
Cracking his index finger with his [Kagunes] outskirts, Frank decided to stop playing games as he had to kill Kichimura and destroy [V] and the [Washuu], so instantly appearing in front of Roma, who had a look of emotion on her face.

Frank decided to use a considerable amount of he strength since he did not want to kill her, and continued to hit her abdomen causing he arm to go through her appearing from the other side with guts protruding from he arms.

Vomiting blood from having her abdomen pierced, Roma smiled hugely and squeezing Frank's arm with her strength, she stabbed with hers [Rinkaku] towards Frank, who only had a soft smile on his face.

Letting the 8 tentacles of Roma's [Rinkaku] go through him, Frank could feel the pain it caused, but with a smile on he face he used he other arm and hit Roma's face, making her neck will turn sharply to the left.

* Crack * (Sound of broken bones)

"Ara ~ Hitting a girl's face, you're not too aggressive." Grinning madly at Frank, Roma again adjusted her broken neck bone to her place thanks to her monstrous regeneration.

Moving away from her a few meters away, Frank observed with a smile towards Roma - "I am someone who respects gender equality, so in a fight regardless of gender, I will always hit anywhere" -.

Nodding at Frank's words, Roma looked at Frank- "How about we get serious, do we use our [Kakujas]?" - Roma asked towards Frank, who nodded with a huge smile on his face.

"I was waiting for you to say that" - And without letting her breathe, Frank's [Kakuja] enveloped him in what seemed like an instant, showing the huge [One-Eyed Dragon], on the other hand the [Kakuja] of Rome enveloped her at the same speed as Frank, showing a round head with a sucker-shaped mouth filled with pointed and sharp teeth, with six muscular arms encircling it, with its true head and arms protruding over the head of its [Kakuja].

Appearing in front of her with he sharp claws cutting in her direction, Roma faced the blow head-on with a huge smile on her face, and with a huge gash from her showing on her head [Kakuja ] her. Roma used her 6 muscular arms to catch the [One-Eyed Dragon], which only observed her.

Roma using her [Kakuja] which was named as [The Cunning Mother], this being her [SSS] class ghoul identity, she used two of her arms to catch the dragon's front legs and squeezed tightly causing the tight spots to sink. in several centimeters deep, while her other arms formed fists to strike towards the [One-Eyed Dragon].

Showing a smile on his dragon body, Frank opened his mouth and using [Fire Flares] from his mouth, the fire headed towards Rome which released Frank and used his arms as muscles, unfortunately the fire damage was enormous. Making her arms melt after a few seconds of enduring it.

Opening the mouth of hers [Kakuja], Roma approached Frank and bit he mouth making his [Kakuja] melt away, but she stopped him for a few seconds, until the fire melted the mouth of the [One-Eyed Dragon]. Causing fire to enter hers [Kakuja] of hers, resulting in her melting away from within.

"AHHHH!" - Letting out a cry of pain with a smile on her face, Roma used her newly regenerated arms to retry her previous plan, which was stopped by the 3 tentacles on the back of the [One-Eyed Dragon] , which formed fists with mouths.

"This is the first time I have been burned alive!" - Shouting those words aloud, Roma only smiled enormously, as she watched as her fists were stopped and devoured by the arms full of mouths coming from the tentacles on the back of the [Dragon One-Eye].

"It seems that I took a first time from you, although it is not what I expected" -With a deep voice coming from the [One-Eyed Dragon], Roma only nodded at he words.

"Now let me take a bite" -Raising one of he arms, Frank digested he hands with sharp claws towards the mouth of [The Cunning Mother] and forcibly opened it, showing her insides melted by the flames .

Instantly regenerating he destroyed mouth, the [One-Eyed Dragon] opened he enormous mouth and brought he closer to the [Kakuja] of Rome. Ripping a huge chunk of hers [Kakuja], while he tentacles on he back devoured the arms that were trying to regenerate from [The Cunning Mother].

"This is also my first time being eaten alive" - ​​Hearing Roma's words, Frank just kept devouring her [Kakuja], while the [Clown] members watched with amazement on them face, as they leader was defeated after a few seconds of struggle.

"I won the bet T-chan, now you owe me a dinner." Raising her arms in a victory pose, Itori stuck her tongue out at Uta. Which had a look of excitement on he face, while a crazy smile was showing on his face.

"It seems that their battle did not last even a minute, I lost the bet, Itori" - Accepting his defeat, while watching Frank who is devouring the [Kakuja] of Rome, Uta couldn't help but smile enormously, as he barely avoided running towards him to fight to the death against him.

"It seems you're in trouble, Kichimura." Smiling provocatively at Kichimura, Itori have a with a gleeful expression on her face, while observed the grim look on Kichimura's face.

"Shut up bitch! It's not your life that's in danger" -Shouting towards Itori, Kichimura was racking his brains on a plan to get out alive, but none that he thought worked. Since Frank had followed him and he didn't notice.

"And that's why your expression is funny. Fufufufu "- Laughing as if she were an Ojou-sama, Itori continued to provoke Kichimura, who knew it. But his life was about to end, and he was very sensitive about it.

