A Date

Saying goodbye to Enji, Kaya, Touka, and Yoshimura, I left Anteiku at noon, because I talked to Yoshimura when I entered Anteiku about it, so closing the door of the store, I continued my walk a few minutes to my house.

Entering my house with a slight smile on my face, I headed towards the living room to find Rize on the couch, so walking towards her, I sat down on the couch on her opposite side.

"Are you ready to go?" to which, leaning back on my shoulder, she stayed like that for a few minutes until she answered.

"Sure, let me change, wait for me here," finishing her last words by giving me a short kiss on my lips, I waited for Rize to change clothes, meanwhile I turned my gaze back to the television.


Several minutes after waiting, a cough brought me out of my concentration on the TV, so recognizing what it is, I turned my gaze upon her to find her in the white dress from our first meeting, which I repaired with the [Repair Hammer], so smiling in response I said, "This brings back memories", to which she just smiled in response.

Getting up from the couch, I walked towards Rize, once in front of her I spoke, "So are you ready?", to which she nodded, so taking out the [Disguise Feather] I changed Rize's hair color and the recognizable features of her appearance, so once finished I observed the new Rize, which had nothing of her previous appearance.

To which I nodded my head and smiled at her in response, "You're ready, let's go," to which I placed my hand on hers and lightly tugged her to follow me.

To which she only replied with a slight laugh, "Now you're taking my first date, what else are you going to take?", to which I turned my gaze upon her, catching a look of lustful affection in her eyes.

To which I said in response, "Whatever I want you to have," to which a small blush appeared on Rize's face while running her tongue sensuously across her lips, Rize stuck her breasts on my arm.

"Then I'll let you take everything from me," to which observing her serious look and her eyes full of affection, love, and lust, I gave her a kiss on the lips, which lasted several minutes, to which with a rope of saliva still binding us together I told her.

"Then that's what I'll do," punctuating her words as I placed my hands possessively by her waist, she responded in response by leaning back on my arm, pressing her breasts even harder into the latter.

Still with my hand on his waist possessively, "Then let's get on with our date," to which I nodded in response, we finally made it out of our house.


Several minutes later, we arrived at a shopping mall to which I turned my gaze upon her and asked, "Where do you want to go?" to which she put one of her fingers to her lips in a thoughtful manner and replied.

"Anywhere you want, I don't know what to do on a date, because you know, everyone would end up dead before even touching me," to which nodding in response to her words, I thought about the places we'll go, before going to a clothing store.

Seeing out of the corner of my eye a loving smile on Rize's face, I decided to go to a movie, so I turned my gaze on her and asked, "What kind of movie do you like?

After some thought, he replied, "I like psychological, horror, gore, you know the kind," to which I muttered, "Of course it's those guys," I heard Rize chuckle, which made me smile in response.

So heading towards the cinema, I hoped that some movie of that kind would be in the box office, otherwise I would have to spend some Pt(System Point), so after a few minutes of walking we managed to get to the cinema, so watching the flat screen hanging above the shopping area, I saw if they were showing any good movies.

To which after several minutes of researching the names of the movies, I managed to find a movie that had some genres of what Rize said, the movie is called 'Secret in the Cabin', which is about a group of friends who went to a cabin where they mysteriously died one by one.

So I turned my gaze upon him and replied with a smile on my face, "I found a good movie," to which he nodded in response and asked what it was about, to which I gave him the synopsis.

"It looks good," Rize said as we headed towards the area to pay for a Ticket while ignoring the stares of men and women alike. "I hope it doesn't disappoint," to which we nodded in response to her question, and waited a few minutes until she arrived with the clerk.

"Welcome to Tokyo Cinema, have you decided on your movie yet?", observing the female employee in front of us with shoulder-length pink hair, white skin, and blue eyes wearing an employee's uniform and a height of 1.60 cm, I decided to cast [Observe] on her while answering her question.

"Sure, we want to see Secret in the Cabin," I said.

To which we nodded and said, "Ha, wait a few seconds," and waited for him to give us our tickets while looking at his status page.


[Ayako Umeko]


[Level: 13]

[Hp:1690](65 every 5 Minutes)

[En:1690](65 every Minute)

[Strength: 13.0] [Attack:130] [Attack:130]

[Constitution: 13.0] [Defense:130]

[Dexterity: 0.7] [Speed:12.6 m/s]

[Intelligence: 0.8] [Weight:6500 Kg] [

[Wisdom: 0.8]

[Charisma: 1.0]

[Luck: 1.0]


Nodding slightly at her state, I asked Ruby mentally ("Can you use my mana to set it as a radar?"), to which I instantly received an answer.

[Of course, you can Frank, but you need the necessary skill]

A little disappointed that I couldn't do that, I was about to tell Ruby that it was no longer necessary when suddenly a smile filled my mind.

[Fufufu~ but with me, there's no need, just keep in mind that I can only do it up to your vision range, so if it's far away try using a skill to help you."

To which I nodded at that I said to Ruby ("I love you Ruby"), to which I turned my gaze on the employee named Ayako, and waited for our tickets.

[I love you too Frank, don't you ever forget it]

To which, with a smile at Ruby's loving tone, I watched as a portion of my mp was spent.

