WebNovelMY WOMAN62.50%


Note - conversation between '-----' is in Priya's mother tongue i.e Telugu...

Aditya, sharanya and Samrat thought to go to a pub but Aditya is disappointed as he felt he couldn't find Priya there, he doesn't feel like 'going to pubs' is her thing, but again he thought she might come there as it's not a big deal and nowadays everyone comes there....

All three sat in the car and the driver drove away....

Shanaya - Bhai, ask him to stop at a mall, I need to get a new dress

Aditya - but shanaya, ur dress is fine....

Shanaya - exactly bhai, it's just fine, I want it to be perfect.... Ask him to take me to Anahita..... It has the best collection....

Samrat - shanaya, we r already late, it's not possible now....

Aditya - it's ok samrat.... (To driver)take to anahita...

Driver - should I take to the same mall sir ??

Driver asked Aditya without knowing the mess he is creating for his boss, the siblings are shocked.....

Shanaya - bhai.... U went to a mall....

Samrat - like really?? But y??

Aditya - relax, it's not a big deal, I don't have my nightwear and also I didn't feel good at home, so came out...

Samrat - but how is it possible that u don't have clothes here?? Ur staff will have everything ready for u before u even arrive... Anyways chill, u must have fired them....

Aditya - no I didn't....

Aditya thought of firing the help or at least teach them a lesson but he didn't do any of that, he felt good and calm after meeting Priya and he thought it was destined to happen.....but this thing shocked his siblings....

Shanaya - bhai... But y?? U should have fired them, they did a blunder and u still have them here....

Samrat - shanaya everyone makes mistakes, u should learn to forgive....

Aditya - no Samrat, shanaya is right, y should I forgive them?? It's not that they r working for free, I am paying them..... And yeah this time I gave them a chance but next time I would definitely fire them....(To driver) and u, if u don't know the boutique then just browse it....

Driver(afraid) - ok sir....

All the three got down as soon as they reached there, they went inside, and the staff is surprised as well as shocked to see them.... Almost all the people present over there knows him as Aditya Dewan, the staff gave them a Royal treatment, soon shanaya selected her dress and changed into it, she loved the collection, she picked a few and asked them to design a few for her and they happily agreed, Aditya paid them and left the place...

They were waiting for the car and as soon as the driver arrived with the car, all the three hopped in and they are about to go but Aditya spotted pooja coming out from a cafe, he hoped to see Priya but the car moved....

Aditya(hurriedly) - stop the car....

Driver immediately stopped the car to a side.....

Aditya - I gotta go, an emergency... U guys carry on.....

Samrat and shanaya - but bhai....

Before they could say something, Aditya got down the car.....

Aditya - take care of shanaya, Samrat, and yes, security will be there with u, don't shout at them shanaya....

Saying this he moved towards the cafe....Samrat is suspicious of Aditya's behavior and Shanaya is pissed but they carried with their plan....

Priya generally keeps her phone in silent mode during her sleep, but today she didn't, as her father didn't call her yet so she slept waiting for his call, everyday Anand calls Priya before going to bed, she won't call her father at night time as if he would be sleeping and the ringtone disturbs his sleep, as Anand had a heart problem, it's not good for him and she knew that her father would never keep his phone in silent so she avoids calling him at night.....

Aditya stood nearby and is seeing Pooja and her friends but couldn't find Priya, he waited there for five minutes but Priya didn't come, he badly wanted to see her, he doesn't know y is he behaving like a maniac, pooja and her friends are waiting for the cab, Aditya wanted to ask about Priya but he didn't want to give pooja a direct hint that he wanted to know about Priya so he chose to go back to home as he is in no mood to join the pub with his siblings..... He called Abhilash and asked him to send a car for him and informed him of his location.....

He went inside the cafe and ordered a coffee to avoid Priya's thoughts....

Pooja saw Aditya and went inside the cafe as she wanted to talk to him....

She entered the cafe, searched for Aditya spotted him at a corner table.....Pooja approached him....

