Behind the Scenes

After a couple of hours in the game (most of which was exploring or dying) I left the capsule, which had not spent energy, remembering my experience the game, I could not help but let out a sigh of admiration at this technology, because I had a 100% immersion, so it was a bit jarring to lose my strength, but at least I kept my mental abilities.

Also thanks to that cup of immersion, I could feel the pain of every sword or weapon that stabbed or shot at me, although with the player body if I do feel pain, it passes after a few seconds, unless I'm in constant pain, so putting a mental note to myself that I need a pain skill, I checked my phone to see that it had only been only 20 minutes in real life.

So I ran my hand through my hair in a relaxing (but unnecessary) way, I turned my gaze on the capsule, "You can disable the time function, I want the time to be the same as in real life," to which I sat on the bed waiting for his answer.


Nodding at the confirmation of the slightly feminine robotic voice, I turned my gaze to Rize, who was still asleep, so running my hand through her hair, I waited a few minutes to see if she would wake up.

Which she did, for as if she recognized my touch, after running my hands through her hair she woke up a few minutes later, so seeing her blink as she kept her gaze on me, I smiled in response, "You look adorable when you wake up," to which after blinking for a few seconds, she rested her gaze on me.

"Your little friend isn't so adorable when you wake up," to which watching her mischievous gaze, which was directed towards my crotch, I just let out a giggle in response, which she followed after a few seconds.


"So what are you going to do," Rize asked as she was naked sitting on my lap, while I put my hands on her buttocks, just like the first few times, only this time she's not devouring me.

To which I turned my gaze on her, I answered with a smile on my face, "Dominate the world, and you?", to which she blinked at my answer, and I let out a laugh at her astonished look.

To which, shaking my head, I leaned back against my chest as he ran his fingers over my body, "Well, stay with you, you're the only thing that matters to me, besides my father," to which, running my hand through his hair in a soothing manner, I replied after a while.

"If you want, I can rescue your father when I'm stronger," to which humming in response, I waited for his verbal reply.

If you can, then rescue him, it's the least I can do as his daughter," to which, looking into his purple eyes, I reply with a kind smile.

"I'll rescue him, besides if I want to rule the world, I have to get stronger," to which rolling her eyes at my last response, she let out a light laugh as she leaned back against my chest.

"Then if that is your goal, I will do everything in my power to make it possible for you," to which watching her eyes with a determination filled with madness and obsession, I just ran my hand through her hair in a soothing tone.

"I love you Rize," to which hearing my response, his gaze full of obsession settled on me.

"I love you more Frank, you are the only thing I want and need to have", to which seeing her approaching and placing her hands on my head possessively, I brought my lips closer to her while the thought was in my head(Who is crazier, her for having a crazy and obsession with me, or me that even knowing that I don't want to let her go), with that thought in mind, I joined my lips with Rize in a kiss that lasted for a long time.


[3rd Point of View]

While Frank was discovering his recent insanity, which isn't cured even though he activated his active [Gambler's Mind] skill, elsewhere some plans were forming, more specifically the plans of a girl full of bandages, who had her face uncovered, revealing none other than a girl with scruffy green hair and eyes of the same color.

Behind the girl with the bandages, there was the man who was always nearby, whose name was Noro, while Noro was taking care of the girl with the bandages, she was humming while looking at the picture of a black-haired boy with golden eyes.

"Hey Noro!", to which turning his gaze upon her, I waited for his next words. "If I told you to join me, would you?", to which I received an instant nod, the girl smiled in response. "So, would you join me, to welcome our new King?", to which turning his gaze which had a look full of obsessive love on his face, the shoulder only nodded, not caring about the look of the girl in front of him.

To which getting up from her seat, the girl walked towards Noro, once in front of him she directed her gaze towards his face, "We have to make the King stronger; therefore Noro, I will charge you to train him, every night from now on, take him out of his way and train him, until you see necessary", to which nodding in response to the girl, Noro, waited for her to pass in front of him, to follow her as if he were his shadow.

"Finally you will get what you wanted Arima, while I got even more," humming after finishing those words, the green-haired girl walked with a skip in her steps, the girl had a loving smile on her face as she looks at the picture in her hands.


[3rd Point of View]

Elsewhere away from the green-haired girl, a white-haired man can be found wearing a gray button-down shirt, a black tie, black pants, and black shoes.

