(Sani's POV) Mysterious Guest


Although Hyeon was no longer emitting pheromones, the potent aroma remained. It even made Sani squirm, yet Fenrir could amazingly hold himself back despite Hyeon's advances.

He had to prevent the wolf from going rabid. In recent years, it was becoming more difficult to help him return from that state.

Sani took his expensive fountain pen from his suit and chucked it at Fenrir's head. The pen's tip aimed perfectly and poked his left eye.

Fenrir stood up from his chair, startled from the pen's assault. His right hand leaned against the table while his left one clutched his eye. "If you were a mere demon, I would've sent you back into the deepest area in Hell myself, Coyote."

*Works every time.*

Sani praised himself once again for containing Loki's erratic son.

"Help yourself to the soul I brought for you while he's here. I won't be able to find one like it again. Ragnarok will come sooner if you don't take advantage of this opportunity. I have meetings coming up with some big-time gods, and I have to act as your lawyer to explain why your power is growing. In the meantime, get out more instead of being a hermit in this depressing chamber. And for God's sake, please get some soul energy from Hyeon but don't kill him, yes?"

Instead of responding with a simple agreement, Fenrir picked up the pen from the floor and launched it back with double the force. Before Sani could catch it, the writing utensil thwacked his forehead.

Now, both were doing a stare-down with each other as Sani held his bruised head and Fenrir rubbed his injured eye.

Secretly, Sani was feeling happily nostalgic. This bickering faintly shadowed Fenrir's prior self before Odin imprisoned him here. He missed that old friend dearly.

He let Fenrir win this round. Sani bowed and said, "Rest well."

Going to the couch, he lifted the sleeping beauty and placed him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

*A heavy potato...*, he complained.

Leaving the Master's office, he passed by the area with broken China pieces strewed around. It was being cleaned up by another servant. Weaving through the castle's layout to the servants' private apartments, Sani unlocked the studio door. He heaved Hyeon on the bed who was joined by his pet. She laid on his belly.

He gently petted the cat's oddball head and questioned, "I wasn't expecting to see you with him, of all places."

Nammi purred.

Before he left, the Navajo god adjusted his dark blue Brioni suit in the mirror.

Sani noticed in the reflection that Hyeon's face contorted with stress. The bottom of his eyes were cracked opened and his hands had small spasms as if trying to move.

*Night terrors, eh?*

That was when the air turned hostile. The risen red moon that was peeking through the small bedroom window grew dark, like an extinguished candle. The cat resting on Hyeon's stomach gave a low, warning meow.

Something wasn't right. Sani could feel another energy, but he didn't know what or who it was. He actually noticed a similar presence in the doctor's room after Hyeon was attacked, but it was much weaker back then. It was here again but was stronger now.

He transferred his energy around him to find its location. Since he was quite powerful, Sani could detect anything that relied on otherworldly energies. This included spirits, ghouls, ghosts, demons, shades, apparitions, you name it. It was like a sixth sense which was also utilized by Fenrir to find worthy animal demons to work at Festr Castle.

Where was it...


Nothing was visible, but Sani knew it was gliding towards the bed. The cat yowled at the danger.

He stepped closer to confine the energy. Before he could seize it, the guest dissipated into nothing as quickly as it arrived. When it faded, the red moonlight returned and the air was calm.

Looking at Hyeon, his face and body were relaxed and not so tense.

Master Fenrir was right.

This boy WAS dangerous.