Pooja - Hi...

Aditya suddenly looked up and gave her a surprised look....

Aditya - Hi.... U here ??

Pooja - I came with my friends....I need to talk to u... Actually, I need ur help...

Aditya is confused about what she is talking about, he got a doubt whether she got to know about him being Aditya Deewan.... And wanted something from him.... He couldn't help but think like that as he saw people approaching him only for favors or to show off people that they knew The Aditya Deewan.... He smiled and asked her to sit....

She took a seat in front of him....Pooja started awkwardly....

Pooja - ahh... How is ur hand??

Aditya - yeah I'm fine... What help do u want from me, miss??

Pooja - Pooja....

Aditya - oh yeah... Pooja...

Pooja - actually, u remember my friend Priya??

Aditya(to himself) - I couldn't remember anything except her... (To pooja) yeah, I do, what happened to her??

Pooja(taking a deep breath) - Okay, this might sound stupid to u but she is like that, and I tried to change her but failed.... If someone got hurt because of her, she will be upset for a long time, she would be worried about them a lot though she doesn't know anything about them.... The same happened with u, she is worried for u, can u please tell her that u r fine.....

Aditya looked at her as if she has grown two horns.....

Pooja - I already told u that I may sound stupid but please help me... I can't see Priya upset.....

Aditya felt the truth in her voice, he is amazed by the love both the friends has for each other.... He just nodded at her....

Pooja (smiled) - Thank you so much.....

The waiter brought Aditya's coffee....

Aditya(to pooja) - u want something ??

Pooja - no thank you....

Aditya is done with his coffee, pooja called Priya, just then pooja's friends came there to inform him that the cab is here....

Pooja handed her phone to Aditya to talk, and she turned to her friend to ask them to leave as she would be late.....

Aditya placed the phone near his ear but the words that left Priya's mouth left him shocked and more disturbed....

Priya's phone rang and she lifted the call without seeing the caller id as she thought it's her father....

Priya(in her sleepy voice) - hello.... nanna(dady).... I was waiting for ur call, pooja also went outside with her friends, so I fell asleep.....

Aditya is surprised to hear another name, he understood that she is sleeping... And didn't see the caller I'd, But her next words killed him literally....

Priya(lovingly) - Nanna, I love u....

(Priya always says that to her father, she loves it to say it to him, she and her father talks in English mostly, as his father is an English teacher and he wanted Priya to improve her skills from her childhood)

Aditya felt a tinge of pain in his heart, he didn't know y but he thought only he deserved those 3 words from her mouth....

Pooja just came and observed Aditya's face which has no emotions....

Pooja - what was she saying??

By not getting any response from the other side, Priya got up, now she is fully awake.... She checked the caller Id and slapped her head....

Aditya handed the phone to pooja....

Aditya - I think she mistook ur call to be someone else's...

Pooja - oh sorry, I'll talk to her....

Pooja(in phone) - whom did u think u r talking to??

Priya - I am sorry pooja, I thought it was my father, y did u call??

Pooja - that means u said I love u to him thinking him to be ur father?? what a crazy girl u r Priya.....

Aditya visibly relaxed hearing pooja's words....

Aditya(to himself) - she thought me to be her father.... Thank god.... That means that I love u is to her father..... Huh...

Priya(in phone) - what do u mean by him??

Pooja - oh... Actually, I met that guy who got hurt by my knife at the mall, u urself ask him how is his wound, Don's irritate me from here on, stupid fellow....

Priya(angry) - pooja, u r talking all that in front of him??

Pooja - yes, anyways talk to him and confirm urself.... (Pooha handovers her phone to Aditya)

Aditya - hello....

Priya felt got an unusual feeling listening to his voice.....

Priya - how r u??

Aditya - I'm good, Don't worry about me, I'm absolutely fine....

Priya - is ur wound still fresh??

Aditya - yes, but the pain subsided....

Priya(awkward) - ok good then, umm....May I know ur name ??

