[King of Aogiri](2)

1 hour was how long the process of changing her [Race] took, in that hour I told Akira, Akina and Akiko about the [King of Aogiri] plan, where the first step of the plan needs Eto. To call the members of [Aogiri], but more importantly their administrators together with the leader Tatara.

Since the [King of Aogiri] plan needs the highest command of [Aogiri] to be fulfilled, so once I told the girls about the plan. It was no surprise that they wanted to join.


"Come on Frank, let us be part of the plan," replied Akiko, who had an excited look on her face.

"I agree with Akiko, we also want to be part of the plan" - For a moment my gaze away from Akiko, I saw that it was Akira who said those words.

So passing my hand over my head, I turned my gaze to Akina - "And your Akina, do you want to be part of the plan too?" - I asked Akiko, to be sure that all the girls agree.

"Nn, I also want to test my strength" - seeing that even the shy and cute Akina agreed, I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"They will be well inside" - listening to my words, the girls were going to jump with excitement until they heard my next words - "But first I will take you to the [Dungeon] where you will fight the [Zombies] yourself" -.

Jumping with excitement upon hearing my words, Akiko had bright eyes making them look like a star, while Akira was thoughtful. And lastly Akina had a look of displeasure on her face upon hearing the term [Zombie].

Shaking my head at her reaction, I was going to take out other potion making materials when suddenly Rize and Touka's eyelids fluttered. From what I've seen movements of her in it, I motioned for the girls to focus on them.

Seconds after their lids moved, the two girls simultaneously opened their eyes showing their [Kakugan] assets.

"Relax, it's us" - hearing my voice close to them, Rize and Touka blinked a couple of times before turning their curious gaze on me.

"Are we finished yet?" - was Touka's question, to which I nodded. Causing her to breathe a sigh of relief, giving way to a look of excitement on her face.

"I want to test my new strength" -In the following seconds, Rize said those words, as she got up from the bed next to Touka. Which still had her excited look.

"Fine, but first let Touka taste the food. If you want you can also eat "- I said while taking out of my inventory a couple of hamburgers that I bought a while ago, which I have not eaten due to obvious problems.

Running in my direction and snatching the food from her hand thanks to her new speed, Touka removed the wrapper and after a few seconds. She took a big bite removing ¼ of the burger.

Looking puzzled at my hand that a second ago had a hamburger, I saw Touka's face blush as my gaze rested on hers. So, watching her for a few seconds, I shook my head and gave a little laugh

Handing the other burger to Rize, which she gave a "Thank you", I saw a curious look appear on her face. Which gave way to a slight shock when tasting the hamburger, so quickly taking my phone out of my inventory, I threw a photo of that exact moment.

Giving a blank look at my action, Rize ignored me and continued to savor the burger, while her eyes looked up in satisfaction.

Smiling at this scene, I turned my gaze to Eto whose lids were furrowed at hers when Rize took a bite of her burger.

Opening her eyes after a few seconds and giving a couple of blinks. Eto turned her gaze towards me, giving a smile when she saw me, Eto got up from the bed and leapt in my direction with her new strength. By opening my arms, I captured her after taking a couple of turns.

"Welcome back" - smiling fondly upon hearing my words, Eto gave me a kiss on the lips of her which lasted a few seconds before separating from her.

"I'm back" - with those words, Eto turned her gaze towards the other girls and stuck out her tongue, while lazily lying on my chest.

"Then in a few hours we will start the plan, for now I will take Rize, Akira, Akina and Akiko to the [Dungeon], to test Rize's strength and make the girls stronger. Does anyone else want to come? "- talking about our next course of action, wait for the other girls to speak to see if they had any questions or would like to come with us to the [Dungeon].

Finishing her burger, Touka wiped her mouth and turned her gaze on me - "I would like to go to [Anteiku], I want to spend some time with Hinami-chan" - nodding at Touka's words, I gave her the [Costume Pen] to go unnoticed, after all, the [City of the Sun] is not yet ready to be made public for the moment.

"When will the plan start?" - to which answering that question and saying the time it has to be, Touka said goodbye to us - "See you later Frank, Rize, Eto, Akira, Akina, Akiko" - Leaving the room but not before throwing a [Observe] on her and giving me a goodbye kiss as well as a hug for all the girls, Touka left the [City of the Sun].

Saying goodbye to her, I sat on the bed for a few moments to check on Touka's condition.


[Touka Kirishima]

[Level: 425]

[Race: Perfect Ghoul]

[Hp: 144,500] (5950 every 5 minutes)

[Sp: 144,500] (5960 every minute)

[Strength: 850] [Attack: 8500]

[Constitution: 850] [Defense: 8500]

[Dexterity: 1] [Speed: 18 M / S]

[Intelligence: 0.8] [Weight: 425,000 Kg]

[Wisdom: 0.8]

[Charisma: 1]

[Luck: 30]


Closing Touka's [Status] window, I got out of bed. "Ready?" - Hearing my question, the girls smiled and replied with a "Yes!" destroyed from the [Dungeon: Zombies], so once inside I told the girls to test their strength.

"We'll do that," Rize replied, as her sadistic gaze appeared on her face as she observed a [Jockey], using all of her strength. Rize appeared in an instant in front of the [Jockey], and before he could react, he had a [Rinkaku] tentacle running through his abdomen.

