(Fenrir's POV) New Sleeping Arrangements


Fenrir stared at the overcast night sky. He could see the blood-red moon in between the rolling clouds.

It's been almost a full day since putting Hyeon to sleep.

*He ate a bad one,* his wolf said, referring to the dingo soul that Hyeon consumed just days before. It wasn't happy that a revolting soul now tainted its energy source.

*An interesting choice, but I would've preferred one less vile as well,* Fenrir agreed. Strong, but too vulgar. He needed to explain what would happen from here on out now that Hyeon's had a taste of—

The hair on Fenrir's neck stood up from the electrical buzz in the air. His wolf growled. Something just entered the castle. It wasn't a servant nor a demon, but it had ill intentions against him. This was the third or fourth time detecting it. The first time was around May when autumn was ending.

Fenrir couldn't keep track of its whereabouts. Sometimes it would disappear while zooming in between the walls. Although the unknown entity disappeared again for a while, he kept his guard up.

He returned to his sky gazing. It was silent again. Now, the dreary weather completely hid the maroon moon. The room was black.


The gasp wasn't from him, though. His excellent hearing heard the tiny sound from his bed.

There was a tug at Fenrir's soul. Hyeon was calling for him through his insignia, but this was different. The summoning was out of pure desperation and fear.

Fenrir rushed to the bedroom. His golden eyes lit up the space. Nammi was hissing in the corner. Hyeon was on his back with his eyes wide awake. His mouth was partially open as if to scream, but only a small whimper escaped. A dark mass hovered above him. Two black tendrils extended out from the vapor. They were wrapped around Hyeon's head.

Before Fenrir could fully process what it was, the smokey ball retracted its skinny arms and evaporated into thin air. Immediately, Hyeon sat up and coughed for air. Sweat soaked his shirt. Nammi jumped on the bed and rubbed her body along his leg for emotional support.

Fenrir snapped his fingers to ignite the small torch on the wall. Hyeon jumped. He must've not noticed the company.

"How long has that entity been with you?" Fenrir asked. Sani mentioned seeing a shadow before.

Hyeon's voice was raspy from sleep. "What do you mean, Master?"

"I've been noticing a strange presence hanging around you. After seeing the entity just now, my suspicions were true. You brought it by accident. It followed you here."

"But it's just sleep paralysis," Hyeon interjected. "I've always seen a shadow figure, but I started seeing it more every night unless..."


"Unless what?"

His cheeks flushed red. "I don't see it as much when I'm sleeping in your room," Hyeon mumbled, embarrassed. "Is it not my imagination?" He yawned and rubbed his eyes from sleepiness. His body was still recovering.

Perhaps it's not the room, his wolf hypothesized. Maybe it doesn't like us nearby.

Fenrir wanted to try something. He placed his shoes next to the door and approached the bed. Pulling the covers back, he slid under the sheets. Since the bed was spacious, there were a good couple of spans between them. Hyeon looked at him quizzically.

"Should-should I go?" He started moving away, but Fenrir pulled on Hyeon's wrist to stop him from leaving. The god spooned him. He wrapped his arm around Hyeon's waist.

Hyeon responded by making a surprised EEP! sound.

"This is where you'll sleep," Fenrir said matter-of-factly. "I'll order your possessions to be moved here."

Hyeon rolled over to face him. "Why the sudden change? What if I say no?"

"I need to keep a closer eye on you. I believe being closer to me may stop that thing from touching you. It's safer this way...for now."

Nammi was staring at Fenrir from over Hyeon's shoulders. Her saucer eyes read, You also want him for your convenience.

But Fenrir's eyes retorted back, Back off.

Hyeon squinted from trying to stay awake. "How long have I been sleeping?"

*He doesn't grasp the situation or anything you just told him, his inner canine noticed. When he's of sound mind, you should explain...and take some soul energy.*

"Only a few hours," Fenrir lied. He fixed the blanket until it covered their shoulders. "You should rest more."

"Yeah..." Hyeon whispered. "Can I ask you something?"


"Alex was killed for betraying you. What did he do?"

Fenrir's blood ran cold. The memories of the previous lion intern left a sour taste in his mouth. It took a long time for Sani to convince him to let another intern in Festr Castle after that fiasco. Who told him about this?

But, Hyeon's lights were already out. His heartbeat slowed down as he fell further into slumber. The room was quiet once again.

There were so many questions in so little time. What has attached itself to Hyeon? An incubus? A night mare?

*Neither of those seems right.*

How long did Hyeon have before his body reached its limits? It won't be long before the phoenix's powers would be too much for a human form to handle. He was a ticking time bomb.

Fenrir had an idea.

*I suppose there's something I can do to help strengthen his body.*

His wolf rolled over onto its back playfully. The chains clanked. Eat his soul?

*Is that all you can think about? I want to see what he can do with one-on-one training.*

The wild dog didn't like the sound of that. You haven't trained anyone since that lion dýr scum.

Fenrir didn't respond. After a few hours, he was satisfied that nothing would disturb them tonight. Soon enough, both were sleeping while holding each other.


Dawn was approaching. The dim light faintly outlined a garter snake slithering through Fenrir's opened window. It was going outside. Unbeknownst to Haruma and Shika at the time, it was the same reptile that had spooked them in the forest; just different size.

The snake also had questions. Questions that only Hyeon Falken could answer.