WebNovelMY WOMAN12.50%


Priya Anand - very sweet, shy, talkative, and innocent girl in her mid-twenties, who loves her family especially her father Anand very much, working in an MNC in the finance department. Her father is her role model, she is honest and very good-hearted like her father, she doesn't know to say 'No', she always helps people going out of her way never saying No. People always take her for granted and hurts her but she will always forgive them, her father is very proud of her kind nature but her mother is always behind her asking to change this habit as she(Priya's mom) saw her husband suffering because of his helping and always forgiving nature. She is working in Hyderabad as it's the only metropolitan city nearer to her hometown, her mother never allowed her to go out of her state, the only time she allowed her is to do her MBA in one of the prestigious B-Schools in the country, that too after a lot of pleadings from her and her father... as he knew how much effort Priya had put to get into that B-School, it was her dream to study there and it got fulfilled due to her father's constant efforts..... and she is very thankful to him for that, because her father, for the first time fought with her mother and brother to allow her to study in Lucknow. She is traditional and knows traditions very well, also welcomes modern culture with open arms but never went against her family values. she always does what her father wishes, because she loves to see him happy, her only motive in her life is to never disobey her father.....she is a not-so-perfect girl and hates attention, which adds to her beauty, but her mother always worries about her these imperfections as in their community, a girl is expected to be a perfect woman..... but her father never worried about his daughter because he knew she is a gem and anyone would be lucky to have her....

she is loved by everyone because of her pure soul....

Anand Sarma(Priya's father) - A man whom everyone adores, a middle-class government teacher, a man for whom his values and honesty is more important than his own life, a man to whom everyone's pain matters, always help everyone who is in need, in a word he can be called a modern saint, his patience is his strength, he passed his values to his children as well....his wife, his mother and his children are the most important people in his life....he feels content whenever he sees his son and daughter helping people, his daughter had inherited most of his qualities and he is very happy about it.....

Swapna Anand Sarma(Priya's Mother) - A woman with self-respect and good values, a teacher by profession but stopped working after her first pregnancy, though Anand asked her to work if she wishes to, she refused, saying she wanted to concentrate on her family life, she tutored students at home with the help of her husband, a very kind and beautiful woman with strict features, she feels lucky to get a husband like Anand who respects her and loves her more than anything in this world, all women in their extended families get jealous of her as her husband respects her so much which is very rare in their families, she is the final decision maker in the house and everyone has to follow it.... She is worried about her daughter as she doesn't know household chores much and a woman is expected to know everything regarding the traditional and chores in their community, though there are many matches coming for Priya as she is a beautiful girl with a good job and values, Swapna is worried about her daughter's life after marriage....

Vivek Anand Sarma(Priya's elder brother) - A sales tax officer, a very honest and influential man but never uses his power for his personal works, who absolutely hates bribes and corruption..... He follows his father in every way and helps everyone who seeks his help but a very short-tempered man, he does whatever he feels right without thinking much about consequences and this trait keeps his family worried about him.....

Tejaswi Vivek Sarma(wife of Vivek and Priya's bhabhi and best friend) - a wonderful woman who supports her husband and stands beside him always, a best friend to Priya, works in a bank...

Advik Vivek Sarma - a cute and lovely 2-year kid, son of Vivek and tejaswi, a very adorable, naughty same time mature for his age. Loves his grandpa, grandma, and dad very much but always fights with his aunt and mom but loves them too.....

Pooja Pratik Challa(Priya's best friend) - she is a soul sister to Priya, both love each other a lot, they are inseparable, and people whoever see them envy their bond, pooja loves Priya a lot and cannot see her in pain, pooja is very impatient and short-tempered but a wonderful girl and a wonderful friend anyone can ever ask for, Priya feels her as a blessing and vice versa.....


Deewan family

Aditya Deewan - A rude, arrogant, full of pride and a very handsome businessman in his late twenties, who hates to hear a negative answer. He always expects people to behave according to him and always gets what he wanted. He is the most handsome and eligible bachelor of the country..... being the richest and most powerful man in the country, he has the government under his control, having so much of fame has it's own pros and cons, and one such is media, he loves attention but he absolutely hates it when it disturbs his privacy, but he being the Aditya Deewan has always managed to Trick them(media)....by his witty and cunning brain, He plays fair always but if the other person cheats him, he forgets all his values and morals and becomes a cruel man..... and most of all, he is a very perfect man and hates imperfections.... he is the best in everything and always expects the best from his family too which brought him a rude and strict man image in front of his siblings..... he loves his family but distant to them as he is always busy in satisfying his hunger of conquering the world, he inherited this trait from his grand father and mother who took over the business after her father-in-law, who was very disappointed with his son for being not so interested in business but proud of her daughter-in-law's capabilities and struggle which took the empire to an international level.....and now his grand son has made it one among the top most business empires in the planet. Aditya Deewan has made it to the Forbes list just 2 years after taking over the company and now he is the richest man in the country and one of the top 10 richest men in the world leaving behind many big shots and successful businessmen....

