WebNovelMY WOMAN75.00%


I apologize for the delays, but from now onwards I'll update frequently


Aditya reached home, changed to his tracks, and slept peacefully as he had a tiring day.....

Priya pretended to sleep as pooja entered the room, but she knows Priya enough....

She also know that Priya is upset with her behavior, she herself felt she overreacted, Priya's concern is justified as it's late-night, she shouldn't have shouted at her but she is too pissed at Priya to think rationally....

Pooja went and hugged Priya from back, who is sleeping with the duvet over her head....

Pooja - I know u aren't sleeping so put a stop to ur act...

Priya(removing the duvet from her head) - let's talk tomorrow pooja, I am tired and I have to leave early tomorrow....

Pooja - but I can't sleep peacefully knowing u r angry with me...

Priya (smiles) - I can never get angry with u Pooja.... Hm just upset with the way u reacted....

Pooja(guilty) - I know I overreacted, and I am sorry about that, u know my short temper.... I was already pissed as two cab drivers canceled and while booking another one u called so I outbursted at u.... I am really sorry.....

Saying this pooja kisses Priya's cheek tightly.....

Priya - it's okay pooja and thank you for making me talk to Aditya.... I know how much u hate to communicate with strangers but u did it for me.....

Pooja - oh hello, I did it to save my ears from ur continuous ranting.....

Priya - ok ok, now sleep, I have to get up early....

Pooja - haha look who's talking, I wake up early than u.....but do u find me crying for sleep??

Priya - that's because u don't love ur sleep, but I do.... In fact, I'm crazy about only two things in this world....

Pooja - I know thalli(meri ma), one is ur dad and the other is sleep.... Now sleep, I won't disturb u....

Priya(smiles) - acha, Pooja u don't have to make breakfast early as tomorrow is Thursday and I would be fasting...

Pooja - ok.... But take care... U will become weak... At least drink coconut water...

Saying this pooja too laid down beside Priya and slept hugging her....

The next morning, Aditya finished his daily routine and left for the office, Samrat and shanaya too woke up, freshened up, and went out for roaming.....

Priya woke up early freshened up, wore a beautiful white churidar went to the puja stall and offered prayers to God for half an hour, dried her hair with a hair drier as her hair is long and thick, takes time to dry, she doesn't like to leave her hair, so after drying them, she made a French flat with her hair, applied Kajol, lip balm and bindi, below which she put a little bit of vermilion(kumkum)and left for the day without knowing how many hearts she is going to kill...

(I'm attaching a picture for ur reference, about vermilion)

At the office, She finished her work fast and left for the day as she has to break her fast....

She reached her flat, got freshened up, wore a simple pink saree, bangles, a gold chain with A locket, and left for the temple.... She called pooja to know whether she would join or not but she said that she would get late and asked her to go ahead as she had to break her(Priya) fast too...

Priya agreed and went to the nearby baba temple, offered prayers, took the prasad, and broke her fast.....

She called her father and talked to him for a while waiting for the cab and left from there to her flat when the cab arrived but on her way, her dearest friend and a brother from IIM called her and told her that he is in Hyderabad and wants to meet her..... She is more than excited to meet him.... He is a dear brother to Priya, every year she tied rakhi to him along with her brother.... She loves him a lot and vice versa... So she asked the driver to reach the said mall thinking to eat something after she goes home.... She just had a piece of prasad and nothing else since morning so feeling a little bit weak but ignored it as she is very much happy to see him after almost a year, he was her junior, after she left the college, she didn't meet him but is in touch with him through phone.....

Samrat called Aditya and informed him that he is going out and not taking shanaya as he is going to meet his shree di(elder sister)....

Aditya is always curious to know about Samrat's Shree di, Samrat always maintained his limits with his friends, and when it came to his girlfriends, they are more of flings, he never took any of the relations seriously except for this so-called Shree di, for every Raksha Bandhan, after shanaya was done with her rakhi, he flew all the way to her(shree di) home town just to get a rakhi tied by her, Samrat's this much attachment towards her surprised Aditya, he even thought that this girl is using Samrat in the name of brother-sister bonding, Aditya expressed the same to Samrat but Samrat got upset, he told Aditya that his Shree di is not like that.... By seeing Samrat's reaction Aditya realized that he is very sensitive about her, so left the matter.... And almost after a year Samrat is going to meet her, shanaya is jealous of Shree as she wants to be the only sister to her both the brothers, considering Shanaya's jealousy, Samrat didn't take her as she may say something harsh to Shree and she would get hurt, he told the same to Aditya.... Aditya agreed.....

