Siren's Song

*So much for a day off.*

After looking forward to resting and taking a mental health day for himself, it was filled with anxiety after getting a surprise visit from Sani.

The talk didn't go as well as he'd hoped...


*Both Sani and Hyeon were sitting on the couch.

"So there's absolutely nothing, zero, nada, I can do to change my contract about termination?" Hyeon distressed.

With an empathetic look, Sani replied, "Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do to alter it. It pains me that you're struggling, but please try to make do. If it helps, I can increase your salary to compensate."

"It''s not about the pay, Sani. You know that. This world is hard for me to adjust. I thought I was lost about who I was before, but now it's even more confusing. Especially with this thing," holding up his wrist with the insignia.

He choked up a little from the overwhelming circumstances. Sani put a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"I know. It must be hard understanding thousands of years of history unknown to you barely over a week ago. If it's any consolation, I truly think this place is beneficial for your safety."

Hyeon looked up at the words, "What do you mean? Aren't I in the most danger being here, particularly when I'm around Fenr—I mean, Master?"

"When I returned you to your room last night, I saw an energy attached to you. It could be related to your sleep issues, but I've felt nothing like it. I didn't detect it before, but Master Fenrir felt something was off with you the moment we stepped into the southern lights. While I can try to help, you could rely on him."

Hyeon wanted to laugh at the thought.

"I admit he's a little intimidating...or a lot considering your case. The Master wasn't always like that. If anything, you two are very similar."

That piqued his interest.

"How are we the same?"

"Hmm, that's something to find out for yourself. Keep your chin up, okay?"

Sani said his goodbyes since he was leaving for a while. He had to attend some meetings elsewhere as a middle-man between gods and demons.*


Hyeon was reminiscing this exchange when the tip of a rake pole poked his temple.

"You have a problem daydreaming," Haruma criticized. "This stuff can be dangerous if you do that while working."

Currently, he and Haruma were in the outside shed filled with horticulture equipment. It wasn't raining, so his trainer chose today to explain his new responsibilities.

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Anyway, on days when the weather is okay, you'll be outside on the castle grounds. It's spacious but risky for you to work near the borders. So, I'm assigning you to the inner grounds. Your only job is to upkeep the flower garden."

Over the next hour, Haruma described the various pruning sheers, maintenance tools, and the place Hyeon would be in charge of.

Since Hyeon's apartment view overlooked a steep cliff that would lead to certain death if he fell over, he often forgot that the property behind the castle was land at a normal level. Although the weather was downcast and early-winter chilly, the air wasn't so foggy. The sprawling trees, intricate road designs, tranquil streams, perfectly cut bushes, and several looming animal sculptures left him in awe. If property magazines could see this place, Festr Castle would no doubt be featured on the cover. He might be in Hell, but this place was the oasis.

The front doors directly led to a garden area filled with hundreds of flowers ranging from the classic red rose to black pansies. The bushes mazed around to create a Nordic layout. Heck, there was even a bonsai tree in the center.

Haruma gestured to the entire garden.

"Try to keep the conditions like this. Pick the weeds, prune the flowers, trim the overgrown bushes, and keep the sidewalk clear. Because of yesterday's storm, focus on raking the leaves and twigs. You can rest after you're done."

Hyeon wanted to ask Haruma if he could come outside when not working.

"Am I allowed out to go outside off the clock?"

Haruma pointed at the distance. There was a wall of white, opaque mist endlessly extending from the ground to the sky, which was maybe two miles away.

"That is a barrier that protects this land from the demons out there. To keep you as safe as possible, you can't go beyond this garden without an escort. Other than that, yes, you can explore this spot by yourself."

Hyeon watched Haruma as he stared at the smokey wall. His odd-eyes were slightly perturbed as if remembering something. The resting-sad-face expression and white, furry ears facing down made Hyeon's heart get some serious feels.

"Uhh, sir, do you want to go for a walk in a few days?"

God, I suck at asking people to do stuff.

His trainer looked bewildered as his ears perked up. Has no one has ever asked him to go for a casual stroll before? He nodded in agreement, his cheeks somewhat pink.

Haruma coughed to gain composure and handed him the rake and bucket. He couldn't meet his gaze and seemed embarrassed.

"Please start on this and we can make it work later."

Hyeon innerly smiled at the reaction. This could be a chance to make a friend. "Yes, sir."

When Haruma went inside, he began his task. It was nice to get out of the castle's stuffiness. He also didn't have to worry about Master's meals when he was scheduled to work outside, so he didn't dread about accidentally meeting Fenrir. The weather wasn't perfect, but it'll do.

At 3:00, Hyeon was almost finished raking and clearing the curving paths toward the end of the garden. He could have the remaining afternoon to do what he liked. Since Sani installed cable for him yesterday, he could finally catch up on some shows.

And clean up Nammi's litter box. I'll have to request more oatmeal and—

There was a person's voice nearby. He stopped sweeping and stared over the hedge. Tuning in, the male voice was...singing? The song was in a language he didn't understand, but it was eerily beautiful.

Hyeon's thoughts became immersed in the music. Dropping the rake, his body moved on its own to the garden's exit. The song was made just for him, and it wanted him to find the singer. Oddly enough, his feet knew where to go as he passed other complex lawns and spacious grounds.

The voice was louder now. Hyeon could see a decently sized, crystal-clear lake. In his right mind, he would've noted how it looked like a Claude Monet painting. The ghostly tune was beckoning him towards the shore. He walked in a dream-like state to the end of a small pier.

Kneeling down on his hands and knees, Hyeon glanced over the edge down below. Although the water was transparent, its depth looked deep since the bottom wasn't visible. The sound definitely came from down there, though.

There was a glimmer of fish scales. Were his eyes playing tricks on him?

The song was suddenly behind him.

Hyeon was startled to see an angelic man peering at him above the water. He was so fixated on the water below, that he didn't notice them approaching from the back.

His pinkish-blonde hair framed his jawline and his light brown eyes studied Hyeon with affection. Instead of human ears, elf-like webbed fins pointed outward in its place. The mystery vocalist continued singing, inviting him closer.

Hyeon crawled over. He wanted to hear more.

The ethereal creature's lower half resembled a merman with veil-tailed goldfish fins. Its tail and ears glittered with an amethyst purple shade.

A hazy call whispered as if it was his own thought, Do you want to swim?

The merman's arms lifted out of the water and reached for Hyeon, wrapping his arms around his neck in a loving embrace...

And pulled him under the water's surface.

After the splash, the air was quiet.