Presenting Touka

It had been a few hours since I had helped Hinami improve her Kanji writing strokes, so after spending half an hour with Hinami helping her, I headed downstairs to start work.

Once on the lower floor of Anteiku, I began to help others by serving coffee or taking orders from arriving customers. While doing that in the middle of the breaks I told Touka to accompany me to visit the underground city of the 24th district. To which she agreed.

Therefore, after a few hours of work and saying goodbye to the others, I went with Touka on my motorcycle to reach the 24th district, but not before changing my appearance and hers.

"And who are the girls that you will introduce me to?" Touka asked as she hugged my waist and laid her head on my shoulders.

Smiling slightly at her response, I replied- "You already know one" -to which, blinking slightly in response, she was silent for a few seconds to think.

"I don't remember you ever introducing me to one of your girls," Touka replied with a confused look on her face as she watched me for an answer.

Noting her confused and questioning look on her beautiful face, I smiled in response- "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, although I'll give you a hint" -Giving a little pout on her face, I hope she told him track.

"She was with me in the cafe in my first days here." Putting a look of concentration on her face as I searched her memory, I kept driving to District 24. Well, it wasn't long, just a few minutes.

Some seconds later, more specifically 30 seconds of thought, Touka turned a look in slight shock towards me- "She's not the girl I think she is, right?" - Touka asked as she continued to stare intensely.

With a broader smile on my face I said- "I can't tell you if you don't tell me" -to which, observing my smile, her gaze on me intensified in several folds.

"You're dating Rize" - spouting those words as if it were the undeniable truth, Touka squeezed my waist with his index finger and thumb with all his strength, so pretending that it hurt me and letting out a small laugh, I waited for his answer - " How can you date a girl like her! " Touka exclaimed as she tightened my grip on my waist as an accusing look appeared on her face.

"I have a peculiar taste with women, which I think you have already noticed how much my life told you" - I said while still smiling throughout the remaining trip to the 24th district.

"I figured it out! I just didn't think you would be so reckless!" - Touka exclaimed, while a look of concern appeared on his face - "And if I had hurt you! Or worse, I would have killed you" - Lowering his tone of voice towards the end of his words, Touka hugged my waist tightly while a small tear came out of his eyes - "What if I had lost you?"

Stopping the motorcycle in a desolate place, I got off the motorcycle but not before carrying Touka and putting her on my lap - "I'm sorry to have worried you" - running my fingers through Touka's eyes and wiping his tears, I put my hand on his cheeks and caress her lovingly.

Spending several minutes like this while hugging her, I kept caressing Touka while assuring her that if everything got too dangerous I would have gotten away from her. To which after that she detached her face from my chest and turned her gaze on me.

"Promise me that you will not put yourself in danger if it is not necessary" -hearing her words, I smiled slightly as I brought my lips to her.

"I promise you" - finishing closing the distance between our lips, I gave her a kiss full of affection that lasted a long time.

After calming Touka down and telling her that Rize is no longer dangerous to our friends and family, we were able to continue our journey to the underground city which had no name at the moment.

Getting off the bike, I grabbed Touka's waist and got her off the bike to continue our journey, after passing some tunnels and a short trip we arrived in the city which had a capacity of fifty thousand inhabitants.

"Wow!" -she exclaimed surprised to see the city of several square kilometers, along with the buildings that seemed recently built thanks to the help of the [Repair Hammer] that repaired everything to its pristine state no matter how damaged the object or person was.

"I can already tell why you stayed here so long, it looks beautiful from this distance" -smiling slightly when looking at the city with its large buildings and residential areas, Touka turned her excited gaze on me- "Can we explore it?" .

Smiling lovingly at her words, I gave her a short kiss on the lips- "Of course, you are one of the owner of this city." " -to which receiving an excited "Nn" I began to show her her city.


Several hours after exploring the city with Touka and recording a map of the city complete with the [Underground Map] perk, we arrived at the apartment building that we temporarily live in with the girls.

Climbing the stairs to the apartment where we live, I turned my gaze to Touka - "I forgot to let you know, apart from my two girlfriends there are also three other girls living here" - I let you know, because I happened to tell you on our tour since I just wanted to spend a hang out with her without thinking about other girls.

"Other girls? Don't tell me that you're building a group of girls to serve only you?" Touka asked with amusement at the end of her words.

Thinking about his words for a moment, I smiled at him - "What a great idea you just gave me, I hadn't thought of that, thank you for giving me that idea" - I hugged Touka while saying those words, it was a great idea that I didn't know. it had happened to me.

With a nervous smile on his face, Touka hugged me back - "Yes, a great idea, hahaha" - letting out a nervous laugh at my words, Touka stared at my face that had a smile. As she removed her nervous smile from her face, she gave way to one full of affection as she watched me.