Samrat left the house and called Shree, she picked up the call and he asked her to come to the mall and she readily agreed....

Aditya winded up his work for the day and was about to leave but Shanaya barged into his room....

Shanaya (angry) - Bhai.... Today I have to meet this shree, she took my bhai away....

Aditya(smiling) - don't be childish shanaya, u r the most important person for both of us.... U r our lovely sister, she is just a friend, she is nowhere near u, Samrat made u understand this right ??

Shanaya (teary eyed) - ha bhai, Samrat bhai never left me alone, but for three years, he is leaving me on every rakhi, he just gets the rakhi tied and leaves to her and today also he left to meet her leaving me alone at home....

Aditya didn't feel good seeing her in tears, he felt the anger build up inside him for Shree, he controlled himself and consoled shanaya....

Aditya - don't cry princess, I'm sure that girl is behind our money, else who will love someone without any motive.... We will expose her..... Come...

Shanaya(smiles) - ok bhai, I know where Samrat bhai went....

Aditya and shanaya went to meet Samrat and confront Shree.....

Priya reached the mall and she was asked to wait in the food court by Samrat, some people were staring at her attire weirdly and some were admiring her beauty, she ignored everyone as she didn't like attention and went to the food court, she was sitting and seeing Advik's pics in her gallery, and suddenly a pair of hands closed her eyes.....

Priya instantly recognized who it is but thought to play....

Priya(acting) - ummm..... Arun, Akash, Vaibhav ??

The person - stop acting di, I know u recognized me....

Priya smiled, the person came and sat in the chair beside her after hugging her holding her shoulders.....

Priya(holding his hand) - Samrat..... How r u?? It's been so long....

(It's none other than Samrat and shree is none other than Priya)

Samrat - I'm fine di....u r look stunning as always....

Priya (rolls her eyes) - very funny Samrat.....

Samrat - hmm... Okay fine, let's not go there, anyway u won't agree that u r good-looking...

Priya - huh... Y r u here suddenly?? I mean in Hyderabad??

Samrat - y aren't u happy that I am here ??

Priya - I'm more than happy to see u Sammy, I missed u....

Samrat - I missed u too di.....(laughs)We r talking as if we were not even in touch but the truth is we were talking once every 2 weeks.....

Priya(smiles) - u r right but talking in phone is different and meeting in person is different.....

Samrat - I agree, by the way, di u came too fast, that too before me.... U were going somewhere ??

Priya - ha... Woh...(yeah....that....)

She stopped talking seeing Samrat's expressions.... He was shocked looking at something or someone to be precise, she followed his gaze and she saw a man in a branded suit and a girl wearing jeans and a sleeveless crop top with perfect make up, walking towards them....she couldn't see their faces clearly as they were away, she turned towards Samrat and asked about them??

Priya - who r they Samrat ??

Samrat(tensed) - di, they r my brother and sister, my sister is jealous of u as u know, so please don't bother if they say something wrong....

Priya (smiles) - it's okay Samrat, first, call them, it seems they r searching for u....

Samrat - but....

Priya - call them Samrat, it's okay....

Samrat nods and lifts his hand, Aditya who is searching for Samrat looks at the hand and moves towards him along with shanaya.....

He is about to say something but looks at Priya.... And gets shocked....

Firstly she is in a sari and looking stunning which stopped his senses from working, and secondly, he is shocked to see her with his brother who is supposed to meet his Shree di....

Shanaya and Samrat observed Aditya's expression which is blank but his eyes are admiring Priya's beauty which the siblings failed to notice.....

Priya smiled widely looking at him...

Priya - Aditya.....

Samrat and Shanaya are surprised as to how she knows their brother....

Aditya comes out of his trance listening to her....

Aditya (smiles) - Priya.....

