WebNovelMY WOMAN87.50%


​Note - the conversation between '------' is in Priya's mother tongue


The next morning, Aditya is working out and Samrat joined him, both the brothers are having fun while working out, suddenly something struck Aditya's brain.....

Aditya - samrat, u call her shree but her name is Priya?? I mean....

Samrat(interrupts) - she has a very long name bhai.... Even I don't remember the whole name but at last shree Priya Anand Sarma.... And all call her Priya, but only I call her Shree because I loved the name....

Aditya - oh..... Okay....

Samrat - by the way bhai.... I never saw u like that, u were never this close to anyone outside our family and ur friend circle which is very limited but....

Aditya - cut the crap Samrat, it's just for basic courtesy I behaved that way, and that girl seemed genuine to me.... That's all....

Samrat - genuine?? But u used to say that she is money-minded and she is behind my money....

Aditya - I didn't know her at that time Samrat, and to be frank even now I don't know her.... So can't say anything, she might be really good or maybe just acting to be good, anything can happen, just be careful....

Samrat (disbelieving look) - even after meeting her, u feel the same Bhai?? how many times should I tell u, she was never behind my money, she doesn't even know who we r in actual, she just knows that we r very rich but she doesn't give a damn about that....

Aditya - look Samrat, I just expressed my doubt, I didn't confirm it, there is a chance of that happening.... So just be careful.....

Samrat just nodded and went away as he doesn't want to argue with his brother, he knew how his Shree di is and that is enough for him.... He doesn't find the need in explaining to her brother....

All the three siblings had their breakfast and left for the day, Aditya went to his office and attended his meetings, but whenever he got free time, his thoughts went to Priya, the way she talked and her innocence and sincerity, the way she dealt Shanaya with patience and serenity is commendable, but he wanted to know if she is real or acting?? He doesn't want Samrat to become an emotional fool, that's the reason he wanted to find out about Priya's intentions, at least that's what he told himself, but he too knew that he wanted to know about her for himself.....

Priya is working and suddenly her phone buzzed, she took the call and the news shocked her, her colleague got into an accident and hers was the last dialed number, he called to inform her that he would be late for the office and to ask her to manage the work at the office.....

She asked about the details of the hospital he was admitted into and hanged up, Priya informed her colleagues and a few of them said they would accompany her.... she nodded and left with them.....

They reached the hospital, they were informed that the patient's condition is critical, all of them started praying for him.....

His family stayed in Delhi and they would take time to reach there...

A nurse came and asked them to pay the bill immediately so that they could start the process.... Her other colleagues together offered 50,000 but they had to arrange another 2 lakhs, that's when she remembered that she had saved 1.8 lakhs for her mother's necklace, her mother liked a jewelry set when they went to buy something for Advik, but she didn't take it as it's too expensive, her mother and father never bought a single piece of clothing for themselves, whatever they have, they spent it on her and her brother, so Priya thought to buy it for her mother and so she is saving the money every month..... Priya doesn't have control over spending money, she gives money to whoever asked her... And so she thought to keep the money with Samrat, as only he can control her.... She first thought to do it as Rd every month but at the end of the day, it will be in her hand to break it and she knew that when someone asks her, she couldn't deny them and eventually breaks the deposits, so she chose Samrat as her bank....

She immediately called Samrat and asked him to transfer the amount.... When the reason asked she told him about her colleague and he told her he will do it..... But in actuality he didn't like the idea as it's Priya's hard-earned money and wondered y her other colleagues are not giving anything, the people r too selfish to spend it on others or maybe they think about their families first which is not wrong but Priya is different, the least she cared about is money..... Even during their college whenever they went out Priya is the one who took out the money first even before their male friends, that's when Samrat's perception of girls changed, he used to think that girls never take out the money when boys are around but he changed his opinion seeing Priya..... All their friends are economically sound, compared to Priya but still, sometimes they hesitated to spend money for others and she, on the other hand, is completely opposite.....

Samrat is about to transfer the amount but Priya called him again and asked him if he could arrange cash as the hospital system has a problem and they are not accepting cards or online payments right now except for cash.... Samrat agreed to her and said that he would bring the cash to her but she said that she would come somewhere to take the cash as she knew that he hates the sight of a hospital...

Samrat called Aditya and asked him to arrange for a 2 lakhs liquid cash.... When asked by Aditya, Samrat just told him that Priya wants it and hanged up as he is in a hurry.... and Aditya misunderstood Priya that she is behind her brother's money and thought very low of her..... But anyways arranged the cash for his brother.....

Aditya thought to teach her a lesson but somewhere in his heart he couldn't believe that she could do something like this but he ignored his heart and trusted his brain which is the sensible one among the two according to him...

Samrat took the money and met Priya at a cafe near the hospital and gave her the amount.....

Samrat - di how is he??