Come, let me introduce you to the girls" - separating from the hug, I said to those words to Touka, so arriving to the top floor room, which was the presidential room to which we gave some minor modifications, like bringing some extra beds for the girls and other little things..

Opening the bedroom door, we stepped into a living room decorated with luxurious furniture next to a flat screen on a table and a central glass table where there was a vase with roses of various colors forming a heart.

Apart from the living room there was also a bar in the back with shelves full of expensive bottles, obviously some bottles were broken long ago but we were able to salvage some with the [Repair Hammer] returning it to its pristine state free of dust and some cracks plus that Eto was bringing some bottles from outside so we filled the entire shelf.

There was also a terrace that gave a view to the outside with a medium-sized jacuzzi that could fit 6 to 7 people inside, which I have not used yet, although I do not say much about the girls.

The presidential room consisted of a total of 5 bedrooms and two bathrooms on the lower floor along with a kitchen, also each room had its own bathroom for its own use. On the upper floor there were only 3 rooms, including the main one with a bathroom and, like the lower floor, each room also has a personal bathroom.

"So what do you think?" -I asked Touka with a smile on my face when I saw her expression of surprise on her face, which disappeared when she heard my question, so turning her gaze back to me she responded still in shock when she observed the place.

"It's beautiful" -she Touka said looking at me, to which after doing that she turned her gaze towards the presidential room- "How long did it take you to decorate and repair this?" she asked as she approached the living room and sat on a white one-person piece of furniture.

"Well, most of it is due to the [Repair Hammer], the rest was decorating and bringing small things from outside like flowers and bottles from the bar" - I answered as I grabbed her around the waist and sat on the sofa while putting her on my lap.

Touka once sitting on my lap rested her head on my chest while she continued to observe the place- "And how did you do to repair the electricity?" -Running my hand through her hair I listened to her question.

"Well, using the [Repair Hammer] with the building repairs everything that is connected to it, that includes all the pipes, cables, and everything inside. In addition to that we went to repair the power plant so that everything was repaired, so all the repaired buildings that are all have electricity. Although I do not think it will last long, because we no longer have the way to supply fuel to the power plant to generate electricity, so we are in the process of having a constant supply of fuel "- upon hearing my words Touka nodded while closing his eyes and lay on my chest while relaxing on my lap.

Seeing that Touka closed his eyes I turned my gaze to the upper floor, to which once I did that I observed Eto, Rize, Akira, Akina and Akiko, they observed our interaction in silence, which they did but thanks to using my advantage [Detection of Ki] or [Heat Vision], I could notice them instantly.

Winking at the girls who were on the upper floor, I turned my gaze to the Touka who had her eyes closed, so moving her slightly to wake her up. Wait for those moments while she waved the girls down

Nodding at my call, the girls went down to the room, hearing footsteps, Touka's eyes widened and she turned her gaze towards the place of the noise, once she did that, she found 5 women, two adults and 3 teenagers.

The moment I noticed the 5 people, their gaze went to the two adults, so observing their gaze, I indicated the girls to sit down, once this was done, I turned my gaze to Touka - "Let me introduce you. "- saying I pointed to Eto:" Her name is Eto, one of the leaders of Aogiri. "

Giving him a lazy smile in the direction of Touka, I continued with the next girl - "You already know her, her name is Rize before a gluttonous Ghoul" - giving a mischievous smile and a greeting, I saw how sparks came out of Touka and Rize's eyes at the be observed.

Pointing to the next white haired girl with a black streak, I said - "This is Akira, one of the last inhabitants of the underground city" - looking away from Rize, Touka gave Akira a kind smile that she returned.

Turning my gaze to the girl with white hair and a pink stripe, I said her name to Touka - "She is Akina, as I said before another of the last inhabitants of the city" - blushing at having my gaze on her, Akina greeted shyly to Touka. Which only gave him a fond smile in her direction.

"And the last lady is called Akiko" - giving a smile to Akiko, the owner of the white hair and a blue lock. She gave a cheeky smile in my direction as she greeted Touka. "Those would be all the introductions for now," I said as I looked at everyone, implying that what I said is for everyone.

"Now that we are all gathered, I can say that I am glad to see you all together" - smiling affectionately at all the girls, I noticed how her gazes turned kind and affectionate in my direction.

"So how about we tell Touka about our plan to take over the world?" -Once they heard my words, the excitement passed through all the girls as Touka had a confused look on her face.

"Plan for world domination?" Asking in a confused tone, she turned her questioning and confused gaze in my direction. To which with a big smile on my face, I started to say my plan while the other girls said details that I missed or added new ones.

And so we spend the whole night talking to each other and increasing our intimacy to be closer, to be a family without problems where we accept our difference without belittling anyone.


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