Easy fight (2)

It gets a little dark and bloody in the chapter.


Grinning as he watched [Jason] fly for several feet, he lowered his fist and put it back in my pocket waiting for [Jason] to get up. Which he did after a minute of waiting, as it appears that he passed out during that time.

Looking with an amused look on my face as [Jason], he was getting up off the ground with his chest sunken several inches deep. I slowly approached him - "Didn't you say that you would destroy me when you put your hands on me?" Mockingly spouting those words while walking towards him, wait for the words from him.

Observing how the blood was cleaned from the face and how its regeneration tried to return the chest to its proper place - "And that is what I will do when I put my hands on you, once I put my hands on you I will remove your mask to see the look of pain and despair on your face "- [Jason] replied as the crazed look on his face grew in intensity.

Squinting at his words, my sadistic smile grew in intensity at the same time as [Jason's] crazed look - "Then I return the words, the next time death touches you it will be your only salvation" - letting go of my Rinkaku in the moment he finished those words, I saw how a small look of surprise appeared on his face when he saw my nine tails, until he disappeared to give way to his crazy look.

Responding in equal measure, [Jason] pulled out his two spiny Rinkaku tails and waited for my move, which was a bad idea since thanks to my enormous [Dexterity] he appears instantly in front of him and using my old advantage [Knowledge of Acupuncture]. I changed my damage to blunt, thus easily breaking the bones of his chest and sinking his chest deeper and sending [Jason] flying several dozen meters away, but not before vomiting a large amount of blood, dirtying my mask and clothes. blood.

Cleaning the blood that fell on my mask and ignoring that of my clothes, because that will be more difficult to clean. I advanced slowly towards [Jason] who was in a sorry state, with a sunken chest and several ribs sticking out of his chest.

Walking with slow steps instilling terror in [Jason] who fainted but recovered instantly from the pain he was feeling, he opened his mouth releasing a silent scream to the ceiling as the look of terror on his face intensified when he saw me go in his direction. .

Stopping next to him and crouching down, I grabbed his hand that was trembling to see me looking at him with a sadistic look in my eyes- "Do you remember the words I said earlier?" -Shivering upon hearing my voice that had a funny and sadistic tone of voice, [Jason] fell silent as the terror in his eye grew slowly but steadily in intensity- "It is time to fulfill what I said."

"Wai -!" - [Jason] tried to exclaim the moment he heard my words, but unfortunately he couldn't finish speaking since the moment he opened his mouth, my hand grabbed [Jason] throat and ripped it off. just jerk releasing blood as if it were a fountain.

"Shh" - I silenced [Jason] while putting my index finger in his mouth - "Do not interrupt the adults while they speak, now let's continue with the punishment" - finishing my words I used my advantage [Ki manipulation] to heal [Jason] and not let him die.

Grabbing [Jason's] hand again, he grabs his index finger - "Let's start with this hand" - listening to my words I saw how his body trembled with terror when he saw what he was going to do, once with [Jason's] index finger In my hands I lightly press my finger into him until I use all my strength breaking the bones inside him into little fragments that stick out from his finger.

"Agh!" - Gurgle [Jason] feeling the pain of crushing the bones of his index finger, so seeing that he reacted. I nodded and continued with the next finger doing the same process as the previous one.

So I continued with [Jason's] fingers until all the bones of his fingers were destroyed in fragments that sometimes crossed his skin when there were bones large enough, ending up destroying the bones of his fingers I continued with those of his hand, forearm , arm and shoulder effectively destroying his right arm completely.

Admiring my masterpiece, I nodded and my gaze went to his next arm - "So shall we continue?" - listening to my words [Jason] tried to get up even with his torso injured and his right arm destroyed, shaking his head. I put my leg on his leg - "Why don't you accept the punishment and that's it?" - and using all my strength I destroyed his leg causing his bones to pierce it.

"If you hadn't tried to escape your punishment it would be mild" - shaking my head as if disappointed, I went back to [Jason's] remaining arm - "Well let's move on" - with a look of terror on [Jason] face and a look sadistic on my face, I continued to destroy every bone in [Jason's] body and thanks to my [Ki Manipulation] and my [Mana] I was able to heal [Jason's] wounds thus preventing him from dying and allowing me to rebuild his body to destroy his body again for an hour, where the entire base was silent as I could feel the heated gaze that Eto was directing me towards me.

Turning away from [Jason] who had a vacant look on his face, I turned my gaze to the crowd around me - "Do you have a problem with me being one of your new administrators, if so you can come down here and fight me if you are in! disagree! "- to which hearing my words the crowd fell silent.

So seeing that no one was complaining, Eto got up from his seat and called everyone's attention - "Seeing that there are no problems, say hello to your new administrator!" - Hearing Eto's words, the members of Aogiri knelt while receiving a look of recognition from Aogiri's administrators, such as Tatara and Miza. So I returned their assent.


