Forbidden Attraction (2)

Next Day,

"Naeun we had a whole week to do complete this! Why now!?"

Naeun ignored Jinhyun's complains and kept on driving towards the factory. It was her policy to complete the mission as soon as it was given. That is what made her this successful and accomplished. That was how she had been promoted to Agent 007 and Princess of Bulletproof gang. Jinhyun's bodyguards' were driving behind them in trucks to store the drugs in.

Naeun stopped the car outside the factory and turned to face her partner who was still scowling.

"Ok let's go through the plan one last time. You will collect the drugs along with the guards and I will set the explosives around the factory. Finish it as soon as possible. Let's go."

"Good Luck." Jinhyun said and they both got out of the car. Naeun entered the building through the back door and started doing her work.

10 minutes later all the bombs were placed around the factory and Naeun got ready to go outside. She suddenly felt thirsty but ignored it walking towards the exit. Her throat felt like dry thorns after each passing second so she looked around to find a source of water.

Naeun spotted a bottle not too far away from her and picked it up. Opening the cap she sniffed it to ensure her safety and it smelled fine. She took a few gulps and threw the empty bottle on the floor. Getting out she found Jinhyun already sitting in the car. She opened the door and sat down.

"What took you so long?" Jinhyun questioned.

"Nothing. Wanna watch a show of fireworks?"

Naeun smirked and pressed a button inside her pocket.


The whole factory blew up into smithereens and all the cars drove off before the police started to arrive. Mission was successful.

Reaching the mansion, Naeun entered the house and spotted Taehyun sitting on the couch. She rushed in her room and closed the door shut behind her. Her breathes became heavy and she plopped down on the bed holding her chest.

Why had she run away from Taehyun? Naeun had suddenly felt a queer feeling erupt inside her heart when she saw him. She had never felt this way ever in her whole life. That tremble, the nervousness and the euphoria she felt while watching him was too much for her so she ran into her room before Taehyun could notice her. She had no idea what this feeling was since she had never felt it.

Her palms were becoming sweaty. She looked in the mirror and her face was flushed. Her heart was continuing to race and her whole body was tense and nervous. She punched the wall with all her might talking out her frustration.

What's this feeling that I've never felt before? What's wrong with me?+

Few Days Later,

Naeun looked in the mirror staring at herself. Day and night were being spent in tears. She didn't feel hurt when she was betraying Taehyun before but now it was stabbing her like a knife. Ever since she came back from the mission, the feeling she felt for Taehyun kept on increasing. It was weird and it was wrong. So after 1 week of suffering like this, she decided to go and see the doctor. Her senses told her that there was something wrong with her that occurred during the mission.

Naeun made up an excuse of a headache and after assuring Jinhyun it was nothing more than that, she headed to the doctors.

"So what's the problem, Miss?" The doctor asked with a kind smile.

"I...drank something a few days ago and recently I've been feeling queer feelings towards people. Can you tell me what's the cause of this?"

The doctor asked her to take a blood test and then bring him the results. Naeun finished doing that and returned. She handed the reports to the doctor. He scanned them thoroughly and exclaimed in shock.

"Madam, you have been drugged!" He exclaimed.

Naeun stared at him for a few minutes and then pinched herself. It wasn't a dream. Somebody had actually drugged her!

"What!? What the hell are you talking about!?" She screamed, overwhelmed.

"You have been given a love drug. I have never come across a case like this! This is shocking."

"What do you mean love drug?!" Naeun continued on shouting. "How can I be drugged?! What does this drug do!?"

"A love drug hasn't been released in the market recently. I don't know how you attained it and I won't bother to ask. But the side effects are related to the name. It's a drug that makes you fall in love with someone. It only activates if you have feelings for someone already and then those feelings increase to the max."

Naeun gaped at him wide-eyed and the doctor took this as a sign of confusion.

"I'll explain further. You won't be able to hurt a single hair on the person who you love now. Every time you try to hurt him or fight him you'll be in double the amount of pain. If you don't heed this important fact it could lead you to the worst consequences. Maybe even death."

Naeun regained her senses back and grabbed the doctor by the neck. She started choking him.

"If you are lying, you know the consequences right?" She asked in a low voice.

The doctor nodded unable to speak and she let go of him.

"Any other side effects I should remember?"

"You also cannot s-stay far away from him either. Your heart will hurt automatically if you don't see him for a long period of time. That's all..."

Naeun nodded slowly and got out of the hospital. This explained all her recent feelings well enough. But how did she get the drug? Did somebody try to poison her? She resolved to be extra precautious around each and every person. As she always said,

"Rule no. 1, no one is anyone's friend..."