mike-*doesn't know how to respond about the missing eye*(small concerned noises.)
Jeff-......you never take off your mask.
mike-*getting things out to patch him up.*
Punishment-*suddenly freaks out*WTF HAPPENED TO MY EYE!?WHERE TF AM I?
mike-(in a small voice)i'll patch you up and help you find it.
punishment-WHO TF ARE YOU!?
Mike-....lily's friend im michael just call me mike.
Punishment-.......who is lily?
Mike-jeff.....i think he has amnesia or something.
Jeff-that happened to me once.slender was mad at me at the time and then that happened and everyone was extremely confused,but I did recognize everyone.
Mike-*has everything to fix his eye wound*listen you have a bad injury i'm gonna clean and bandage it ok.
mike-*silently works on the wound taking his time not to sting him well cleaning it or make the bandaging to tight*ok im done try not to touch it or anything and let me know when you think it needs to get cleaned.
mike-*gets a phone call and steps outside to answer and starts speaking fluent french and comes back inside*hey jeff where on a map would we be at or near meh mom just got back in the country and needs me to pick her up.
Jeff-ummmm id-...who are you?
mike-.......*runs around the mansion till he finds slender*hey ummm you don't know me but i know lily and something weird is happening people are losing their memories and stuff what do i do?
Slender-*sighs*I will look into it.
Mike-oh and lily got turned small and won't eat and she's starving herself some help with that would be nice*goes back to lil lily,jeff and punishment*ok we'll have some help soon with your memories and hopefully lily.
Punishment-what's wrong with lily?
Mike-she refuses to eat,her mom did something to her making her refuse to eat when she is obviously starving.
Punishment-let me try.*somehow gets lily to eat.*
mike-(small happy mike noises)thank you.
Punishment-you just gotta use reverse psychology.
Mike-i never thought of that thank you.
Punishment-your welcome.
Mike-you work with a lot of kids or something?
Punishment-when i lived in new york i did a lot of babysitting for kids with disabilities and disorders.its pretty easy to get them to eat when they don't want to.tho she may just not like you.kids sometimes won't eat when some one they don't like tries to get them to eat.
mike-(TuT)that makes sense children never really liked me.
Mike-yeah.....grandma always told me that my nervousness made kids nervous that may be why.
Lil lily-*throws a knife at mike.*
mike-*not even looking at her and catches it*lily don't throw knives at me please.
Lil lily-bleagh!>:(
Punishment-yeah she definitely doesn't like you.