The Underboss (1)

Next Day,

Naeun woke and blinked her eyes adjusting them to the bright sunlight streaming in through the huge glass windows. She got up and glanced to her left. Taehyun was lying there holding her hand tightly like somebody would steal it any second.

Naeun smiled but it faded as soon as she experienced a sharp pain in her head. Flashbacks of the previous night started to flash in her head making her dizzy. But then she suddenly realized something looking into the mirror. Her lenses weren't on. That meant...

Taehyun had finally got to know her most hidden secret. How he did, Naeun couldn't remember but now she knew he wasn't going to let her off too easily. Naeun herself had forgotten that she had different colored eyes. And in her drunk state, she had made the biggest mistake of her life.

The ironic fact was that she didn't even take her lenses out at night!

She had got permanent eyepieces to be customized for her which was advised by her late father. When she was born, her father understood that she wasn't a normal girl. Her powers made her unique and she was naturally born with lavender orbs.

The question was: What was to be done with the fact that Taehyun now knew her secret? Or perhaps one of her secrets?

Naeun started to rack her mind for some schemes. She could lie to him and say that she had an infection. Then she could put on her lenses and the truth would be hidden. But then she sighed. How could she know what rubbish she had babbled out the previous night in her high condition? What if she had, herself revealed him, her reality?

"Done thinking of ways to deceive me?"

Naeun jumped in shock.

Shit... Wait, how did he even know?

Taehyun was staring at her with his chin on his hand with a smirk, making her realize; he wasn't the one to be fooled...

So she got straight to the point.

"I have an infection in my eyes. It suddenly comes up when I'm drunk so I hope you don't misunderstand my illness."

Taehyun sat up and shook his head, "It wasn't a misunderstanding. But what hurts me the most is that you don't trust me with your secrets. I'm not going to be fooled, darling."

"Then promise me that you won't tell anyone about this." Naeun jumped straight to Plan B.

Taehyun chuckled and got off the bed. He stepped towards her and lowered his face to her level. Now they were both looking straight into each other's eyes.

"You know what I love about you Naeun? You never lower your eyes from mine. People shudder to think of looking in my eyes yet you don't even flinch." He smiled softly and kissed her nose making her blink her eyes in confusion.

"I trust you and will keep each and every one of your secrets. But you have to do me a favor."

2:00 P.M.,

Jungwoo strode out of his office to go and meet Taehyun. They had a very important meeting to go to and he was already late. But as he looked up from his watch, it seemed to him that he was going to miss the whole meeting for the first time in his life.

A girl marched into the planning room making every person's eye turn towards her. Her brown hair was flowing freely around her shoulders and her heels clicked with each step. Her face was as fair as snow and her lips, redder than roses.

But Jungwoo had already seen and admired these features previously. His whole body froze as the girl came closer to him with a smile. His legs felt like jelly and his arms stiffened at his side. Jungwoo's black orbs which were darker than the night sky, stranded themselves on the deep violet that was facing them. Jungwoo had met many beautiful women in his life...

Each one was more attractive than the last. But if he had to choose the most gorgeous out of them all he would have named out the girl in front of him in a heartbeat.

Park Naeun...

1 week had passed and there wasn't a soul that didn't know about Naeun's secret momentarily. How? Because somebody had managed to convince her...


"But you have to do me a favor."

"What is it?" Naeun asked.

"You'll reveal just this secret to the whole world. I don't want you to hide your beauty."


"I know you treat it as a curse. But I fell for you with those brown eyes. Not with the violet ones. You are mine and so your protection is my responsibility. If you trust me, you'll do as I say."

Naeun sighed and then slowly nodded. They both smiled at each other trusting one another's words.

End Of Flashback.

After revealing her secret, no boy or man of any type came close to her as she expected. That meant Taehyun kept his promise. Though many people did act weird around her, the matter was in control.

After revealing half of all her secrets to Taehyun she had gotten more comfortable with him. The drug was doing its work just fine making it unable for Naeun to hurt Taehyun in any possible way.

Presently she was headed to the company for work. Being late wasn't an issue now. Jungwoo excused her always and whenever she asked him the reason all he did was smile. And most of all the people including Taehyun didn't meet her eyes when they made contact. Though when Taehyun did she didn't find anything suspicious to report.

Naeun arrived outside the company and got a call on her phone. She quickly answered it seeing the called ID.

"I didn't think you would call," Naeun said, intending to tease him.

"I can call you whenever I want."

"Yeah, sure."

"Had a good sleep?" Taehyun asked with a softer accent.

"Yeah, I slept a lot. You could've woken me up, though."

"I didn't want my princess to have dark eye circles."

Naeun smiled, "Why did you call me?"

"It's not necessary for me to have a reason to call you. But right now I do. We need to meet up."


"I already talked to him." Taehyun interrupted. "Be at this address in half an hour. Don't need to drive fast. Don't ask questions either."

With that, he cut the call. Naeun sensed this wasn't a normal meet-up. Something didn't feel right. She checked her gun which was secured on her thigh and then drove the car to the given destination.

She arrived at an unknown building. It was big and well furnished. Naeun got out of the car and made for the door. The guards stopped her.

"Princess, your gun please."

Naeun took out her gun and handed it to them. She went to the floor Taehyun had asked her to and opened the door. It was a meeting room. All the Kim family members were seated on the chairs with Taehyun on the head chair. Naeun spotted an empty seat beside Mi-Cha and went and sat there.

Taehyun smiled at her before getting up.

"You all might be wondering why I gathered you here. I'll get straight to the point."

"I have made a decision that many of you were patiently waiting for since a long time." He continued. "Hereby today, I'm making Naeun my fiancée, The Underboss."