Blood, Sweat, and Tears

The concoction of soul energies still impaired Hyeon's awareness. He didn't notice the iciness of the floor pressing against his back.

They were deep into each other's mouths when Fenrir released the kiss. His wolf fangs were pink-stained after accidentally cutting Hyeon's lip. Half of Hyeon's shirt was shredded from his earlier duel with the dingo pack. Fenrir moved down to lick at an exposed nipple, not caring about the filth and dirt. The texture of his tongue was rough. Fenrir sucked hard enough for it to be painful.

His pants were in the same, torn condition. It wasn't difficult for the alpha to pull down the ruined clothes to gain access. Hyeon's swollen dick was now free. Fenrir grasped the base and placed a thumb over the tip.

"Ah," Hyeon breathed heavily. He arched his spine from the up-and-down stroking and nipple play.

You'd think that over time, the soul drunkenness would've worn off by now. Instead, Hyeon's mind grew fuzzier with another round of cravings. It was very aggressive this time; more strong than when he felt it with that dingo and the harpy spirit.

Hyeon was so fixated on the inner hunger that he didn't notice Fenrir had stopped. He had quickly retrieved a small grocery store baggie from the top drawer of his desk. Inside was an unopened, purple tube labeled 'K-Y Lubricant.'

Fenrir eyed the bottle and scoffed at the handwritten note that was taped to it:

'Don't use it all at one time. -Sani <3'

Under normal circumstances, Hyeon would've laughed. Instead, he was solely fixated on Fenrir's soul energy. A light radiated from his chest. Unlike the harpy's sickly yellow aura, Fenrir's was a swirling, black nebula with golden spots that shimmered. The specks were the same shade as his golden eyes when they glowed.

Fenrir opened Hyeon's legs and applied lube to his hole. He inserted a finger to stretch it out. Soon, he added a second one. Hyeon shuddered. The feeling felt foreign.

He gazed at the black aura hovering above his face. His body screamed to absorb it.

Fenrir pressed his dick against Hyeon's opening. The tip slowly glided in, followed by his shaft. Hyeon clutched onto Fenrir's biceps. The tips of his nails left little half-moons.

"Relax a bit more. I'm not completely in yet."

Goosebumps formed on Hyeon's arms. It hurt as his body tried to adjust to the size. Fenrir jerked forward.


*Gasp* "Ack!"

They were connected. Each thrust went deeper. Soon, the stinging faded into being full. Hyeon scratched Fenrir's back, leaving small rips into the vintage shirt. His fingernails left trails of red marks. Some parts of the skin broke open. The room smelled of blood, sweat, and sex.

Fenrir lightly bit Hyeon's throat where the jugular vein was. That was a dangerous area.

"AHH," he moaned. Hyeon lifted his hips more to wrap his legs around him. He crossed his ankles over Fenrir's ass and pushed him in deeper. Liquids squished out onto the floor.

Fenrir quickened his speed. This position hit a very sensitive spot inside of Hyeon. It made him cum immediately on his own stomach.

Seeing Hyeon get off on just his hole alone made Fenrir clench his teeth and grumble, "NGH." He closed his eyes and released himself inside.

While distracted, Hyeon took the chance to absorb some of his godly aura. The galaxy cloud inside of Fenrir's chest was too irresistible. His phoenix wanted it. His blood wanted it. HE wanted it. Hyeon touched the god's forehead with his and inhaled...

Fenrir pressed his thumb above Hyeon's Adam's apple to stop him from breathing. "You're lucky I like you. You would've been killed on the spot if you were someone else trying to take my energy," he whispered with irate, golden eyes. He slipped his dick out and observed Hyeon's eyes.

"You're still in a trance from your first soul," he noted and examined him a little longer. "And not a good one."

Fenrir leaned back. Various fluids and grime covered them. "Perhaps a bath will finally wake you up."


Fenrir placed a limp Hyeon into the pearly white bathtub. He sat on the edge of the tub and washed Hyeon's whitening hair, scrubbed his skin with a hand towel, and carefully cleaned out the lube from his hole. The water soon turned greyish-brown.

Eventually, the fog slowly lifted from Hyeon's brain. Being in hot water startled him.

*Where the fuck am I?!*

His heart raced a million kilometers. He thrashed and tried to get out of the tub. Strong hands pushed him back into the water. "Gereigir panikk," a familiar voice commanded. (Don't panic.)

His last clear memory was the forest at Stewart Island. The Powerpoint of images speeding through his mind made him remember the shopping, Jack, Zoe, the bar, the kidnapping, killing Marcus, attacking another servant, and finishing the day with an intense round of sex.

*Did I just fuck after murdering...?*

Hyeon cried. Not like a few tears, but actually cried. "Did I kill someone?" his voice cracked.

Fenrir sighed and stepped into the bathtub, not bothering to take off his pants. The gross water didn't bother him at all as he sat down behind Hyeon. The water line threatened to overflow. Their legs were cramped since the tub was too small for two individuals. He pulled him closer to his naked chest. "It wasn't your fault."

Hyeon's face paled. He was about to hyperventilate. "Why am I getting worse? Why did I blackout? Am I going to lose control again? Is this how I'm going to live forever?"

To him stop from rambling, Fenrir bear-hugged him. "Shh. We should discuss this after you rest. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine for letting you go. I knew your sensitive state, but I was foolish to trust anyone else to venture alone with you other than myself."

"I'm afraid," Hyeon said drowsily. Fenrir was secretly putting him to sleep with his ability.

"It's a scary world. Nothing is fair when—"

"No, Master, I'm not scared of the world," he interrupted. "I'm scared of myself. When I killed those two dýrs, it didn't faze me. I don't know how to explain it, but getting rid of two people who were so evil felt...justified. I feel like I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Is there something wrong with me?" Hyeon's head drooped into a slumber.

Fenrir unplugged the water drain. He gently lifted him out of the water.

While drying him off with a fluffy towel, Fenrir said quietly, "You were doing what you're naturally fated to do. When you know why phoenixes were extinct until now, you'll understand why the gods wiped out your species."

After putting him in bed, he studied Hyeon's tired but peaceful face. It was unnerving to witness how his new powers were changing his body and mind within a matter of months. The naive half-human who first arrived here was slowly disappearing. A sense of protectiveness swelled within Fenrir. It was the first time feeling this way for another person, at least from what he could remember. Any memories from before being trapped in the Southern Lights were long forgotten.

"But I'll make sure you live, even if that means taking everyone else to Hell with me."