The Bunny-Looking Guy.

Naeun stumbled into a club and went and sat down on one of the seats. There are two different feelings known as sadness. One, that you cry and cry until all your emotions are out. Then you feel better. The other one is a much more serious condition. The tears stop coming out and you are staring into nowhere.

The person suffers too much sadness to bear and in the end, gets emotionless. The same thing was happening with Naeun. And just for one day, she wanted to forget everything. All her problems including being Agent 007, Taehyun, and even herself. So after 5 to 10 glasses of vodka, she was wasted.

She was too drunk to even call someone to pick her up let alone she couldn't even drive in her situation. Luckily Jungwoo had to deal with some business partners of his in the same club so he spotted Naeun as soon as he entered.

"Naeun! What are you doing here?" He asked running towards her.

"Who are you?" Naeun asked in a drunken voice making Jungwoo realize she was not in her sober state.

He turned towards his businessmen who were staring at him confused.

"The meeting is canceled for today."

"What!? But Sir we have no time-" The man couldn't finish his words because Jungwoo took out his gun and shot him on the spot.

"Does anyone have more problems?" He asked.

The men shook their heads and bowed in fear.

Jungwoo smirked and turned to see Naeun pouting staring at the dead body.

"What's wrong?" He asked her.

"You reminded me of someone, handsome guy."

"Ha! So you do think I'm handsome!"

Naeun didn't reply but continued to stare at Jungwoo with a pout.

"Let's go home, you drunk girl."

"I don't want to go back to that place!" Naeun said and started throwing a tantrum.

"Naeun, why don't you want to go back to the mansion? Taehyun is there."

"Hmmm...I do miss my fiancé. But there is another guy that lives there. I can't stand him!"

"Really who is he?" Jungwoo asked knowing who the guy would be.

"It's that bunny-looking guy with fluffy hair! He's an arrogant brat, you're much better than him."

"Bunny Looking!" Jungwoo exclaimed. "Why do I- I mean why does he look like a bunny?"

"He has a bunny-looking face! Fluffy hair like a bunnies' and also he's rude! He hates everything! He hates me, he hates the world, he hates, plants, he hates sand, hates dust, he hates food, he hates water, he hates clothes, he hates the sky~"

Naeun continued on blabbing nonsense about Jungwoo while he gently took her back to his car and asked the driver to go back towards the mansion.

"How are you so sure he hates you?" Jungwoo asked when Naeun decided to take a break in describing how many things he hated.

"Well, he's mean and annoying. But sometimes he's good and funny. He's cute too but my fiance` is much cuter!"

Jungwoo chuckled sadly and kept quiet the rest of the ride staring at Naeun after a few seconds. The car stopped outside the estate and it took Jungwoo at least 15 minutes to get Naeun out. He took her into the house promising the mean, arrogant guy a.k.a him, wouldn't be inside.

Taehyun, who was sitting on the couch talking to Jaemin, spotted Jungwoo bringing in Naeun and understood something was wrong.

Naeun who was clinging on to Jungwoo exclaimed in joy when she saw Taehyun. Taehyun stood up in worry and quickly walked towards the pair. Jungwoo meanwhile tried his best to prevent Naeun from jumping onto Taehyun.

"Mr. Handsome~ See that's my fiancé! Isn't he cute? He acts cold but I know his heart is fluffier than your hair!" Naeun giggled while Taehyun turned to Jungwoo to ask what happened to her.

"What's wrong? Is she ok?" He asked in worry.

"Um...I had a meeting today in our club and when I reached it I found her drunk. So I brought her back here."

"Taehyunie~ He even shot a guy there! You should punish him with the golden gun you have! Shoot him in the head! Don't you know that's illegal mister!"

"Naeun you're drunk, come on I'll take you to your room." Taehyun cooed and took her gently from Jungwoo.

"I'm not THAT drunk!" Naeun slurred, jabbing a finger into Taehyun's chest.

Taehyun carried her ignoring all the kicks she was flying at him. After much trouble, he got her up the stairs into their room. He made Naeun sit on the bed and gave her a glass of water.

"Drink it."

Naeun pouted at him angrily but still drank the water slowly. After getting a little into her senses she looked up at Taehyun.

"I am sleepy!" She batted her eyes cutely making Taehyun smile.

He was about to lay her down on the bed but she stopped him.

"I'm wearing my lenses! I can't sleep with them on! Do you want me to go blind!? How will I be able to see your cutie face then?"

Taehyun raised his brow, staring at her amused.

"I'm cute? What part of me do you find cute?"

Naeun frowned, trying to think hard. Then she exclaimed in joy.

"Ha, I got it! Your hair looks really cute! Your bangs, your eyes too! They remind me of a...PUPPY!"

Taehyun scoffed in disbelief, folding his arms across his chest.

"Is this girl calling me cute!?" He thought when he considered himself cold as ice.

"You were sleepy, right? Then take off your contacts quickly. Why do you even wear them?" He asked.

"Meany!" She stuck out her tongue at him while he widened his eyes in shock.


Naeun's eye color was brown as he looked into her eyes. He was curious as to what her real eye color would be.

Naeun clumsily started to take out her contact lenses while Taehyun face palmed himself. After a lot of hisses of pain and screams she finally got the lenses out and closed her eyes the second her head met the pillow.

Taehyun smiled at her and caressed her hair making her blink open her eyes.

He gasped.

Any other guy in his situation would have fainted after what he saw but Taehyun was flabbergasted. Naeun had millions of secrets even she had forgotten but in her drunken state, she let one out to Taehyun.

Naeun's real eye color was purple. A deep, dark shade of purple mixed with blue which would make any guy dizzy there and then. It was her secret that she had to hide because her beauty was a terrible curse for her.

One glance into her eyes would reveal you to her but also make you fall in love with those eyes. That's why Naeun had decided to hide them forever. But in her intoxicated situation, she let it slip to Taehyun, the guy who she needed to stay away from.

And now,

He wasn't planning on letting her go anytime soon...