What happened to Punishment?


Punishment-*his head is bleeding pretty badly now.*ok.:I

Cheez burger-*looks at punishment and starts working on his head*what happened.

Punishment-idk.*It looks like someone tried to off him with an ax to the head.*:I

Cheezburger-....did you piss off the lumberjack that lives across the way or something?

Punishment-no.i was just sitting in a tree and it started bleeding.*he's been slowly shifting to his human form.*

Cheez burger-*stops the bleeding and bandages his head so the blood stops running*try no to move around as much.

Punishment-*his right eye suddenly goes completely white*......

Cheezburger-.......wtf happened to your eye now >:l


Cheez burger-i don't know what to do now*pulls out a book on eyes and tries to treat it the best he can.*

Punishment-*fully in his human form which is severely bruised and scarred and his left arm is missing and it looks like it was cut off with a chainsaw and he looks very very ded.*

mike-*won the game and comes in to help out where he can and sees him*:l...*just walks over and starts treating him silently.*

Cheez burger-less work for me*goes to get some honey*call me if you need anything.

Punishment-*There are black marks under his eyes and his ghost is floating next to dr.ralph for some reason.*

Dr.ralph-*sleeping in the library part of the mansion.*

Ghost Punishment-*can't see but knows someone there,so he starts jabbing them with a sharp stick to annoy the hell out of them.*jab jab.:>

Dr.ralph-...what!? >:l

Ghost Punishment-*continues jabbing him*:>

Dr.ralph-omg you fucking annoying ass kid*throws the book that was over his face at him*ok ok im up what do you fucking want!?

Ghost Punishment-*the book goes through him and he continues jabbing him.*poke.:>(he looks to be around six and has the same injuries,bruises and scars as his body)

dr.ralph-*yanks the stick and grabs his hand(can touch and see ghosts)and sets him on couch*who are you >:l

Ghost Punishment-my names isaccac.who are you?*Dr.ralph knows punishment's real name.*

Dr.ralph-*has a soft spot for children and children seem to love him*just call me doc ok isaccac where is your body so i can get you to stop poking me >:l

Ghost Punishment-in the med room i think.:>

dr.ralph-*sets isaccac on his shoulders and starts walking*What happened to you?

Ghost Punishment-*suddenly solem*..............................*mumbles* my............dad...…..killed.......me.

Dr.ralph-.....oh im sorry to hear that*brings him to the med bay.*

mike-*Repaired his body to almost perfect condition minus the arm that he replaced with an exact copy prosthetic arm.*

Ghost Punishment-*also blind in his ghost form*:I

Dr.ralph-he is blind did you fix his eyes?

Mike-.....i think i did it right.

dr.ralph-*puts isaccac back in his body*ok mike fixed your body can you see yet.

Punishment-*still seems childlike*...nope.:I

Dr.ralph-eyes are the hardest beside the brain ima just cut some corners :I*uses magic to fix his eyes.*

Ghost Punishment(g.Punishment)-nah.*back to being a ghost.*

Demon punishment(d.Punishment-(His demon side is controlling the body now and the right eye is black and semi-normal.)*sighs and looks rather annoyed.*Really kid?


Mike-(can see ghosts and demons and most entities and realizes it)i'm confused now did someone drug me im seeing a ghost and demon :l .

dr.ralph-*sighs*no they're real and one is very annoying and one is very annoyed so watch out.

mike-oki*goes back to trying to fix the body's eyes so they can be of use.*

Lil lily-*has a broken arm from falling out a vent and doesn't seem bothered by it and also doesn't seem to have even noticed it.*hi 🙃

mike-....(in a small voice)hi…..*relocates her arm without hurting her then gets back to working on his eyes.*

Lil lily-*hugs dr.ralph.*new friend!😊

dr.ralph-*drinking some tea*you already know me lily >:l .

Lil lily-*confused*I do?

dr.ralph-*sighs*yes*pets her head as he reads a book on anatomy.*

G.Punishment-*apparently can see now but his right eye is still completely white.*how'd you break your arm?

