the seat beside the driver's seat of the Hennessey Viper GT. The interior of the car was made of real leather and the feel of it was amazing. He loved it. There was not a single blemish on the car. It had been knocked out by the workers. This was no longer a car. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it a work of art.

Weiss got familiar with the operation in the car while looking at the scenery in the villa. There was a special driveway in the villa that could be used to try it out.

He slammed his foot down on the accelerator and Lilith, who wasn't wearing her seat belt, nearly flew out. She looked at him with anger in her eyes but Weiss didn't care. He was lost in the speed of the Hennessey Viper GT. The car shot out like an arrow leaving its bow. With Weiss's skill, the speed increased.

Lilith did not stay idle either. She quickly buckled her seatbelt and was immediately pinned down on the car seat, unable to move.

He sped through the narrow driveway of the villa, taking the proprietor by surprise. He thought, Indeed, the owner of the Hennessey Viper GT should be like that. It made his blood boil.

After a few rounds, Weiss slowed down. After all, he was just trying it out, not racing. Why did he keep driving?

After signing the agreement with the person in charge, this Hennessey Viper GT officially belonged to him.

As Weiss walked back to the room, he asked Lilith:

"Are you coming with me to Rodu or staying here?"

Lilith hesitated. Someone from the family had come recently and she was going to meet with him, so she definitely couldn't go with Weiss. But she couldn't bear to leave him. After all the time they'd spent together, Lilith was starting to like him. He treated her well.

"No, I still have some things to take care of here."

Lilith still refused Weiss. She knew she had more important things to do.

Weiss didn't mind. After all, Lilith had her own way of thinking and he wouldn't be gone long enough to care.

After they booked the plane tickets, Jarvis's respectful voice was heard.

"Master, Tobias called."

Weiss said languidly:

"Answer the call."

In front, Tobias' face was projected ahead of Weiss. His face was still as square as ever. He said respectfully,

"Esteemed Lord of Dreamland, I am already prepared to welcome your arrival."

After the first dream, Tobias used the connections of the richest man in the world to find Weiss. Weiss only asked him to address him as the master of the dream realm. He was not afraid of being found out.

Weiss propped his head on his hand and told him:

"Alright, I understand. I'll think of a way to save your wife and daughter and take good care of them. Don't worry."

Weiss had made a deal with Tobias. He would rescue his wife and daughter and take good care of them while Tobias had to obey his orders. Besides, Tobias was now in the middle of the Black God's command and could provide Weiss with tremendous help.

Weiss and Tobias continued to talk for a while, then got up and looked out the window. I'm here in Rodu, Weiss thought, looking out the window at the rising wind.