[Several hours later]

It had been a few hours since I defeated [Jason] and gained recognition from the Aogiri administrators and the deputy leader [Tatara], who was in charge while the [One-Eyed King] was gone. Which was almost always not always.

"The first step has already been done, now I just need to seize Aogiri to complete the second step of the bread" - stroking the head of Eto, who was sitting on my lap while she leaned on my chest making a circle in it. I said those words while looking at the city lights on top of a building.

"Nn!" Eto agreed while she kept looking at my face- "When do you want to start the second step?" - she asked as she gave a small kiss around my neck.

"Let's do it in 3 days, first I want to make my identity as a Ghoul' famous '" - giving Eto a short kiss, when I finished saying my words, I turned my gaze to the city below us.

"Where do you want to make your identity as a Ghoul' famous '?" - Hearing her words, I started to think for a while. Until an idea came to me, so with a smile I told him my 'plan'.

"I plan to attack the CCG headquarters" - opening his eyes in shock, Eto waited for him to finish my sentence - "I will destroy the CCG headquarters in district 1" - I mentioned while tightly squeezing my right hand.

Putting his look of shock aside being replaced by one of emotion on his face, Eto brought his lips close to mine and gave a passionate kiss that lasted a few minutes - "I can't wait to see the looks of despair on the faces of the CCG. , when you destroy their strongest unit "- blushing when imagining his gaze, Eto directed a lustful look in my direction -" We can 'play' for a while ".

Looking up at her choice of words I nodded, so carrying Eto like she was a princess I headed to a nearby hotel to have some fun.


[3rd Person]

As Frank walked into the distance with Eto, in another place where there were only two people, we can see a man with white hair with red eyes and a white tunic, gray pants and shoes of the same color. That he wears a red iron mask on the lower part of his face.

The other man also has white hair and gray eyes with glasses and wears a gray suit like his attire, with a look of respect on his face. The Ghoul with the red mask spoke to the other man - "My King, the person Eto chose to be one of the new administrators of Aogiri, showed his strength by fighting with the Ghoul named [Jason] qualified class [S] and it I defeat easily "- informed the man with the red mask towards the man with white hair.

Nodding slightly at the report of the red-masked Ghoul, the white-haired man asked him a question - "What do you think of him, Tatara?" - the white-haired man asked the now named Tatara.

Thinking deeply about the white-haired man's question, Tatara gave her answer after a few minutes - "I think he is a Proud man, who has no qualms about torturing his enemies, who punishes whoever betrays him and disobeys an order" - Tatara replied to the white-haired man, who just hoped that Tatara finished saying his words - "Although those were my first impressions, I will have to observe more to give a more detailed report of his personality."

Thoughtful at the words of his subordinate, the white-haired man was silent for a few minutes- "And what do you think of his strength, Tatara?" - The white-haired man asked Tatara.

Hearing the King's words from him, Tatara responded instantly- "If the strength he showed is his maximum, he would say [S +], but if he hid his power when fighting with [Jason]. It's probably [SS-] or more, I'll have to watch his strength when he's on a mission or fight him to prove it. "Tatara informed the white-haired man.

Humming at Tatara's response, the white-haired man crossed his hands as he thought - ("It seems Eto's choice was the right one") - with that thought in mind, the haired man turned his gaze on Tatara.

"I want you to train with Tatara, and once you have discovered the totality of his strength, report it immediately," said the white-haired man, as he returned his indifferent gaze to Tatara.

"Hai! Anything else my King?" - Asked Tatara, as she watched the blank expression of his leader who was thoughtful at his words.

"Yes" - replied the man with hair to Tatara's question - "I want you to let him do whatever he wants until further notice, I want to see how capable he is" - finishing his words, the white-haired man got up from his chair. seat.

Moving away into the darkness and away from Tatara, the haired man slightly turned his gaze towards him once half of the shadows covered his body- "By the way, Tatara" -said the white-haired man as he turned his gaze. towards Tatara.

"Yes?" - Asked Tatara, waiting for the King's words from him.

"If by any chance the new member wants to appropriate Aogiri, let him do it" - nodding before the words of the white-haired man, Tatara hoped that the aforementioned would move away in an unknown direction.

Tatara when he saw that his King was leaving the place, he did the same and with a thoughtful look on his face when he heard the orders of his King, he walked away wondering if the new member was an important person in the plans. King.

Shaking his head at that thought, he decided to wait for his King to inform him of his plan and the importance of the new member to his plans to destroy the CCG, so with those thoughts. He resolutely walked away from the meeting place towards one of the Aogiri bases in the 20th district.

With those words spoken between these two important people, the world followed the plot that the person from the outside made when taking the place of the protagonist with his [Luck] also called [Destiny].

Not knowing that the [One-Eyed King] was interested in his strength and seeing when his plan might begin, Frank continued to have his lovemaking section with Eto, who seemed to have pupils of hearts in his eye when Frank came on his inside.


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ko -fi.com/ moondevourer83976