Samrat's and Shanaya's eyes are widened with Aditya's words... Aditya never calls outsiders with their first names..... Or without Miss or Mr and on top of it, he is smiling.....

Priya - how r u?? How is ur wound??

Shanaya - which wound?? Bhai??

Aditya - it's nothing shanaya, and I'm fine Priya, don't worry....

Priya(smiles) - please sit....

Aditya and Shanaya sat opposite Priya and Samrat respectively...

Samrat(keeping calm) - u guys know each other??

Priya - no, I mean yes, actually Sammy....a few days back.....

Aditya stopped Priya before she burst the whole story to their siblings.....

Aditya - ah.. Actually Samrat, I met her in a mall, I got hurt and she did the first aid for me, that's all.....

Samrat - oh... So, bhai, shanaya, meet my Shree di, and di, u already know bhai...

Priya (interrupts) - I didn't know that he is ur brother Samrat..... Anyways now I know.... So he is Mr. Modern Einstein??

Aditya lifts his eyebrows at her name....

Priya(smiles) - oh sorry, actually Samrat always says that u r too intelligent so we both call u that....

Samrat feared Aditya's reaction as he generally doesn't like outsiders to talk so closely but to his surprise, he just smiled....

Samrat - so di, this is shanaya, my sister...

Priya - hi shanaya.....

Shanaya(rudely) - I prefer to be called as Miss. Deewan by outsiders....

Both Aditya and Samrat didn't like the way Shanaya talked or the looks she gave to Priya which are full of hatred....

Priya is hurt and it can be seen on her face but she hid it....

Priya(smiles) - sorry, Miss. Deewan, nice to meet u.....

Shanaya - wish I could say the same to u....

Samrat - Shanaya.... U.....

Priya holds his hand and asks him to calm down with her eyes.....

Shanaya saw how beautiful Priya is, she somewhat felt jealous of her but after seeing Samrat and she felt more hatred as she is the one who took her brother away(that's what she felt)

Aditya didn't like the hurt in Priya's eyes but he didn't want to upset his sister so he controlled himself.....

Priya(still smiling and says softly) - I'm sure I must have done something really bad that u dislike me so much.... But trust me whatever it is, it's purely unintentional, I'm sorry....

Aditya looked at Priya surprisingly.....

Shanaya felt a little bad but didn't give in... Samrat is about to stop Priya from apologizing but he knew her very well....

She won't stop, so he became a silent spectator, he let her do whatever she wants to do, he knew his Shree di can convince his stubborn sister....

Shanaya - u really don't know what u did??

Priya (softly) - no, please tell me i'll try to rectify it....

Shanaya - u took my bhai away.....

Shanaya narrates how Samrat left her soon after she tied the rakhi.....

Shanaya - before u came, Samrat bhai used to spend the whole day with me, Aditya bhai was always busy, but for three years, even samrat bhai leaves me and comes to u to get rakhi tied.... That's y I hate u.... My bhai doesn't love me anymore.... And I hate to share my brothers....

Priya felt bad and guilty, she understood Shanaya is innocent, immature as she is still very young....

Priya - I'm really sorry for what happened to u that too because of me... But that's not true.....

Shanaya (rudely) - what ??

Priya(softly) - that ur brother doesn't love u, he loves u so much.... Do u remember, on ur 17th birthday, he came at night 1 AM, he is late by 1 hour, and u were angry with him that he didn't wish u at 12 AM....

Shanaya - I remember, but how do u know??

Priya - he is late because of me....

Shanaya(angry) - I knew.... U....

Samrat - Shanaya, first listen to her completely.....

Priya - on ur birthday he has his very important test to which he is struggling from the beginning, he spent many sleepless nights just to top the test, but the test fell exactly on ur birthday, as soon as he saw the timetable, he decided to miss the test just to be there with u.... I scolded him for his stupidity, it's his dream and he cannot sacrifice it, I told him that u would never be happy if u get to know about this but he was adamant on missing the test and reaching u.... So I sat with him till late to make sure that he doesn't miss the test the next day, but as soon as I left, he left for Mumbai.... When I asked him later, u know what he said, the smile on ur face gave him more satisfaction than topping that stupid test....

