
6 hours, that was the time it took for all the [Districts] to find out about the news, in just 6 hours the news channels were talking about the destruction of the [CCG] headquarters and the appearance of a new Ghoul. Which was called as the [One-Eyed Dragon] because of its obvious characteristics.

The existence of the [One-Eyed Dragon] was just enough for the leaders of each division and directors of the [CCG] to meet to discuss the threat posed by the [One-Eyed Dragon], so in the boardroom from [District 15] we can see several seated figures, starting with the central chair which is occupied by Tsuneyoshi Washuu, the director of [CCG].

Tsuneyoshi is an older man with long white hair along with a matching beard and mustache wearing a formal black Kimono, with a serious look on his face. Tsuneyoshi looked at everyone present, starting from the right of him.

On Tsuneyoshi's right side is the general director of [CCG], named Yoshitoki Washuu, Yoshitoki is a middle-aged man with wavy black hair color along with high cheekbones and a goatee around his mouth and goatee. .

Next to Yoshitoki was the head of [Division I], named Kiyoko Aura, Kiyoko is an attractive woman with a small mole in the lower corner, she wears a black suit with her long black hair tied in a large ribbon.

Moving on to the next person, who is the head of [Division II], her name is Itsuki Marude. A tall slim middle-aged man with long black hair, he wears a formal suit with a tie.

And finally there is Matsuri Washuu, who is the commander of [Division II], Matsuri wears a formal suit just like the other Ghoul investigators. He has short black hair.

Finishing observing all the people, Tsuneyoshi nodded slightly - "As you all know, a new Ghoul appeared with a [Kakuja] that took the form of a Dragon capable of breathing fire" - Tsuneyoshi answered firmly while placing his gaze on the people in the boardroom - "Which demonstrated greater power than the [One-Eyed Owl], by instantly destroying the [CCG] headquarters and killing several high-ranking Ghoul investigators as if they were a fly, and all of this was done with a single simple attack "- finishing by saying the little information that was achieved by reconstructing the testimony of the close people or the same people from [District 1].

When Tsuneyoshi finished recounting the report in his hand, the expressions of the people in the meeting room turned serious, imagining the enormous power necessary to be able to destroy high-ranking researchers and on top of that to be able to destroy the headquarters of the [CCG ] as if it were a sand castle.

Observing the grim expressions of the people in the boardroom, Tsuneyoshi waited a few seconds before speaking again - "Although we have lost the [CCG] headquarters we still have the branches in the other [Districts], so for now We'll put the central business aside and focus on the new Ghoul. With the codename [One-Eyed Dragon] "- listening to the words of the director of the [CCG], the people inside the meeting rooms left their gloomy thoughts and concentrated on the new Ghoul who made his move on the central of the [CCG].

Nodding when seeing that the people in the boardrooms concentrated on the problem of the matter, Tsuneyoshi continued speaking - "What do you guys think about the Ghoul with the codename [One-Eyed Dragon]" - Tsuneyoshi asked the people in front of him. he.

"I think he is a very dangerous Ghoul, which he demonstrated by being able to destroy the [CCG] headquarters as if it were a game" -Yoshitoki said his thoughts- "I would say that we have to destroy him, but by observing his power. I don't think we can do it easily, apart from that, the [One-Eyed Dragon] wanted to be noticed by destroying the [CCG] headquarters since it did not kill any civilians, its only deaths are [CCG] agents "-.

"I agree with the CEO, the new Ghoul. Obviously he wanted to be noticed by destroying the [CCG] headquarters, what we have to find out is why he wanted to make himself 'famous' "- agreed the head of [Division II], noting the peculiar attitude of the new Ghoul when ignoring civilians and only destroy the [CCG] headquarters together with their investigator.

"It appears that the [One-Eyed Dragon] had the sole objective of destroying the [CCG] headquarters as noted, as it did not kill any civilians. In fact, he ignored them after a glance "-following with the words of the head of [Division II], Aura the head of [Division I] recounted his hypothesis upon seeing the attitude of the new Ghoul on stage.

"Looking at the attitude of the [One-Eyed Dragon] and the hypothesis of my 'colleagues' and the CEO, it appears that the Ghoul is sending a warning or threat to the [CCG], by destroying the plant. If it's not that, he wouldn't explain his attitude towards civilians to me, "Matsuri replied after hearing the words of his 'co-workers' and CEO.

Hearing the words of the people in front of him, Tsuneyoshi thought for a few minutes - "Following your words, it seems that the [One-Eyed Dragon] aims to destroy the [CCG]. Which he can do, as he did in his demonstration by destroying the [CCG] headquarters "- Tsuneyoshi replied after thinking for a few minutes to the people inside the room -" So if the [One-Eyed Dragon] has as He targeted all branches of the [CCG], along with his force capable of wiping out several high-ranking investigators and the central one. The threat of the [One-Eyed Dragon] exceeds the [One-Eyed Owl] qualified as [SSS] rank, so I propose to create a new rank, any questions? "- Tsuneyoshi finally asked towards the people in front of him.