A very important trait of his is his possessiveness, if someone tries to harm his possession, he won't leave them alive.....and this scares everyone about him, till now there is only one possession in his life that is his business empire.....

Raghav Deewan(Aditya's grandfather(dada ji) - A businessman and founder of the Deewan empire, a strict man by nature, loves his daughter-in-law like his own daughter, angry with his son for not taking over his business and choosing a different path.... After getting his son married, he sent his daughter-in-law to a B-school and taught her business, and he was proud of her today seeing her touching heights in that field.....

Saraswati Raghav Deewan(Aditya's grandmother) - A kind and sweet woman, a very loving mother and grandmother, loves her son very much, doesn't like her daughter-in-law much as she thinks that she is responsible for her husband's anger towards her son...

Ritesh Deewan(Aditya's father) - the only son of Raghav Deewan and Saraswati Deewan, loves his family a lot and respects his father very much, and yearning for his father's love..... He doesn't feel jealous of his wife by seeing her bonding with his father but gets proud of her at the way she handles him and the kind of bond they share, the angry, arrogant, and rude businesswoman becomes a loving daughter when it comes to his father, Ritesh is an artist by profession, he is a very famous artist and achieved great heights in the field but nothing could satisfy his father, as he wanted him(Ritesh) to become a businessman but he couldn't just do that and he is waiting eagerly for his father to understand his point.....

Saakshi Ritesh Deewan(Aditya's mother) - A woman with a very good business sense, a woman who values relations and loves her husband and children a lot but always fails to show it.... She doesn't share a close relation with anyone except for her father-in-law and her husband, she is thankful for her husband for showing patience with her, she was always busy in business and at some point of time she prioritized business over her personal life but ritesh stayed patient with her understanding her as he knew that she was doing all this for his father whom she respects like a god and loves more than her own father..... she was always busy in her business and never spent much time with her kids, she only had a little interaction with all her three children that too during weekends, This made her children distant from her, though they love her, they doesn't share a good bond with her, ritesh and saraswati Deewan are the persons who raised the children, as Aditya was the eldest among the three, he needed to join the business very soon as they were expanding the business and his mother needed his help due to a particular situation and he couldn't refuse her, this made him away from all the fun and enjoyments but he never complained, he gladly accepted the responsibilities and challenges thrown by life at him, being the son of Saakshi Deewan, much more was expected from him, and he took it as a challenge and proved himself to the world, his mother is his first teacher and his inspiration too, he is the only one who shared a little closer bond with their mother among the three siblings, and so the siblings reached him and his father whenever they needed her permission for anything, this makes Saakshi a little sad but she composes herself as she couldn't change the past.....

Samrat Ritesh Deewan(Aditya's younger brother) - he just finished his MBA and is ready to join the business as per his mother's and brother's orders, but he requested his brother that he needs a break and wants to enjoy his life to the fullest before joining the business, and Aditya being the loving brother, accepted and also convinced Sakshi about the same, she agreed on having confidence in Aditya's decision....

Samraat wanted to become a musician, he is a guitarist and a vocalist too but is afraid to voice out his thoughts as he would face the same fate as his father if not worse, as their mother is the same as their grandfather.....

Shanaya Ritesh Deewan(Aditya's younger sister) - A very sweet girl but a little immature, falls into other's words easily, loves her brothers a lot, and little possessive about them especially Aditya as she was the only girl in Aditya's life whom he pampers or cares for, as Samraat always had girlfriends and she was used to it.... Both the brothers pampered Shanaya a lot and this spoiled her a little, adding to it, their father always favored Shanaya as he thought Shanaya became just a little stubborn due to lack of attention from her mother, Saakshi tried to tell Ritesh that Shanaya is spoiling and not to pamper her much but he always cut her off or worse blamed her for her lack of attention towards their kids, she somewhere knew that she is at fault and so she shuts her mouth for the time being and this has become Shanaya's weapon for having whatever she wished for...

Other characters will be introduced as the story proceeds, it's just the introduction and prologue will be coming soon....