Unholy Thoughts

Hyeon really, REALLY had to use the restroom.

The pressure made his body uncomfortable. Since his consciousness drifted in and out, he tried changing positions before he lost the sleepiness. It wasn't often when his sleep paralysis's apparition disappeared without causing nightmares, so Hyeon wanted to take advantage of this.

It wasn't any use since his bladder was full. He scoffed.

Groggily sliding off the bed and dragging his feet along the floor, he used his hands to feel the walls. It was almost midnight, so he utilized his surroundings to find his way in the blackness.

Arriving at the bathroom, Hyeon didn't bother with the lights. He tried to slip off his pajama bottoms, but it seemed complicated this time. There was a belt around his hips and an intricate system of buttons. Did his pajamas always have these?

The snooze crumbs that would've made it possible to fall back asleep faded when he realized he was still in servant attire. He switched on the light to see his uniform all wrinkled from sleeping in it. Slipping the clothes off and ruffling his disheveled hair, he started thinking in confusion.

*Does my hair color look lighter again? And how did I get into my apartment? I was walking to the kitchen and—*

Hyeon squealed as a vintage film reel played last night's memories.

Dropping the plates...

The burning sensation...

Desperately calling out for someone...

Touching Master Fenrir's lower area and passing out...

*Oh my GOD. NO.*

Hyeon needed a pillow to scream into. His jaw was on the verge of locking from biting the inside of his cheek so hard. Who returned him to his bed?

Giving himself a little pep talk about not doing such a stunt again, Hyeon finished removing his uniform's top layers before moving on to the bottoms. Unbuckling the waist belt, he noted a stain in the pants' zipper region.

*Please, don't let this be what I think it is.*

After stripping off the pants, he examined the questionable spot.

...And it was exactly what he thought it was.

Not only there, but it soiled his black underwear even worse.

Peeling off the messy briefs and tossing them into the small pile of clothes, Hyeon adjusted the shower knob to get the water running. Waiting until the temperature satisfied him, he stepped into the bathtub. It was the perfect time to go numb.

After a few minutes of scrubbing away the evidence, the water felt warmer. Hyeon didn't have issues with this since being here, but maybe something was wrong with the plumbing. He turned the handle to make it cooler. Soon, it became warm again. Colder.

*Cooler,* he kept repeating.


*Damn it, get cold!*

If the lewd display from hours earlier was the major earthquake, these were the aftershocks. Minor tremors of heat coursed through his body, causing Hyeon to suck in his breath. Although not as overpowering, the small, hot pulses were enough to submerge his unholy mind.

Why does this shower session feel unusually...good? Hyeon's body was oddly sensitive. He squeezed his new erection and began pumping up and down.

The water hit his face and traveled down his neck. Closing his eyes, Hyeon pretended the water was a man greedily licking his Adam's apple. He fantasized about his imaginary friend with longish black hair. Where should they go after? Lower?

*Yeah, that would feel nice.*

The mini waves of fire darted to his nipples. His mystery person would descend while licking and kissing, leaving a fiery trail. The vision of them flicking his swelled nipples with their wet tongue and fangs made Hyeon move faster. He was almost there.

What color should his eyes be? For some reason, amber was the sexiest at that moment.

His muscled partner continued further below, exploring Hyeon's deprived body with their browsing hands. He needed to release himself. Hyeon opened his eyes and imagined them seizing his manhood into their mouth. Looking down to see his made-up lover, he was startled to see yellow, glowing eyes staring back.

Too late.

Hyeon leaned his head back and moaned as he felt his body spasm multiple times. Has touching himself always felt this intense?

The unsteadiness in his legs practically caused him to fall ungracefully. Sitting down in the tub, Hyeon cradled his knees to his chest and let the contractions gradually fade. He stared at the white shower curtain in front of him.

Unknowingly, the person he mused about was absolutely not fake. The black hair, sculpted physique, and amber eyes with a golden luminosity...

Master Fenrir.

When his body returned to normal, Hyeon noticed the shower water pounding overhead.

*Too cold.*



It was late. The ticking clock would soon read midnight.

Fenrir's sleep schedule was irregular. Some nights he slept after they took his dinner away, while others resulted in no sleep. It was definitely going to be the latter today.

He stood at the window and observed the blood moon. Even the little stars glittered red. Sky gazing was his only past-time in the southern lights that didn't make his wolf go savage. This useless hobby made the animal silent. He could finally be unfeeling.

It jolted awake, the chains clinking.

The wolf didn't lurch forward aggressively or voice its toxic notions. Instead, it listened.

Something was calling for them. To him.

Rather than Fenrir summoning a servant through his mark, it was like someone wanted him to go to them.

Fenrir's head turned to the side to look at the entrance doors, his amber-turned-yellow eyes gleaming through the dark.