Priya - they r not saying anything Samrat.... They only told me that they need to do the operation as early as possible.... After the payment, they will take him to the Operation theatre....

Samrat - oh okay... Don't worry do he would be fine....

Priya - by the way, how much is it??

Samrat - 2 lakhs... U need 2 lakhs right.... Di if u want more u can tell me.....

Priya - no that's enough... But u have only 1.8 L of my money.....

Samrat - di... It's okay... U needed it right now...let's talk about it later....

Samrat knew that Priya didn't like to take a penny from anyone.... Even for rakhi, she refused to take any expensive gifts from him, so he always bought chocolate for her...

Priya nodded and went away as she needs to pay the amount as soon as possible.... She paid the bill and her colleague was taken to the operation theatre.... Her colleagues appreciated her, they said that no one would do such a thing and she is really very good to do that for just a colleague.... She gave them a small smile and went to the cafeteria to have a cup of coffee.... She remembered, she should send the remaining money to Samrat, so she immediately transferred 20 k to him though she was left with very less amount and the whole month she had to go through with that, she cared the least, she is just happy that she paid all her bills for the month....

She called Pooja and informed her about the happenings....


Pooja as usual started scolding Priya....

Pooja - how can u do it priya?? It's for ur mother's jewelry.....

Priya - but his life is more important pooja...

Pooja - acha then y didn't ur other colleagues help him?? I mean some of them earn more than u but they didn't even give a single rupee... But y only u....

Priya - what they do is not my business Pooja.... It's our responsibility to save him.... After all, we all are humans and should have some humanity.....

Pooja - yes and only u have the humanity in u and no one else.... U know ur family's financial condition Priya.... Because of the loans they have on their head, it's difficult for them too, and u don't know what need u will have in the future.... And when u will be in need, no one will come to help u....because all don't have the so-called humanity Priya.... U should have thought about ur family before u think about someone else's....

Priya knew that pooja is somewhere right..... Her father has a house loan on his salary, her brother had a car loan and personal loan which he kept for her(Priya) further studies, and her bhabhi had her education loan.....they had enough for the present but if something sudden comes, they are not backed up by any savings.....but for the time being she left all those thoughts.....

Priya - Pooja, it's not like the money is not going to come back.... His family will pay me once they knew about it, or even if they don't, I'll ask them... Now all I want is Arun(her colleague who got into the accident) to be fine....

Pooja(sarcastic laugh) - u will ask them.... Hahahah good joke... U would never do that.... I know u... Anyways bye... Take care... Bye...

Saying this Pooja hanged up....


Samrat saw his phone popped up with a message, he opened it and fumed in anger when he saw it.... It was a bank message that his account is credited with 20 k, he knew that it would be tight for Priya after transferring to him, he wanted to transfer back to Priya and tell her that it's fine, and she could give him next month but whom was he talking about.... It's Priya and she would never accept someone's money even as a loan.... So he kept quiet....

The operation got successful, but Arun is paralyzed partially, his family reached the hospital till night, and thanked Priya and her colleagues for staying there.... Priya came to her flat as Arun's family is there in the hospital..... Arun got married a few years back and he had a 3-year-old daughter, he got transferred to Hyderabad recently and thought to shift his family once he is settled here....

Priya felt bad for his wife and daughter...

She is in no mood to eat anything so just changed and is about to sleep but her phone buzzed with an unknown number.....

Aditya asked his team to get Priya's number and they got it for him.....

He went near her apartment and called her, asked her to come down as he had something important to tell her.....

She is weak and tired and on top of that, she didn't eat properly for the past two days as the previous day, she was fasting and this whole day she spent in hospital having only coffee a couple of times and a sandwich..... But still, she went down as Aditya said that he had something important to say.....

She came outside of her apartment and at a few meters distance she spotted Aditya leaning on his car, she went towards him and smilingly greeted him but his next words pulled away her smile.....

Priya(smiles) - hi.....

Aditya threw a blank check on her face, it hit her face and fell down....

His action shocked her and she stood like a rock...

Aditya (with pure disgust) - take it and write whatever amount u like.... But don't u dare come in front of my brother again.....

Priya's eyes got moist but she composed herself, she didn't understand what is he talking....

Priya - what r u saying ?? And what is this??

She bent down and picked up the blank check....

Aditya - don't play innocent..... U were being close to my brother just for money.... U think I won't find out.... And u can pull ur so-called innocent act in front of me too.... I know people like u..... U middle-class people are hungry for money....

Priya(little louder) - just stop it.... What r u talking?? Leave ur brother, I never took money from anyone.....

Aditya(dangerously) - don't u dare talk to me in that voice.... U cheap woman..... Just take the blank check and leave my brother, I don't know what all did u get as Raksha Bandhan gifts after trapping my brother in a so-called brother-sister bond.... I saw girls who pretend to love for money, but for the first time, I'm seeing a girl who acted like a sister for money....

