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Chapter 36

I find myself pushing at his chest as my legs wrap around his thighs pulling him closer. My body battling with the pain and pleasure rocketing through me.

He swoops his hands under me, sliding along my back as he thrusts in and out of me.

"Do you feel that?" he asks against my ear. "That's me fucking you, Rae." He kisses the shell of my ear, thrusting into me with one hard jerk of his hips. I can't contain the moan that rips through my entire body.

His own back arching with every slow drive in and out of me. His hips grind and swirl as he hits something inside of me that has me seeing spots every time.

I roll my lips onto one another, as I stare into his blue eyes. They're glossed with pleasure, a look crossing his face I've never seen before.