WebNovelMY WOMAN25.00%


Amber is a private residency of Deewans. They named it such as they wanted to reach the sky in every aspect, It's a very beautiful mansion with almost all the facilities in it. It includes a few theatres, Gyms, banquet halls, clubs, huge lawns, health center, swimming pools etc... It has 25 floors with all the luxuries in the world.



Aditya is a morning person, waking up early, hitting the gym, and work out for one hour are a part of his daily routine, today is no different, after his workout, he went to his room, freshens up, and joins his family at the breakfast table filling his mother and grandfather with the details of recent developments in the company....

Raghav Deewan and Sakshi are very proud of Aditya and wished Samrat to follow his path.... But Sakshi is always disappointed by her other two kids as Samrat and Shanaya are not at all punctual and she feels punctuality is very important in business. Also, she misses spending time with her children as it's the only time she gets with them but they wake up late and she misses seeing them.

All are present in the dining hall except for Samrat and Shanaya....

Ritesh and his mother Saraswati Deewan are very bored of the business talks but kept quiet as they fear their respective spouses. Aditya understood their feelings by seeing their faces and mentally laughed at his dadi and father....

Sakshi(pissed) - where r Samrat and Shanaya?? Y do they miss their breakfast daily??

Aditya - mom, relax, they partied last night and they are tired....

Ritesh - and yes, they don't miss their breakfast, they just have it a little late...

Sakshi(strictly) - is it only yesterday or they do parties every night, that they wake up late every morning??

Aditya - no mom, they won't...

Sakshi - then y don't they join breakfast daily?? Stop defending them Aditya, Teach them to be punctual, and please be strict with them.... As I can't expect this from ur father....

Ritesh(softly) - Sakshi, relax, I promise from tomorrow they will join us at breakfast, now let it go and ha, Aditya is being strict with them but he is their brother and loves them a lot, so sometimes, he gives in to their demands, there is no fault of Aditya in this....

Sakshi nodded and resumed her breakfast..... Saraswati is very pissed with her daughter-in-law's behavior but didn't react as she didn't want to pick a fight with her husband who is always ready to support Sakshi come whatever may....

Aditya sensed the situation and thought to change the topic....

Aditya - Mom, dadu I am going to Hyderabad for a few days.... I wanted to co-ordinate everything by myself, This is one of the major projects at present and I want to give my Maximum time to it....

Raghav - I agree with u beta, but u can do it from here right ?? Y go there??

Sakshi - Dad, I think Aditya is right, this project is really important for us and yes if u r worried about ur chess match every night u play with him, then maybe I can replace him till he is back, what's say??

Raghu(smiles) - u always solve my problem....

Sakshi smiles at him and nods....

Ritesh smiles at their bond....

Ritesh - well, Adi... Lately, ur concentration shifted to Hyderabad ?? Why ??

Aditya(irked hearing his dad calling him 'Adi') - dad, firstly, please call me Aditya, and secondly it's because I wanted us to lead not only in the country but every part of it... And Hyderabad is a metropolitan city and a very hugely populated place....I want us to be number one even there, we already have 8 branches in Hyderabad, and I want to make it 20, there are other cities in both the States and I wanted to establish ourselves there as well.....

Ritesh - Aditya.... Stop somewhere, ur hunger for conquering the world is taking a toll on ur personal life, stop it at least now, u r the number one businessman in the country, what more u want?? Just stop all these and enjoy ur life son....

Raghu(disappointed) - u failed me Ritesh but don't fail ur son, he wanted to reach heights, let him do whatever he wanted, if u can't support him, then don't at least don't stop him.....

Sakshi and Saraswati felt bad for Ritesh but they are helpless.... Sakshi tried to explain Ritesh's situation to her father-in-law in the past but he always cut her in between and asked not to support her husband, and after a few years even she gave up.....

Aditya - Thanks dad, I understand ur concern but this is what makes me happy, so let me do it...

Ritesh nodded and had his breakfast calmly without much interaction...

Raghav felt bad for snapping at his son but he couldn't help it, he is still angry with his son for refusing to take over his business 3 decades ago.....

After breakfast, Aditya left to office whereas Sakshi had something to discuss with Raghav, so she stayed back, Ritesh went to his studio after talking to his mother for a few minutes, his mother is the only person who lessens his pain and he is thankful to her for always being there with him.....

@Deewan head Office

Aditya entered the building in his 3-piece black William Westmancott bespoke suit, his approximately 6 feet figure with perfect abs and devilishly handsome face with fair complexion attracted almost all the women in his office, he is a perfect sight to stare at, the first thing in the morning.....

Aditya knew the effect he had on people especially the opposite gender but never gave much importance to it..... Many beautiful women flirt with him openly but he flatly rejects them as he hates one night stands and flings but in the past, he had one night stands but soon realized and changed himself.....he is a perfectionist and expects the same in everyone... He is not interested in having relationships but he does want to get married and have a good life with his life partner though he mostly wanted to marry just for an heir, waiting for the right time and right person....