Whistling at the show of force, I cast [Observe] on Rize to see her new state.


[Rize Kamishiro]

[Level: 472]

[Race: Perfect Ghoul]

[Hp: 160,480] (6608 every 5 minutes)

[Sp: 160,480] (6608 every minute)

[Strength: 944] [Attack: 9440]

[Constitution: 944] [Defense: 9440]

[Dexterity: 1] [Speed: 18 M / S]

[Intelligence: 1] [Weight: 472,000 Kg]

[Wisdom: 0.7]

[Charisma: 1]

[Luck: 29]


"It seems that I was the one with the least strength again" - I said to myself in a low voice as I observed with a smile the massacre of Rize and Eto, which were sadistic in nature but with me they were not since Eto sees me as his King and only light, while Rize sees me as her most important person in the world - "And even with all those problems, I still love them" - looking lovingly at Eto who used her [Kakuja] the [One-Eyed Owl], while Rize it dismembered the limbs of the zombies with claws with sharp nails.

Raising an eyebrow at the sharp claws on Rize's arms, I couldn't help but smile seeing that hers [Kakuja] is developing, though after thinking about it. It is very doable, after all, my meat was very potent and with Rize's [Luck]. She had a high chance of unlocking hers [Kakuja] from hers, which she did.

Taking my gaze off Rize, I cast [Observe] on Eto again to see her strength, which was greater than mine at first and now she has returned to occupy the role with greater strength in our group.


[Eto Evans]

[Level: 499]

[Race: Perfect Ghoul]

[Hp: 160,480] (6608 every 5 minutes)

[Sp: 160,480] (6608 every minute)

[Strength: 998] [Attack: 9980]

[Constitution: 998] [Defense: 9980]

[Dexterity: 1] [Speed: 18 M / S]

[Intelligence: 0.9] [Weight: 499,000 Kg]

[Wisdom: 1]

[Charisma: 1]

[Luck: 29]


"My guess is correct" - saying those words, I closed all the windows in my vision and focused on the girls to see the killings they did.

And so about 6 hours passed where Eto, Rize, Akira, Akina, and Akiko, killed hordes after hordes of zombies that were coming towards us, as we used [Ki Manipulation] to attract the zombies around us.

Which paid off, because a huge wave of zombies came towards our direction, which thanks to the advantages before said. I put a barrier around us for a few zombies to pass, because if all of Rize, Akira, Akina and Akiko passed, they would be in trouble if they were surrounded.

Eto couldn't be in trouble since she had hers [Kakuja] hers, than with her enormous size and weight. She could destroy the zombies just by walking in her direction, which was an advantage for the girls.

So while they were killing zombies everywhere, I amused myself by using my [Mana] to manipulate zombie meat and using the latter as a crafting material. So during those 6 hours of slaughter, I spent it using the meat of the zombies and manipulating it to take the shape I want, even accelerating the regeneration of the meat and fusing the meat to recover the zombie's body in a pristine state. .

Therefore after doing so much meat manipulation with my [Mana], Ruby gave me a toast notification that she said.

[By manipulating the meat for hours and making an advance you unlocked the [Flesh Crafting] class].

Which was a pleasant surprise, as I did want to create something out of meat though. I did not think that playing for hours with the meat of the zombies would allow me to unlock that class, since with that class you can create various things as well as merge some animals with humans to create a new species from their meat like the [Lamias] .

Letting my imagination run wild as I thought of the infinite possibilities, I relaxed to watch the girls tear apart their enemies. So after a while of seeing her, I got up from my throne and called out to them.

"It's time girls!" - to which hearing my call, the girls stopped attacking the zombies and approached me. Once near me and taking a part of my clothing, I took us out of the [Dungeon: Zombie] where Touka was in the room waiting for us while she watched TV.

"Welcome" - Touka lazily greeted towards our direction.

"Since when are you here?" - I asked Touka, while the girls lay down on the bed. That even with all of them on top there was still room, since I combined several king size beds with [Alchemy], thus creating a super bed where several dozen people could sleep and still have room for a couple more.

"About 45 minutes ago, and as I saw that they were not there. I started watching a movie. "-Grabbing a popcorn from her bowl, Touka replied as she continued to watch the television in front of us, where a mystery movie was playing.

"Furthermore, Hinami-chan said to go visit her. But since I told her that you were busy, she told me to tell you to come when you are free. "Pausing the movie, Touka said those words while she looked at me seriously and intently.

"Ok, once we finish the plan [King of Aogiri] I will visit Hinami-chan" - nodding before my words, Touka turned off the television earning moans of complaints from the other girls.

"Well, let's start the plan [King of Aogiri]" - I said as I seriously looked at the girls, who upon seeing my expression, became serious as well.

"Then I'll call everyone" - getting up from the sofa, Eto went to the exit while kissing me goodbye - "See you in a while girls" - waving lazily, Eto left the room to go to look for the leaders and members of [Aogiri].

"Let's review the plan" - once said that, I went back to saying the plan with the girls and saying their positions, so that at the moment that the members of [Aogiri] are in the vicinity of the [Sun City], lock them up with my [Ki] barriers. Thus preventing them from escaping, while the girls were tasked with defeating the members trying to escape, while I would defeat the leaders of [Aogiri].


Last chapter of the week, see you on Monday

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