Aditya and Shanaya are shocked to listen to the truth, Aditya too scolded Samrat that night for coming late as he doesn't know about the test.....

Shanaya - sorry bhai....

Samrat - it's okay baby girl.... Just remember I love u.... More than anything and anyone....

Shanaya - yes bhai.... And I love u so much....

Priya - u know....I thought u r lucky to have such a loving brother, but now I understood, he doesn't have a choice other than loving u as u r too sweet and lovable.... Miss. Deewan....

Shanaya looked at Priya to see if she is mocking her but Priya's words her truthful and her eyes are not pretending....

Shanaya(holding Priya's hands) - call me Shanaya, and I'm sorry.....

Priya(smiles) - u did nothing wrong, so please don't apologize, u r too good to love ur brother like that, look at me, If I'm allowed I would hold a board "BROTHER FOR SALE", and sell my brother.....

All three siblings laugh at Priya....

Samrat - seriously di.... Wait I'll tell bhai when I meet him next time....

Priya - when u guys talk then we'll see, I mean the actual talk other than 'hai' and 'please sit'

Aditya - what do u mean??

Aditya opens his mouth for the first time in the lengthy conversation as he is too busy staring Priya and her expressions till now.....

Priya - These two don't open their mouths except the basic talk....u know what happened the last time he visited our place??

Saying this she laughs heartily.....

Samrat(irritated) - stop it di, u already laughed a lot that time.... Not again....

She held her laughter and started telling the story....

Priya - he came to talk to me about something important, I went out with my father and mother, my bhabhi was not back from her office, Adhvik is sleeping(seeing Aditya and Shanaya's questioning face) he is my nephew..... So what was I saying?? Ha.... So he is sleeping and technically there is no one at home except for my brother, so he opened the door, he asked Samrat to come inside..... When I entered with my mom and dad, these two were sitting adjacent to each other and passing awkward smiles to each other, we observed them for 15 min and these two didn't speak a word..... And I recorded their faces, they were so funny.....I literally laughed for one hour, after Samrat went away, the only word my brother said "I would never ever come early from office again"

She imitated in her brother's voice and laughed, seeing Priya laughing so much Aditya smiled displaying his 32....

Samrat - what should I talk about when ur brother doesn't talk at all, whatever I ask he answers in monosyllables....

Priya - ha so u both started giving each other those awkward smiles huh?? U both seemed as if u both were seeing each other....

Samrat - Chi di..... Shut up...

Priya shows the video to Shanaya and Shanaya burst out in laughter....

Shanaya - this exactly looks like that, bhai r u sure that u r not in to men??

Saying this shanaya and priya hi-fied each other....

Aditya took Priya's phone and saw the video, he too laughed at their expressions but cut it short....

Samrat - di... I regret introducing u to my siblings.... Now I'm done with it... Oyy Shanaya u hate her don't u??

Shanaya - of course not, I absolutely love her....

Saying this Shanaya hugged Priya....

Priya smiled at her...

Samrat(looking at Aditya with hopeful eyes) - Bhai..... Please help me

Aditya - don't involve me Samrat.... Just deal with it man.....

Samrat - okay now stop giggling girls and let's have something, I'm hungry....

Shanaya - me too.....

Aditya - what will u have??

Shanaya - give me ur card bhai... I'll get it....

Aditya - no need, guards will bring it....

That's when Priya noticed the guards at a little distance from them..... She knew that Samrat is very rich as she knew that he came on a private jet and anyone can figure out with his good maintenance, but she hardly cared.... And now she got to know that they are Deewans, she still doesn't know that they are the country's richest family 'The Deewans'.

Shanaya - bhai, here every one is bringing their own food.... Y can't I??

Aditya - everyone is not Deewans, Shanaya....

His glance accidentally fell on Priya and her face showed disapproval to his words but she immediately changed her expressions and smiled.....he didn't like those expressions, he wanted to get in her good books, even he doesn't know y.....

Aditya - ok sit, We'll go, Samrat come....

Samrat is astonished.....but nodded...

Samrat - what will u have di??

Priya - nothing....

Samrat - come on di... They have veg too, and they prepare it separately....

Priya - I know Samrat but I don't want....