He went to his cabin directly which is on the top floor of the building and started his usual day, that is shouting at his employees, firing some, and having a coffee which could calm his anger to some extent, his PA being his personal punching ball bore all his anger and accusations.... The only thing that could help u dealing with Aditya Deewan is u shouldn't have any self-respect, this man knows very well to hurt ur self-respect and his words will go like swords on people.....

He was in a hurry to finish the work as he needs to leave for Hyderabad at night..... The whole day went on with him being busy in meetings and files....

and after a stressful day, he finally got freshened and changed in his personal room attached to his cabin and directly boarded his private jet, and left for Hyderabad without knowing what's waiting for him there.....


Priya's flat

Priya hates to wake up in the morning, she loves her sleep, she is in her deep sleep until the irritating sound of her alarm disturbed her, she opened her eyes partially to see the time, she woke up immediately as there is only an hour left for her office time.... She picked her clothes and rushed to the washroom to finish her morning chores...

Her best friend pooja who saw her running here and there just left a sigh and went back to the kitchen to finish cooking breakfast and pack it as she knew that Priya is running late and so she wouldn't have breakfast so she better pack it.....

Priya came out of the washroom, made her hair, put on a bindi, applied a little lip balm, and left to the Hall to see her best friend packing her box who is a perfectionist and hates getting late...

Pooja(irritation) - y do u wake up so late and rush things Priya ?? u put the alarm just an hour before ur office timings.... Like seriously?? U should wake up a little before and do the things slowly right ??

Priya - Pooja, when I can get ready in one hour then y should I waste my sleep by waking up early?? I would never compromise my sleep for anything in this world....

Pooja - yeah, it's every girl's dialogue until she gets married....

Priya - so that means it's my dialogue for lifetime....

Pooja - don't even think about it Priya, ur mother is all ready to kick u out but just because of ur father u r getting saved every time....

Priya - well that's true, pooja u r really lucky dear, ur sister got married just a year back, so u wouldn't be asked to marry as still, ur parents have to recover from the loss....

Saying this Priya laughed and pooja joined her.....

Priya - I really don't understand why girl's parents have to spend so much money to get their daughter married ?? I mean see they are giving their life savings without thinking about their future just to please society and a few people?? And for what?? Nothing stays with us physically till the end which we buy at that time except for the groom....

Pooja - u r right Priya, my father though planned everything perfectly, is suffering from a financial crisis now, then what will happen to ur parents when u get married ??

Pooja's words made sense, pooja's father planned everything for both the daughter's marriages, he didn't sell any of his properties for his elder daughter's marriage, he just borrowed some money for interest and took care of the marriage, Pooja's father is very good at financial management though he is not as educated as her own father, her(Priya's) father never paid attention to money as it never mattered to him nor to his family, Priya and her brother too never demanded things from their parents, so they were able to manage the family expenses but what about her marriage ?? They didn't have much savings as they believe in the present and they spent it for their needs and mostly for others....

Pooja brought her out of her thoughts.....

Pooja - oh madam, now stop thinking so much, just go, u r getting late, take ur tiffin, eat it in the cab...

Priya - thank you, darling, u r a life savior....

Pooja - what about ur lunch ??

Priya - what about it??

Pooja - don't tell me u r not going to have it today too...

Priya - pooja now don't start it, u know me, I am not used to having food outside and in our office cafeteria, they will have non-veg too....

Pooja - exactly Priya they just have non-veg, they don't mix it with veg... Don't be so silly, just go and have something, see even I am a vegetarian but still I have food where non-veg is served, then y can't u??

Priya - because we both grew up in different circumstances pooja, U'll have eggs and all but I won't even have that, I knew I sound childish, and I also knew that I should adjust but I simply can't... I'll adjust to anything and everything but not food.... Don't worry, I will have some biscuits.... And after coming home I will have an early supper just like every other day....

Pooja - acha ok ok, I can't argue with you in this matter, so leave it, by the way, when is ur bus ??

Priya - it's tomorrow morning, I know the morning journey is a little difficult but this night I have a little work so can't go.

Pooja - okay but y do u go to ur place every 2-3 weeks just for a day, u have to return till Monday morning.....

Priya - I know but I can't stay without seeing my nanna(father) for much time, but this time, my mother asked me to come, y don't u join?? It's been 2 months since u went home....

Pooja - yeah u r right.... Okay I'll see.....

Priya - inform me ASAP, I will book a ticket for u too on the same bus.....

Pooja nodded and went inside to get ready for work.... And Priya left to her's.....

Priya had her breakfast on her way, as soon as she reached her office, she rushed to her floor and started working as she is in a hurry to finish the work as soon as possible.... She needed to shop for a few things, toys for her nephew and chocolates for her brother.... Her brother loved chocolates and she always took a few to him whenever she went home...

(Pooja and priya are friends from their graduation days itself, they live in the same town, and their houses are 5 min away.... Pooja joined the office immediately after her graduation whereas Priya wanted to complete her masters so went to IIM, after finishing her MBA, Priya grabbed a job and to her luck, she got posted in Hyderabad, she is the happiest person in the world as she gets to live with her best friend from now on, they were living together for more than a year and a half now)

Precap - They meet