Uta seeing the actions of his partner smiled slightly, while trying to think how to make Frank forgive Kichimura. Since they had known each other for years, and it would be a loss to let him die.


Several minutes after he finished devouring the [Kakuja] of Rome, a notification window appeared in his peripheral view, which he ignored to observe Roma's naked body.

"You are mine now." Putting he body above her, Frank stared at Roma, who had a smile on her face.

"Now you can claim your prize ~" - her Spreading her leg to show her vagina towards Frank, while she spread her arms. Frank was tempted to devour her right there, but he shook his head slightly.

"I'll do it later, get dressed for now." - Taking a maid dress from his [Inventory], Frank gave it to Roma to wear.

"Your tastes are very good" - Putting on the classy black and white maid dress with a skirt above the thighs, and black pantyhose and shoes of the same color, Roma complimented Frank's tastes.

"What can I say, I am a man of culture." Nodding with a wise look on her face, Frank put the jokes aside and I hope that Roma finished dressing, and then go with the others.

"Let's go with the rest" - Walking towards the members of the [Clowns], Frank looked towards Kichimura, who was fighting with Itori, while the latter made fun of him.

"Hai Goshujin-sama!" -Exclaiming those words, Roma followed Frank as if she were a real servant- "I wonder if Goshujin-sama, can spare Kichimura's life?" -Following her role, Roma asked a Frank that question.

"I could do it, but why would I? Kichimura is someone very dangerous for the people around me" - Nodding at Frank's words, Roma was thinking what to say, when suddenly. Frank spoke again.

"I will forgive him, but if she tries something against me, she will die instantly" -Smiling at hearing her words, Roma made a small bow.

"This simple servant is grateful for Goshujin-sama's words" - Following Frank obediently with a step behind, Roma greeted the members, who did the same.

Sitting on his throne, which was still in its pristine state, as opposed to the warehouse around him, Frank looked at Kichimura - "Be thankful that Roma convinced me not to kill you, but the instant you do something against me or my people, you will die "- Raising his hand, Frank guided his mana towards Kichimura's heart and brain.

"I just put a 'bomb' in your heart and brain, which can detonate instantly, so think carefully about your actions" - Frank said, since he had used his mana to create a bomb, which can detonate just by thinking about it. .

"Do you think I'll believe that?" Kichimura asked towards Frank, as she watched him with a questioning look on her face.

"Yes, I'll show you." -Squeezing the mana in Kichimura's heart and brain, Frank fun as the latter placed his hand on her heart and head, while he crouched down. - "It's enough?" - Returning the mana to normal, Frank watched as Kichimura breathed deeply.

[[Clown] loyalty increased to [94/100]

"Well, now let me take them to my domain" -And with those words Frank rose from his throne, to then lead the members of the [Clowns] towards [District 1] while he guarded the throne in his soul.


It had been 1 day since Frank had defeated Roma and consequently gained the loyalty of the [Clowns] which settled at 96 points, and how Frank knew what kind of people they were.

He gave him the mission to kill [V] by giving them the coordinates of the main base in [District 1] and the other bases in the other districts except [24], since there are no bases there, Since there is the operation [Crush the Mole] is carried out, and they could be discovered in that operation.

Which they gladly accepted, and immediately went out to fulfill the mission the moment it was given. Which was this day a few minutes ago.

Leaving with sadistic smiles on them faces, Frank could only watch with a blank look as the members of the [Clowns] leave talking to each other as if they were going to a picnic.

"Was it my best idea?" - Wondering that as he saw the last members of the [Clowns] leave his throne room, Frank could only look at them on his throne, since they were the right ones for the job - "If they make chaos, I'll just say, it was not my orders "- Nodding wisely before his words.

"Now let's see this" - Ignoring the possible disorder that the [Clowns] caused in the districts, Frank concentrated on the window which appeared yesterday in the meeting with this last group.

[Because of your high mana manipulation, you have unlocked the [Mana Mage] class]

"Unlock another class" -Speaking out loud, Frank smiled excitedly to see that he had unlocked a new class, the first being [Flesh Craftsting] and the second being, which is called [Mana Mage].

"With two new classes, the next world will be surprisingly easy to pass" - Frank said - "Although first I will go relax for a few days with my HOTD girls" - Smiling softly at the memory, Frank slightly shook his head.

"Well let's go with the girls, I promised Eva and Touka to do a movie marathon" - Rising from the throne, Frank continued from the throne room, to go to the movie theater. Where all the girls were in their pajamas.

"Who is ready for a marathon!" -Exclaiming with a smile on his face, Frank watches as Touka, Eva, Eto, Rize, Akira, Akiko and Akina, smile in his direction.

"Me ~!" - Screaming in unison upon hearing my words, the girls raised their hands with an amused smile on their face.

"Then let's get started" - Putting on his pajamas from [Inventory], Frank approached the girls and they began to watch a marathon of animated films and series.

"By the way, Miza wants to talk to you alone, Frank." Turning his gaze to Eto who was smiling with Rize next to her, Frank narrowed his eyes at her actions.

"Tell him I accept the invitation, and to send me a message for the meeting place" - Nodding before Frank's words, they returned to focus on the company film [Pixie], which Frank bought in full.


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