"Hai! Here you go, enjoy the movie," accepting the tickets from the woman in front of me, we headed towards our cinema door and feeling the connection formed seconds ago with the girl I kept a smile on my face the whole time.


Leaving the cinema a couple of hours after watching the movie which was interesting with some very good gore scenes, I looked back at Rize who had a satisfied smile on his face.

Well in the movie it turns out that the friends who died mysteriously, was not because it was haunted, it turns out that the first friend to die, was a ghoul who faked his death and befriended the group to devour him and satisfy his hunger, and as the guy was 'dead, they didn't think it was him, well with tension growing in the group, with each death, distrust grew to such an extent that they started killing each other, in the end, one survived, who ended up dying by the hand of the group, they didn't think it was him, and with the tension growing in the group, with each death, the distrust grew to such an extent that they started killing each other, in the end, one survived, who ended up dying by the hand of the ghoul who faked his death, thus ending the movie.

"You seem to like it, do you want to have it to watch it at home?", to which receiving a nod in response, I decided to buy it on the way home. "Now do you want to go to the store?", to which waiting for his response we left the cinema to head to a more open area.

"Hey," turning a look of confusion, I turned my gaze on Rize, "Did you like the girl who sold us the tickets?" to which with a look of compression, I stood in front of Rize and gave her a long kiss showing my affection and love for her.

Separating our lips after a few minutes of kissing I said, "No, she just caught my attention, if you want me to stop watching her," placing my hand on her right cheek, to which she leaned back as a calculating look passed over her face.

No, it's fine, you can keep seeing her, but if your interest goes to attraction, let me know, okay?", and observing her worried look, I laughed and put my hand on hers and pulled her towards me.

With Rize in my arms and a secluded spot away from the crowd, I placed my hands on her ass and whispered, "Don't worry about it, I told you I'd let you know about every girl I was attracted to, didn't I?" to which I let out a slight moan in response, watching Rize's blushing gaze and her eyes with growing lust.

To which giving her ass a smack, which made her let out a muffled moan into my shoulder, I whispered, "But for still not trusting me, we won't get past this," to which confused as to what I was referring to, I began to play with Rize's ass and her chest while kissing her effectively drowning out her moans.


Several minutes later, we left the secluded place with a very sticky Rize on my arms along with a blush and a loving look in his eyes, I think I even managed to see a heart in his pupils, although I think it was my imagination.

"Surely you don't want to do that~" letting out a hot sigh into my shoulder and whispering those words, I squeezed Rize's ass away from the sight of men and maybe women, as I don't like to be seen doing that with my girls.

To which turning my gaze on her I said, "Maybe we will", to which with an excited look on her face, I noticed how the juices began to gush out of Rize's garden, so stopping squeezing it, I saw the interesting sight of it stopping gushing juice with the previous intensity.

"But first let's go buy you new clothes," to which she nodded, with an exciting look, so after a walk, we arrived at a women's clothing store, so going inside, we went to look for various clothes for Rize to get dressed in, which after a few minutes, we found five clothes, so heading towards a dressing room, I waited for Rize to change.

A few minutes later Rize came out in her new outfit, which was a white shoulder-length shirt with a thigh-length black skirt, a plain but visually attractive garment.

"How about, do you like it?" Rize asked me.

To which, looking at her shirt that draws his attention to her breasts and her skirt over her wide hips and narrow waist, I replied with a smile, "You look beautiful," to which she just let out a laugh.

"Then I'll try on the other one," to which I nodded in response and waited for his next outfit, to which he came back out with his new garment which was a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt.

"What's up?"

To which saying. "Take a walk", to which Rize answered me letting out a laugh as she took a walk, so nodding as the jean highlights her hips, waist, and butt, along with her shirt I replied. "Those jeans make your figure stand out as well as your shirt", to which she just nodded as if what I said was right.

"Fufufu~ where did you get those compliments from?", to which I ran my hand through my hair and replied honestly.

"I say what I think", to which she only directed a glance towards my face, while she went back to enter the dressing room without moving her hips, which made me distracted, listening to Rize's laughter in the background, I continued to watch Rize until she entered the dressing room.

And so we passed the following garments, where she gave a different compliment to the previous one, the garments were a skirt with a slit and a sleeveless shirt, the other was a pair of jeans with a turtle sweater and a slit in her chest showing a little of the latter, this outfit along with her glasses made her more mature, which earned me laughter and sensual glances from Rize because this outfit attracted me more than the previous ones.

The other was the classic summer dress, which was black with flowers on it that reached below the knees, and the last garment was an off-the-shoulder dress with sleeves and over the thighs in black with buttons down the center of it.

To which after trying them all, Rize seeing that I liked them all bought them all, although I was the one who paid, as I am rich it was not a big bother, so leaving the store, we continued our date for several places until it was late afternoon almost night.

So noticing the time we headed home, which took several minutes, because the mall was far from my house, which after several minutes we arrived at my house, so taking the key out of my inventory, we entered our home and once inside we went to the living room where we sat for several minutes, which then went to our room, where we had a night of passion, which lasted several hours.