Worn Leather

After I shared what Gatsby told me as well as what I witnessed just after Jaffar took my wings, we both decided it wasn't much of a leap to think the Mistress and Sharra were the same. With that knowledge in tow, we debated what to do with the information.

We had several heated discussions about what her plan was with the Akuma and the dwindling light, if she was causing it. We also knew we needed to tell Pops and we definitely needed to tell my mom and dad.

Before we talked to them, Laeddin wanted to see what information he could find in his realm's library. It was located in one of four circular towers that made up each corner of his family's castle.

When we arrived, I sneezed.

The castle library's air was dusty and smelled of old paper and worn leather. The books were on shelves that began at floor level and went all the way to the top in every direction, three-hundred-and-sixty degrees of books.