I Matter

The contents of the sea is immeasurable 

The color can very and so can the animals and bodies that Lay beneath

The contents of a human is limited 

The only thing that we're still clueless on is illnesses 

We fishes of the earth have grew blind to our fragile selves

I wish to be a fish of the sea, cause they not know of themselves 

You matter to me, do I also to you?

To be oblivious is dangerous, yet to me it is truly a wonderful thing

I see it again, as my paint strikes the canvas 

I see your whole self, I see your beautiful face by the sea

Reflecting of the moon; shimmering 

We are so unique, we are truly glorious beings 

as I said this repeatedly, I recall that I myself have beautiful flaws 

I recall that it is not only the ocean that makes fish beautiful 

It is the scales on their back

The Gil's that help them breathe 

And the fins that carry them through the sea

I finally saw my mistake; a currant

I see it again, as my brush touch the canvas

I saw my whole self, I saw not only my face but my soul glistening 

If I were oblivious, I would not be able to see beauty at its finest 

If I were a fish in the sea, I would not be able to see life for what it is

Unjust yet promising 

I would not have been able to see me if I had stayed for too long by the sea

Self worth and honesty

I am bigger than your definition of beauty

You are so wonderful but see, so am I 

I recall; I am bigger than the sea

 I do more than the sea can ever do

I can be selfish

I can have my reflection reflecting off a mirror, not the water

I can understand creatures of all kinds

I can understand me

Seeing you was a blissful pleasure 

However over time jealousy took over

And now I have become way better; I understand 

We can stray from ourselves; we can forget

And sea, you have helped me to dive out of that tsunami 

I have reached the sand, and walking towards the grass

Then the next, the land

I rest a while, I look at you for a few before I depart 

I remember… I remember that it is okay to be at fault 

And I was

I bury and barry my hand in the sand; and felt a shell

I then pressed the shell gently on my ear

I hear the sweet whisper of voices that have have already reached here 

The voices of those who too admire the sea

The shell held so much memories 

Then came to shore a glass bottle with a letter for me

I read it and smiled; "thank you, sea"

I recall why I was attracted to you for so long

People hurt you; sullied you for so long

And you still stand through; so high! 

all big and strong 

That day as you glistened at dawn you whispered to me a very sweet song

I know now

I know why I love; I too can be just as beautiful by heart

Maybe even apologize to mom; just to hold and embrace her in my arms 

I can go further 

Because I also, like everyone else in this beautiful world …