Aditya - but y??

Samrat - actually di is a pure vegetarian and doesn't have food where they mix non-veg.....

Aditya and Shanaya gave her an 'R u serious' look... She looked down embarrassed....

Aditya - Samrat is right, they don't mix it...

Priya - I know.... But now I can't have it.... Umm... Actually today I'm fasting and I came here directly from temple....

Samrat - oh shit.... I'm sorry di I forgot today is Thursday....

Shanaya - so??

Samrat - every Thursday she keeps a fast, she breaks the fast at night after visiting the temple and eats some fruits at night.....

Aditya(in a little loud voice) - what?? Every Thursday?? R u mad?? What happens to ur health....

Priya is taken back as well as the other two....

Aditya looked at his surroundings and composed himself....

Aditya - I mean.... I...

Priya(smiles) - I'm used to it.... I'll eat well the remaining days.... So one day is fine...

Samrat - liar....

Priya - no u r a liar.... Anyways u guys carry on..... Have something....I'll leave now.... Pooja must be waiting for me....

Aditya - wait we'll drop u...

Priya - no that's okay.... Please u guys carry on.... I'll go....

Samrat - di... Please... U didn't have anything from the morning, and u r looking weak too, u should have informed me that u can't make it today.... We would have met tomorrow....

Priya - it's okay Samrat, I'm excited to meet u, so I came... And don't worry I'm not at all weak, can't u see my energy.... Still the same....

All three smile at her words....

She starts leaving but Samrat insists that he would drop her home.... She agrees as he won't let her go alone at this time....

Samrat and Aditya go and bring the food, all three starts eating....

Just then Priya's phone rings....

Before Priya could take it, Samrat snatches the phone and lifts the call...

Samrat(changes his voice) - hello, ur daughter got kidnapped if u want to meet her for the last time then come to..... (Priya slaps his shoulder)

Aditya is surprised as Samrat behaves completely different at home, he doesn't snatch other's phones like that but with Priya it's different....

Samrat is about to say something more but the person from the other end laughs hard....

Anand - try something new..... Samrat....

Samrat(laughs) - how did u recognize uncle??

Anand - well that's for me to know and for u to never find out....

Samrat - that's cheating uncle.... By the way I know the answer, u r very sure that no one can kidnap ur daughter and live peacefully even for a minute...

Anand - hahaha... How r u son ??

Samrat - I'm fine uncle.... How r u?? How is ur health??

Anand - yeah I'm fine....

Both Anand and Samrat have a fun chat and after a good 15 minutes, he hangs up....

Priya - wah.... My father didn't even ask for me.....great....just great....

Samrat - don't get jealous, he told that he would call at night as he wants to talk about something important....

Priya(upset) - oh no....

Samrat - what?? Y is that face??

Priya - about my marriage, last time when I went home, amma told me that they updated my profile in Telugu matrimony, but I requested my vadina(sister-in-law) and nanna(dad) to get it deleted, maybe they couldn't delete it....

Samrat - di, I think aunty is right.... U should just get married.... How many years more will they tolerate u??

Priya(glares him) - what do u mean samrat??

Shanaya - bhai... Don't say like that... She is so sweet, anyone would love to have her in their house, and what do u mean by tolerating ha?? It's their duty....

Priya - exactly....anyways leave about this marriage, I don't want to marry any unlucky guy...

Samrat - ok then marry a lucky guy...

Priya - if he is marrying me then how can he be lucky Samrat??

Samrat - point.....

Samrat and Priya laughed, Shanaya joined them but Aditya seemed off right from the starting of her marriage topic...

After they finished eating, they dropped Priya, and went away....

Priya had her fruits and talked to her father, mother and then slept as she had a tiring day.....


Priya - Aditya.... I wanted to tell u something.....

Aditya - tell me baby.... I'm all ears....

Priya - my parents fixed my marriage but I don't want to marry him because.....

Aditya - because.....

Priya(kissing his forehead) - because I love u....

Aditya jerked from his sleep....and went to his study to do some work to divert his mind..... He was very disturbed from the time they are back, he was never this confused and this confusion is killing him....

Precap - Aditya misunderstands Priya and hurts her.....