Seeing that none of the people had any doubts about his decision, Tsuneyoshi said in a solemn voice - "So from this day on the Ghoul with the codename [One-Eyed Dragon], is characterized with the rank [Armageddon] for his enormous strength. and able to destroy a [District] itself, the meeting is adjourned. Tell this information to the other branches of the [CCG] and Yoshitoki stay a moment "- listening to the words of the director of the [CCG] the people in the meeting room responded with a" Hai! ", Before leaving the room except Yoshitoki.

Letting them leave the boardroom, Tsuneyoshi waited a few seconds until they were alone. Once alone in the boardroom, Tsuneyoshi turned his gaze on Director Yoshitoki - "Yoshitoki are coming after us, what do you think of that?" - Tsuneyoshi asked solemnly towards Yoshitoki.

"It seems that our sins are finally chasing us, don't you think so father?" - Yoshitoki answered towards his father, indifferently towards his question.

Squinting at his son's words, Tsuneyoshi shook his head - "You are still very kind Yoshitoki" - Tsuneyoshi said coldly towards Yoshitoki - "I want to have every report on the [One-Eyed Dragon] every time he appears, do you? understood? "- Tsuneyoshi asked as he watched Yoshitoki.

"Understood father" - answered Yoshitoki, before standing up from the chair - "If you'll excuse me, I have to give a lecture about the new Ghoul."

Waving his son, Tsuneyoshi stayed with his thought while narrowing his eyes - "Who wanted to destroy the [CCG], would it be the [Aogiri Tree]?" - Tsuneyoshi wondered, before shaking his head - " No, they do not have the power to recruit the [One-Eyed Dragon] nor to make him comply with his request, then who? "- with that thought in mind, Tsuneyoshi remembered the report of a boy with black hair and golden eyes that protected Rize.

"Could it be possible?" - with that thought in mind, Tsuneyoshi left the [CCG] branch in the direction of [District 1]


A couple of hours after leaving the boardroom, Tsuneyoshi found himself in an underground location somewhere in [District 1].

Inside the underground place, Tsuneyoshi was in an office reading some reports that the man in front of him just handed him, several minutes after reading the reports. Tsuneyoshi turned his gaze from him to the man in the formal black suit and black gloves with a glass envelope.

"How many days has he been missing?" - Tsuneyoshi asked the man in front of him.

"A week and a few days, Tsuneyoshi-sama" - replied the man with respect to Tsuneyoshi.

Reflecting on the words of the man in front of him, Tsuneyoshi was silent for a few seconds - "Kaiko, I want to increase the number of men looking for this boy" - Tsuneyoshi answered towards Kaiko.

"May I ask why Tsuneyoshi-sama?"

Nodding at Kaiko's question, Tsuneyoshi replied- "I want to clarify a little doubt of mine" -nodding at Tsuneyoshi's words, Kaiko said goodbye to him to enforce his order.

Just once more in his office, Tsuneyoshi began to think about his hunch about the boy named Frank and Rize - "Even if it's not him, I'd still feel safer to have him in sight" - letting out a sigh, Tsuneyoshi relaxed into his chair while still deep in thought.

*Knock Knock*

Coming out of his deep thoughts upon hearing the knock on his door, Tsuneyoshi adjusted his formal kimono and sat up straight and firm- "Go ahead!" - Hearing Tsuneyoshi's words, the man behind the door entered the office .

Raising an eyebrow at the person that Kaiko brought, I await his explanation - "He will be in charge of the search mission for the target named Frank Evans, Tsuneyoshi-sama" - Finishing explaining, Kaiko left the office leaving the man alone with Tsuneyoshi.

"I didn't think you were interested in this, Kichimura," Tsuneyoshi replied to the man in front of him, Kichimura is a young man with medium-length, dark-colored hair, parting to the left of him. He wears a dark suit with a bow tie.

"I'm just curious about his relationship with Rize, and the only way to find out is from himself" -responding with a smile on his face, Kichimura waited for his father's words.

"Okay then" - nodding at his explanation, Tsuneyoshi turned her serious gaze on him - "I want you to increase Frank's search area, I want to know his location at all times as well as his movements. Although that will be for when they find out where he is "-explained his mission to Kichimura who was listening to everything with a smile on his face-" Understood? "-Asked with an authoritative tone Tsuneyoshi.

"Hai! Tsuneyoshi-sama "- Nodding at Tsuneyoshi's words, Kichimura left his office and headed in the direction of [District 20].

Watching Kichimura walk away from his office at [V] headquarters, Tsuneyoshi relaxed in his seat while he awaited Kichimura's mission report. So with that thought, he stayed for a few minutes at [V] headquarters, before leaving and going to [District 13]. Specifically to the central of the [Garden of the White Sun].

In another place we can see a young man with black hair in a black suit and a tie of the same color, the man with black hair. Also known as Kichimura, he approached Frank's previous residence in [District 20].

With a smile on his face, Kichimura sneaked into Frank's house in [District 20], which wasn't too difficult since it was night. Going up the stairs to the second floor, Kichimura took a look at the doors of the rooms, so smiling he went to the main room - "Let's continue where we left off" - talking to himself, Kichimura walked across the room towards the wardrobe of Frank.

Once there he began to investigate the interior of the wardrobe, so after a few minutes of careful investigation, Kichimura let out a sigh while shaking his head - "There is nothing here" - whispering those words, he moved away from the wardrobe and began to investigate the entire room where you left no corner without searching.


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