The hairy man with a calm look on his face almost apathetic is looking at some papers about a boy with black hair and golden eyes, more specifically he was looking at the boy, while with his other hand he grabbed another envelope, which had a lock mark with the letter "V" on it.

To which place the boy's information on his desk, he opened the chest with the "V" seal on it, once opened the image of the boy reappeared only this time he appeared with a woman on his lap.

Not seeming surprised to see Rize who was supposedly "dead", he read the report that was in the report, to which after a few minutes of reading, he burned the envelope and every single thing he brought in it, thus eliminating his evidence.

Turning his gaze upon the boy's name which was "Frank Evans", the man put the documents away in his desk without fear that their existence would be revealed, rising from his seat, he walked to the windows that showed the city in its splendor.

"They already have him in their sights," the man spoke loudly as if someone was in the same room.

"We already had that in mind, we just didn't think it would be so quick," a voice echoed in the room after the man's words had lingered for a few seconds.

Emerging from the shadows was the girl with the bandages also called Eto next to Noro, to which the man without turning to look at his guests continued to observe the city below him with his apathetic look on his face.

"For now I only aim to keep an eye on him and send a report, if he's a danger to the Human/Ghoul balance, so I can cover for him as long as he keeps a low profile," to which the Eto girl nodded in response.

"Though I don't think I will," showing his first change of expression on his face, which was to slightly raise his eyebrows, though that sight was unobserved.

"Why do you think so?" the man asked in a calm voice, and the faint trace of expression disappeared the instant it appeared.

"Well he's a guy who looks out for his friends, even more so for his partner as a possible love interest, so if they're in danger, you know what can happen," Eto replied as he let out a slight laugh as he finished his words.

To which the white-haired man nodded in response, remaining so for several seconds, the man stopped looking at the window and turned his gaze towards the two people in front of him, to which once his gaze is directed towards Eto he spoke, "You should train him, while the mission is in me, I can protect him, but once he makes an imbalance, you know what will happen," with a dark look on his face, which could not be seen by his face full of bandages, the woman nodded slightly.

"I already had that in mind, while we train him, you will protect him in the shadows," nodding at Eto's words, the white-haired man named Arima made his way towards his seat.

Once in his seat, Eto and Noro, disappeared as if they were never there, within seconds of him sitting down his door opened, a man appeared in front of him, the current GCC director.


[Frank Evans]

Leaving Anteiku, after saying goodbye to Touka, Kaya, Enji, Nishio, and Yoshimura, along with a Renji who was in the store, I checked the time on my phone to see that it was 4:30 pm, so putting it back into the bag that I use as an excuse of where I keep my things, I decided to head towards the park of the last time, so after a walk of several minutes, I arrived at my bank.

Turning my gaze on the couples and people passing in front of me, I cast [Observe] on it to satiate my curiosity, so without being surprised that the couple several meters away from me was a Ghoul, I continued to observe various people for a long time, while with [Parallel Thinking] I talked to Ruby.

("Ruby can I have a kind of flesh crafting?)

[Sure Frank, you just have to do the hidden conditions to unlock it, though I think you already know that, don't you].

To which nodding slightly in response, I continued chatting with Ruby, about various things, as she probably knows all about me, but I don't do her, to which she told me that it was a natural system, rather than a created one, to which curious about that I asked her what the difference was, to which she replied that the only difference is the person it serves, in her case it served the will of the omniverse, which let her 'daughter' walk away, as she decided to choose me.

Passing this way the hours until it became night, I began to leave the park, when suddenly I felt a blow in my neck, although that was the only thing that I managed to feel because after that I fainted in the act, the last thought in my mind was: (thank goodness that I told him that I would arrive late). (thank goodness I told him I would be late), falling asleep instantly, I woke up in a place full of darkness, in which in front of me there was an undefined female figure, whose only features were a light, that if I watched her for a long time, a rainbow light appeared which made me feel safe just being in her presence.

[3rd Point of View]

Meanwhile, Noro was watching the fainted Frank who was on the ground, picking up with his arm and resting his body on his shoulder, he turned his gaze on the 24th district, so once observing accelerated to a maximum speed of a human which is 18 m / s or 64.8 km / h, in the direction of the aforementioned district.