Aditya is shocked by listening to her question, he had an idea that she doesn't know who he is but he didn't expect that coming, this is the first time he is introducing himself to someone maybe after his school.....but it is Priya there, he is happy to tell his name to her, he is glad that she wanted to know his name.....

Aditya - I am Aditya de..... Aditya....

(He didn't want to tell her who he is as he thought that her attitude towards him would change)

Priya - I am Priya Anand....

Aditya(smiles) - I think I already know that....

Priya slapped her forehead getting embarrassed....

Aditya laughed hearing the slapping sound....

Priya(embarassed) - ok bye, take care...

Saying this she hangs up...

Aditya smiled to himself but immediately stopped as now he had an audience, and he is shocked to see them, that is his brother and sister.....

Aditya handed the phone to Pooja...

Pooja - thank you, that was very sweet of u....

Aditya (giving a tight smile) - it's okay...

Pooja smiled at him and left without noticing his siblings clearly.....

Samrat and shanaya reached Aditya and glared at him, Aditya felt like a child who got caught snatching a candy....

Samrat - this was ur so-called emergency??

Aditya - no, and I don't have to answer u....

Shanaya(shocked face) - bhai.... By any chance, u like that girl??

Aditya - what?? No.... She actually asked me help and I did.... That's all...

Shanaya - and what was the help ??

Aditya saw pooja waiting for a cab doing something on the phone...

Aditya - I will tell u everything later... Now come on... let's go....

Saying this aditya went out...

Pooja was talking on the phone and shouting at the person in her mother tongue but Aditya understood that she was shouting on Priya as he heard her name....


Priya - pooja, please let me pick u, it's late and I'm afraid....

Pooja - no Priya... I will be fine...

Priya - ok please share ur live location at least....

Pooja(shouts) - no I won't, as I know u would come here, or u won't sleep until I arrive... Stop being so sensitive about everyone.... U r being stupid Priya....

Priya - I won't sleep anyways, please share this once.... I will sleep, I promise I won't be worried next time...

Pooja - damn u Priya, I won't and now I am pissed with ur this overprotective attitude... Go to hell....

Saying this she cut the call....


Aditya - Miss.... Any problem??

Pooja - No Mr.Aditya.... I'm fine...

Aditya - It's late pooja, if u don't mind I would like to drop u...

Pooja - no that's okay, I'll go, anyways I have booked the cab, it would be here in 5 min.... Thank you....

Aditya nodded and went to his car which Abhilash had sent....Samrat and shanaya left already, they went to the pub but Samrat didn't feel good as he saw drugs everywhere, so he left with shanaya immediately, they started for home but Samrat was curious to know his brother's emergency so he called Abhilash and asked about Aditya's location, as he didn't get any instructions about not to inform Aditya's location to anyone, he told Samrat about it.... So Samrat and shanaya reached there.... They were shocked to see Aditya talking on the phone and laughing....he never smile or laugh except when he is with his family which is very rare too, outsiders always saw his rude side, not this soft and polite nature...

As Aditya told them they would discuss at home, they left.....

Aditya wanted to go but seeing pooja still standing there, he doesn't want to leave as the area is deserted then, so he stayed and as soon as she boarded the cab, he too asked the driver to follow her maintaining a safe distance as he doesn't want to go home as he would have to answer his sibling's questions.....

Pooja reached their Apartment, as soon as Priya saw the cab, she rushed out, when she saw pooja getting down from the cab, she visibly relaxed leaving a deep breath which she was holding and immediately ran away before pooja sees her as she knew that if pooja gets to know that she is waiting downstairs for her, she would literally hit her hard... So she left, also she is angry with pooja's words, there is no need for pooja to shout at her as she did nothing wrong, she was just worried about her friend....

Aditya saw Priya's every action, he smiled at her cute actions, she looked more beautiful in her pjs, she is fully covered till the legs but he can see her curves clearly through her T-shirt... He asked the driver to move after Priya ran inside, he didn't understand y she did that though.....

Precap - Samrat, shanaya and Aditya meets Priya....