In the Water

It is the last day of vacation before they have to go home. The waves are strong enough for them to go out once more on the boogie boards. Tyler and Calem go first. Emma runs behind the boys. Just as they were about to catch waves, they spot a silver fin circling close to Tyler. The last thing they would want to do is scream, and scare the other swimmers and their parents.

“It might be Noah,” Tyler says. “Noah, you can come up. No one’s going to hurt you.” He looks out to sea but does not see Acrilla anywhere. Tyler looks again and again. The fin makes circles as it hits his board. “Acrilla? Are you down there?” He keeps his eyes open and sticks his head underwater. Moving his head around, the water is clear enough to see, but Tyler doesn't see Noah swimming nearby. Then he looks directly under his board, and he spots a shark. He pulls his head up quickly and stutters at Calem and Emma, who are only a few feet away.