Not Eating.

mike-*sets a few marshmallows out for the wolf as he pets it.*

The wolf-*eats the marshmallows and lays down with its head on Mike's lap.*

mike-*petting its head*^^is the wolf yours lily?^^


mike-*keeps petting it's head*^^whats its name.^^

Lily-....BUBBY!*can sorta speak normally*

"Bubby"-*looks at Lily responding to his "name".*

Mike-that's a cool name.*pets BUBBY.*

"bubby"-*lays it's head on Mike's lap again.*

mike-*keeps petting BUBBY's head.*

Lily-*falls asleep and Jeff carries her to her room.*

mike-*sits happily petting the wolf.*

"bubby"-*curls up into a lil donut and falls asleep.*

Mike-so fluffy*falls asleep petting bubby.*


Lily-*walks in not releasing she forgot to put on a shirt cus she's still half asleep*mehhlaggg.

mike-*wakes up and gets from under bubby without waking him and gives lily his spare shirt from a side bag he keeps on him.*

Lily-*confused sounds.*🤨

Mike-(-_-)^^your not wearing a shirt go put this on before people see you.^^


*5 minutes later.*

mike-*helps div make dinner and they lay the tables for everyone to eat.*

Lily-*appears by div and again has no shirt.*i av no mowr shorts(I have no more shirts.)

Div-you can borrow a few of mine till we go shopping.

Mike-i gave you a spare of mine, why aren't you wearing it?

Lily-paint*a sudden cloud of smoke appears around her and when its gone she is a child version of herself and her scars are fresh wounds*

Mike-.....i'll take her to the doctor*picks her up and takes her to the medical room so nurse Ann can help her.*

Lil lily-*freaked out the whole way to the med room.*(scared child screams)

mike-*has sensitive ears and has to cover them but stays by her side the whole time*(TuT)ow.

Ann-*finished bandaging her and gives her a lollipop.*

Lil Lily-*calms down a bit.*

mike-(._.).....can i have one?

Ann-*sighs and gives him one.*

Mike-(in a smaller than normal voice)oh yeah~*puts it in his mouth.*

Lil lily-*gone.*

Mike-oh shit where did she go*starts looking around.*

Lil lily-*appears by the gabes.*

a.gabe/gabe-*making lil lily a plate of all her favorite foods.*

Lil lily-*happy smol bean sounds*

mike-*sees her and calms down then goes to eat.*


Lil lily-*didn't eat anything*....

a.gabe/gabe-(confused sounds)not hungry?

Lil lily-(sadly)mum said i'm not allowed to eat….*clearly VERY hungry*

Gabe-you don't have to listen to her anymore oki*trys to get her to eat by tempting her with a bunch of chocolate and other food.*

Lil lily->:I*annoyed child sounds.*

A.gabe-*gets lily to eat*what the fuck kind of sicko doesnt let there own child eat.

Lil lily-*spits out the food.*

gabe-*looks at jeff and punishment for help*

Jeff/punishment-*both try to get her to eat but fail.*

Mike-*remembers what his grandma had to do for him as a little kid*(in a small shy voice).....does she eat mashed potatoes?

Lil lily-blah!

Jeff-the hell did she even do to get her to not eat?

mike-*reaches in his pocket and pulls out a notepad and shows what he wrote*(My grandma made a pill with all the nutrients of a meal. What if we just put it in a coke it's completely safe for kids it's actually recommended for reluctant kids that don't want to eat.)

Jeff-....will she even drink water?*tries to get her to drink some water but fails.*

Kevin-survey says no.

Mike-who is that?*points at kevin.*

Jeff-that's a mini jason the toy maker.


Kevin-my names kevin.:)*looks like a smaller and younger version of Jason the toymaker*

mike-*trying to not be shy*oh….um im michael just call me mike for short.


Mike-we are trying to get her to eat but we can't seem to get it to work*offers Lily a chocolate bar.*

Lil lily-blagh!*refuses to eat it.*

mike-*looks confused and worried*not even chocolate?

Jeff-(._.)well now i'm scared.

Mike-we should try to fix her back to when she was older before she starves herself or something.
