(Fenrir's POV) Use Him



The black wolf inside lunged forward, wanting to be satisfied by the lecherous boy before him. Before it could get loose from its shackles and take over Fenrir's consciousness, he barely pulled the untamed beast back into the depths of his mind.

"Vita." (Fine.)

Fenrir placed a hand over the servant's eyes and commanded with gritting teeth, "Hvílað." (Sleep.)

The boy's green irises rolled into his head and fell backward on the couch unconsciously. The weight of his body slouched to the side, causing his right cheek to lie against the seat's leather. He was lucky that Fenrir still had some soul energy left to prevent a repeat of their first meeting.

Even when the young intern laid there sleeping, Fenrir's body ached to touch him because of the lingering scent. His chest wanted to release a howl in frustration.

The castle's grey brick walls rattled from the storm outside caused by him unintentionally. The rain hammered against the windows, almost slicing the glass. Trying to compose his anger, he sat down on the chair behind his ancient desk. Pinching his fingers to his nose bridge, he concentrated on dimming this nasty weather.

"My Lord," a muffled, familiar voice said from the hallway.

"Hverr?" (What?)

The doors opened and shut. An animal's nails clicked against the floors with each step. Nearing the desk, the tapping sounds turned into human footsteps. When they stopped in front of him, Fenrir turned his attention to the visitor.

Sani stood there with a few smoke wisps lingering from shifting. He whipped out a handkerchief and held it to his nose.

"I'll be honest with you, Fenrir. It stinks in here."

More thunder could be heard. "And you seem to be in a sprightly mood."

Fenrir ignored the lack of formalities and pointed to the unresponsive body on the sofa.

"I don't know who I'm more irritated with—you or that thing over there."

Sani glanced over and said surprisingly, "Hyeon?"

*Hyeon...*, the wolf thought. He has heard that name, but he didn't care to remember it from before.

His long-time colleague seemed to be at a loss for words. Fenrir filled him in.

"Apparently, his response to my calls causes him to behave like a mating female."

"Hmmm. As long as he's useful to you, no?"

"It's troublesome, Coyote."

Sani shrugged, "But as long as he serves his purpose. After the previous incident with the last dýr and the weak souls before that, you haven't had adequate energy in years. If you don't take what you need, you know what will happen. Because of your poor diet, it's getting worse in the human realm."

"I know," Fenrir snapped in stubbornness. He didn't need to be reminded of his growing curse which could affect the living.

"No, I don't think you do. Your expanding aura is now influencing war amongst countries and natural disasters are occurring almost every week. I just spent eight days on your orders trying to snoop around if Hyeon was connected to another god. There's nothing about him. So without delay, you need to do what you need to do, or another crisis will happen. Do you not remember the tsunami in Japan? The wildfires in North America? A disease just started spreading this year which is causing death and panic—"

Fenrir bellowed, "LÉTTA." (STOP.)

Old catastrophes that he didn't want to recall flashed in his mind. He shuddered, wanting to transform into his deadly canine. It desired to attack the unfortunate person reminding him of his involuntary sins. He imagined his fangs gouging out the—

As his thoughts veered dangerously, Sani stood in a defensive posture just in case he was attacked. The anguished facial expression along with the glowing golden eyes made it obvious when Fenrir was losing control.

Fenrir's condition was getting worse day by day.