Priya's eyes are continuously flowing with tears..... And she is wiping them continuously..... But Aditya didn't care a bit, when he hates anyone, he hates with all he has.... And right now he hates Priya more for the foreign feelings she makes him feel.....

Priya tore his check and threw it away....

She is feeling a little dizzy but she ignored it.....

Priya(with a lot of pain and weak voice) - I suggest u know the truth Mr. Deewan.....

Aditya(pointing his finger at her) - I know the truth....and I am warning u, stay away from my brother otherwise I would destroy not only u but ur whole family....

She is shocked to listen to his threat, her family is the most important thing in her life and he is talking about destroying them, her father's face struck her mind... She got dizzy and held the nearest support which happened to be Aditya's arm and she didn't realize it, Aditya pushed her away.... And she fell down on the road....

Aditya - don't act miss... It's a road so just get up and continue ur act at ur place.....

Saying this he rode away.....

Priya closed her eyes falling into a pit of darkness.... The last sound she heard is of pooja screaming her name....

Pooja just got down the cab, she saw Aditya pushing Priya and driving away, she immediately ran towards her shouting "OMG Priya", she helped Priya getting up, she took Priya inside after a lot of effort as her unconscious state is not helping in any way.....

Pooja made Priya sit on a chair present inside the parking area of their apartment, she got some water and sprinkled it on her face but Priya didn't open her eyes, this time she threw a little more water and Priya opened her eyes which are fully red..... Pooja noticed her arm which is bleeding as the road is a little uneven there with stones and all.....

After Priya gets consciousness, Pooja took her to their flat, she immediately prepared dosa as they have the instant batter and made her eat it, Priya had them without any talking....

After a while, pooja asked Priya about what happened and she narrated everything to pooja and burst out crying....

Priya(crying) - all my life, I gave more importance to my self-respect than my life and I got this in return, that man crushed my self-respect..... I never took a single penny from anyone and he called me cheap.....

Pooja got very angry seeing her best friend so vulnerable..... Pooja cursed Aditya and consoled Priya.... After some time she asked her to take rest.....

Priya nodded and pooja went to get freshen up....

Samrat called Priya to know about her colleague but Priya is constantly disconnecting his call, so he thought she might be busy and she will call back later.... Here Priya disconnected Samrat's call with a lot of pain and cried to sleep....

Aditya, Samrat, and Shanaya are having dinner...

Shanaya - Samrat bhai, let's go-to a pub, I'm not feeling sleepy, call Priya too.....

Samrat - shree di and pub, hahaha no chance....she won't go to pubs Shanaya....

Aditya - it might be her act Samrat.... People are not always the way u see them....

Samrat and Shanaya frowned at him...

Shanaya - bhai but Priya is different...

Aditya - no she is the same, in fact, worse...

Samrat(frown) - bhai.... What r u saying??

Aditya - Samrat I didn't think u to be such a fool.... A middle-class girl is fooling u by calling u bro and u r not realizing it....

Samrat - Bhai.... Say it clearly....

Aditya - well, y did she ask u for money this morning??

Samrat - oh no... Bhai.... It's her money that I gave her....

Aditya - stop lying Samrat....

Samrat - no Bhai... Actua....

Samrat's phone rings and seeing the caller Id, Aditya's anger rises up...

Aditya - how dare she...

He snatches Samrat's phone and lifts the phone.....

Aditya(shouts) - how dare u?? Didn't I ask u to stay away from my brother..... Y the hell did u call him??

Samrat and Shanaya are shocked, Aditya never reacted this way, even though he hated someone, he destroyed them silently, he is a man of fewer words.....

Pooja(shouts from the other end) - just shut up..... I am pooja, not Priya, I want to talk to ur brother, give him the phone....

Before Aditya could say something Samrat snatches his phone from Aditya's hands.....

He is very angry with Aditya for the way he talked with his shree di...

Samrat - hello di...

Pooja - this is pooja not priya....

Pooja narrated the whole scenario to Samrat including how Aditya pushed Priya and how Priya got hurt on her arm....

Samrat's eyes got moist.... There r no words coming from his mouth, he thought this wouldn't have happened if he had cleared his brother's doubts this morning but it's too late to think all that now...

Samrat - how is di??

Pooja - she is feeling better, slept.... I called u to say one more thing Samrat, don't call her again, u know her, she could tolerate anything but cannot even imagine losing her self-respect, she is badly hurt, and she needs time to forget everything, so it would be better if u don't call her....

Samrat - but....

Pooja - good bye Mr. Samrat Deewan.... and one more thing, I'm calling without her knowledge, tell this to ur arrogant brother.....

Saying this pooja hanged up....

Samrat(with moist eyes) - what did u do Bhai??

Aditya - I did nothing wrong and stop worrying about that woman.... She is not as good as u think her to be....

Saying this he leaves the Hall and goes to his study....

Precap - Aditya learns the truth.....