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Chapter 35

"No, I was talking about your cock. I was surprised to see it so hard too. Maybe it's those little boy underwear making it look so manly," I retort.

The bed dips, and in a millisecond I feel Max slam his hands on each side of my head, his hard, warm body resting its weight on mine, and his minty breath in my face.

He thrusts his hips in between mine and my eyes roll in the back of my head. My hands defy my brain and slide against his smooth chest.

"Does this feel like it's lacking?" he growls, as the tip of him brushes against my clit. My heart is beating in my chest so wildly I can barely breathe. The red flag of heartache waving in the background starting to blur.

I know in my heart I can't accept Max as a one-night stand. I am genuinely attracted to him on levels way past attraction. The way he makes me laugh. The feel of his hand on my hip when we're around a crowd. I want more.