Part 14: hidden memories

He wanted to ask about it, but he was worried that it would scare Lyn again. Of course, he had a lot on his mind right now. However..

"I'm sorry. "

They didn't expect it, because they said that at the same time. At first, they were silent for a moment.

" You first"

" No. lady's first. "

Feeling awkward, lyn finally started to speak.

" Uhm. At that time, i heard your conversation when your friend finished checking on my condition. Could it be if I was.."

He didn't expect that Lynn had overheard his conversation earlier. Instead of being silent, Carlos stroked Lyn's head instead.

" ( Could it be that she was still thinking about it? It must be hard for her. ) Don't worry. I believe that your memories will return. That's why I will help you. I also want to help the people who are detained and enslaved here. "

" Carlos."

" I know it's been hard on you, and I know that you might be scared again. But.. "

Somehow Carlos turned around, held Lyn's face, and looked at her with a wistful gaze.

" Only you know that place. A place that has terrified you so much. "

And when their foreheads stick together...

" Don't worry! take me to that place, I will protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise. "

It's just that the moment ends because they are surrounded by a girl who looks like Lyn. Suddenly Carlos raised his gun and prepared to fire.

" Gosh, looks like she found us. Lyn... Hide!. "

Feeling uncomfortable, he returned to standby with his weapon.

Unfortunately, instead of listening to Carlos, Lyn fell silent.

" Lyn. What's wrong? "

Lyn still doesn't hear Carlos, because her condition is starting to get weird now. And when the girl attacked.

" LYN! "

Luckily Carlos was able to avoid the attack while protecting Lyn.

Unfortunately, Lyn still seems unable to come to her senses. Because of that moment, that memory...

( Sorry, I'm late. Livy, Verlyn. )

like a flash of light, the memory left Lyn unable to help but endure the unbearable pain.