Lil lily-i fell out a vent.😅

Mike-*working on bringing back color to his eye*How did you even get in a vent?

Lil lily-i don know.

Mike-huh ok then :l *brings back the color to his eye.*

D.Punishment-*glaring at mike for some reason.*

mike-*notices he is glaring at him*(in a smaller than normal voice)....are you ok?

D.Punishment-*just growls at mike.*

Mike-*worried that he did something wrong now*umm did i do something wrong.

dr.ralph-This is fun to watch.

D.Punishment-*throws a ball of black flame at ralph.*shut it angel.

dr.ralph-*just waves his hand and the flame dissipates and he goes back to his tea*ok fine.


mike-*goes back to working on punishment's eyes.*

dr.ralph-*throws a book at mikes head*....i'm bored.

D.Punishment-*suddenly gone and a scream is heard from the first floor.*

Dr.ralph-what did he do now >:l

div-*already on the first floor in the kitchen cleaning*What was that noise?

*There is a dead body in the living room that is so badly it's practically impossible to identify.*

div-*sighs*who put blood on the carpet it took me a whole week to clean it last time*starts moving the body and cleaning the blood.*

D.Punishment-*appears behind her and rips her to shreds and eats all the dismembered parts.*

gabe-*from the kitchen*oof that's some rough shit. (._.)

D.Punishment-i suggest you keep your mouth shut angel,unless you want to be my next meal.*The mangled body was a decoy illusion.*

Gabe-ok then*goes back to the kitchen and eats his food.*

ruby-*can see ghost and is part angel part demon runs up to d.punishment and hugs him*ello!

D.Punishment-....hello......small thing…

Ruby-your nice*wasn't in the room when he ate div.*

D.Punishment-...yeah ok small...….child thing?

Ruby-*barely makes it to his knee*i'm not that small your just big >:l

D.Punishment-*is 7'0''*yeah sure

Ruby-oh yeah*sums up all her strength and hits him in the foot that does nothing*had enough yet >:l

D.Punishment-wow how cute.(-_-)

ruby-*isn't trying to act cute and actually trying to cause him harm and is biting his leg*I can cut a tall tree down(meaning him).

D.Punishment-i'm already ded you can't harm me.(-_-)

ruby-(small victory demon sounds)so you lose by default meaning i still remain undefeated >:]*does a small victory lap around him.*

D.Punishment-*sighs annoyed*I think I'll go eat that other angel.*is gone and eats gabe in Less then one second.*

adaline-*was in the kitchen eating some small cheese cubes*......(small french sounds of concern).(On0)

D.Punishment-(french with a russin accent)you,i like.you don't have to fear me,i won't harm you.

Adaline-oh ok then,nice to know*goes back to her cheese cubes.*

D.Punishment-*walks out the kitchen with angel blood on him and heads to the med room*

mike-*finished his eyes and they looked restored and back to their normal state and he is sitting and reading a book in a corner.*

Dr.ralph-(sounds casual)who did you kill.

D.Punishment-*smiles evilly*those two angels down stairs.

Dr.ralph-*doesn't even sound the least bit upset or sad*meh i can regrow gabe div may be a bit harder and that's a shame she cleans the medical room for me >:l

D.Punishment-*laughs*but there's nothing to regrow.*the body is gone now.*

Dr.ralph-shit....ima need a new nurse and cleaner*throws a book at mikes head*you're my new nurse and cleaner.

mike-*catches the book*.....ok,i guess.

Dr.ralph-problem solved.

G.Punishment-...........*looking at where their body was then looks at demon Punishment then back at the spot.*:I


G.Punishment-*points at the spot where their body was.*:I

dr.ralph-:I what the fuck where is the body at.

D.Punishment-wait wat?*looks at the spot confused af.*the fuck?

Dr.ralph-blame the new nurse*throws a book at Mike's head.*

D.Punishment-(confused demon sounds.)*div and gabe's souls are stuck inside of him and can see and hear what's going on and can talk to demon Punishment.*

s.Div-punishment let me out now >:l

s.Gabe-i'm intrigued by the missing body. Let's try to find it