
Weiss sat in the first class cabin of the plane, lamenting the lavishness of capitalists. 'Oh, so I'm a capitalist myself now. That's all right then.'

A stewardess with long legs and big breasts served Weiss and chatted with him. After all, they had been flying for so long, they couldn't possibly sleep all the time.

Weiss learned that the stewardess was named Jack Aileen. She lived in Rodu, unmarried, trim…

Of course he didn't know. How could it be so easy to find out? But Weiss was starting to miss Lilith. Without her beside him, he felt a little less alive.

Weiss looked at his information while thinking about how to continue upgrading himself. After all, in Rodu, the power of the Black Deity was definitely higher than that of New York. Moreover, he still had to save Tobias' family which made Weiss somewhat anxious.

[Host: Weiss]

[Gender: Male]

[Intelligence: 120 (Normal people averaged 110)]

[Physical Fitness: 520 (Normal people have an average of 10) Gene Seal: 0%]

[Spiritual power: 50 (average for normal people, 10) Brain Development: 40% (average for normal people, 5%)]

[Wealth: 10002333]

[Equipment: Dream Creation Card. Key information tip: Glasses]

[Current Title: Maximum-Level title "Sleeping Gentleman": 100% probability of causing the target to fall asleep. Rate of depriving the target of high mental strength. Judgement: When facing a guilty person, it has a suppressive effect. Adjusting according to the guilty person's level of guilt, it can grow into the title "Monster Hunter": Increase the damage dealt to monsters of the opposite type by 10%. Current Progress: 0. Title: "Golden Spear Will Not Fall"]

[Aura: Aura of elegance: Your speech and actions are a symbol of honor in the eyes of others. There is a chance that you will be recognized by the old aristocrats.]

[Skills: Car God Skill, Mathematics Maximum Skill, English Maximum Skill, Physics Maximum Skill, Chemistry Maximum Skill, Bio Maximum Skill, Military Combat Technique Maximum Skill, Top Hacker Skill, Top Piano Skill]

[Ability: Psychic Level 3, Disguise Level 2, Instant Transmission Level 3, Undying Power, 100 Dream Points upgraded once]

[Dream Points: 1950]

Weiss felt that he could try the Golden Treasure Chest.

[Do you want to spend 1,000 Dream Points to activate the Golden Treasure Chest: Yes / No]


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Low-Gene Warrior Potion: This potion can help the host unlock 10-20% of the Gene Seal. There is a certain probability of increasing the host's mental strength.]

Weiss had tears streaming down his face. He could finally continue to improve his physique. The feeling of fists hitting flesh was too good. If he activated the Gene Seal, he might not even need Lilith's help to blow up the Seven Great Demons.

[As the host has opened the Golden Treasure Chest, congratulations on opening the intermediate merchant shop]

Weiss was stunned. He had never understood the principle behind the evolution of the shop. Now he could find a new skill. Looking at some skills in the low-level mall, Weiss was a little hesitant. There were some skills that he needed to use now, such as top investment skills and healing skills.

He looked at the items in the intermediate shop. He was thinking too much. The cheapest item in the intermediate shop was the low-level Genetic Warrior Potion worth 1,000 Dream Points. The highest item could reach the Ancient God's umbilical cord with 10,000 Dream Points. There was no introduction to this item. It only limited the number of times Weiss could buy it, three times.

Weiss thought for a moment. Healing and top investment skills added up to only 300 Dream Points. It was still very cheap and could be bought.

[Do you want to spend 100 Dream Points to buy top investment skills: Yes / No]


[Would you like to spend 200 Dream Points to purchase Healing Spell: Yes / No]


This time, Weiss didn't have many Dream Points.

Returning to reality, Weiss felt that something was wrong. The flight attendant was gone. It should be known that the first class flight attendant had to stay in first class all the time. How could she have disappeared?

"Don't move. Put your hands behind your head. If we find out who pressed the alarm, you'll have to bear the consequences."

Weiss heard only a menacing sound, then the sound of something heavy hitting the ground. Weiss understood then that the plane had been hijacked. The hijacking…

Before Weiss could think further, a straight barrel pressed against his head from outside the curtain. Before he could react, a voice spoke.

"Hand over all your finances or I'll shoot you."

Weiss was a little confused. Could a gun be carried on a plane? Unless there was a flight attendant helping them, how could they bring a bullet onto the plane?

As he handed over his belongings, he prepared to activate his skill. However, before Weiss could activate his skill, the robber's head was hit and he fell to the ground.

Aileen, the stewardess, asked breathlessly, holding a fire extinguisher,

"Is Mr. Weiss okay?"

Weiss shook his head. Were the air stewardesses so tough these days? Those were robbers with guns and they caused such a huge commotion. Wouldn't his accomplices notice?

Sure enough, there was a commotion outside and footsteps could be heard. Weiss stood up and helped the stewardess drag the robber's body. Then, he saw a robber angrily walking in with a gun.

Weiss frowned. Was it so troublesome to take a plane?

Before Weiss could react, a heavy punch landed on the robber's face. A well-developed man stood up, and another robber saw that someone was still resisting and immediately shot the man.

They saw the man bend down in the narrow cabin, dodge the bullet then rush up to the robber and slam him to the ground, knocking the robber unconscious. Weiss watched the man's smooth movements and wondered if he could have done this if he'd attacked.

Weiss didn't quite understand but then there was a thunderous applause and the man said modestly:

"It's okay. I don't want to see everyone hurt either."

Then he looked back and saw Weiss. They both saw the wariness in each other's eyes. The man smiled at him. He was confused. He seemed to know him. What was going on?

Weiss sat down with a hint of doubt while the man basked in admiration.

Who was this person and this hijacking was too strange. How did the bullet come in? These things were not clear but Weiss did not think too much about it. Since the matter was settled, let him pass.

After they got off the plane, the airline waived everyone's plane tickets to compensate the people on the plane. The general manager apologized to everyone.

The moment the man got off the plane, he disappeared. The airline that wanted to thank him was a little confused but this matter was still over.