Mike's mom and a game of hide and seek.

Lyra-*toby's ded older sis*leave my brother alone.

Div-tell him to not touch me and i will*doesn't like being touched*I'm a girl and I expect my personal space and well-being to be left as is. I don't like being or having my neck broken.

Lyra-then go live somewhere else.

Div-i should be able to live here and have my boundaries respected >:l

Masky-(bluntly)no one gets personal space here.

div-*sighs*yeah ok then i'm going to bed.


div-*hears her and flips her off as she closes her door*i don't see you doing anything to help around here(does most of the work around the mansion.)

Lyra-*huffs and leaves.*

Mike-*comes back in with a tall lady that he looks alot like*ok got my mom she doesn't speak english well she moved back to france when i was little.

Lil lily-*being a smol angry bean.*

adaline-*walks over and easily calms Lily down.*

Lil lily-*in french*hi.

adaline-(only can speak french)hello little one what's your name?

Lil lily-*in french*My name is lily.

mike-(in french)mums ima take you to your room in a bit.

Adaline-ok just let me talk to the small one for a bit.

mike-(french)ok just let me know if you need anything*goes and pets the small grey wolf.*

Smol gray wolf-*looks like it's smiling.*

mike-(small happy mike noises)so cute.

Lil lily-*Smol bean sounds.*

Adaline-*socially awkward just like mike*(looks at lily)so.....any hobbies?

Lil lily-(french)i'm good at hiding.

Adaline-oooo~ we all should play then*in broken english*l-let's pl-ay hide an-d seek.

Lil lily-:I *nods*

adaline-*back in french*i was talking to the others i know you already knew what i was saying

Masky-(in perfect french)if you want i can translate for you.

adaline-*born and raised in France*(can only really speak French)oh you speak french?


Sally-i wanna play too.

mike-ok i'll play too then*looks at punishment*If you want to join, you can show me some nice places to hide.


adaline-*looks at masky*(french)How long should I count?

Masky-(french)....count to 30.

Adaline-ok then*starts counting in a different room so the others can hide.*

Lil lily/sally-*quickly run off to hide.*

div-*already gone when adaline leaves to count.*

mike-*let punishment lead him.*

Punishment-*shows Mike a pretty good hiding spot.*

mike-...nice*hids in the spot so well that he can't see Mike at all*Where are you gonna hide?


mike-*looks around and points to a spot that looks good for hiding*What about there?

Punishment-....*shakes his head and goes off to hide.*

adaline-*already done counting and seems to be following lily and sally's exact path they took to hide.*

Sally-*hiding under Slender's desk in his office.*

adaline-*under the desk beside her*(french)nice spot.

Sally-*smiles and hugs her.*hi.

adaline-*smiles and helps her from under the desk and puts her on her shoulders to move on and find lily.*

Lil lily-*le gone.*

punishment-*in a tree for some reason(he's not even trying)*

adaline-*in the tree suddenly*(french)what kind of spot is this :l .

Punishment-(french)sorry was i supposed to do something?*he got hit in the head.*

adaline-........(french)what happened to you?

Punishment-(french)idk but i think my head's bleeding :I.

Adaline-who patched you up the last time.

Punishment-(french)i think his name is uhhh*"intense" thinking.*ralph?

Adaline-then go by him to see about it.

Punishment-*falls out the tree and gets up like nothing happened and goes to the med room*

Adaline-poor child (._.) .