Glad You Are Here

When I got inside, Laeddin was back in the living room with Peter. He had a look on his face that said we would discuss what he just witnessed later. The TV was still on and Peter was focused on it. I glanced around, then remembered my mom had left. The serious conversation I planned couldn't happen tonight after all.

I thought about her in Sharra, curious about whether she changed back and forth between herself and Zoe.

If not, she would totally freak out Ciana, the vampire who helped raise me. I loved Ciana. She'd taken care of me since I was little when my parents were working. We played together during my mom's long meetings.

In that moment, I remembered the vision right after Jaffar took my wings. She was flying and went into the mountain where all evil supernaturals were imprisoned. There she woke someone. A vampire she called Velencia. And Ciana had entered the tomb.

My nanny betrayed me.