CHAPTER 3: Level Up

Tu! Tu! Tu!

Jay voice communication rang, the callers name showing Handsome Cloud. It was Jake calling one of the friend of Jay in real time.

" Brother Jay, I have been calling you but you never pick up the call man, what happen? where are you?." Now that he had entered soul pact online, Jake was extremely excited, itching to start his journey quickly.

" I'm in Mauini Town, I got an accident while playing so I got punishment instead of reward I just being sent out there but all things are alright now. Let's go level up, so come here in Mauini Town." Jay said

"Oh that's good then, but brother, you must became crazy, do know how far your town to mine, I'm here in Moon town it take me 7 hours to get there. I'll fall behind to other players by a lot I just started today which will I behind more to others. We should just level up on our own and meet up at River City after reaching level 10 then find a suitable soul pet." Jake nearly faint when he heard Jay suggestion.

"Come on man you're already left behind, don't worry, you should just come over and your level will sky rocket I promise you hehehe I have secret that make us level up quickly." Jay said dully.

When Jake heard Jay's confident tone, he didn't reject his offer, excited say " Are you sure man, okay wait for me, I'll go there right this instant".

Ending the call, Jay walked towards a small dark alley of the town. There were many NPCs in the town who gives special quest so Jay who experience an error while playing, already know who NPCs give a special quest. When Jay still progressing in Dark Soul quest he one on one talked every NPC he will contacted on to progress and gives hint on Dark Soul quest so even though he got punishment by being involved in Dark Soul he still got advantage in the game.

" Being punished and involvement to Dark Soul is also blessing" thought by Jay.

Jay arrived at the dark alley and walked to left until he found a old house. He knocked on the door until a middle aged man open the door.

" Do you need any help, Sir? Jay asked formally to the old man.

The old man lifted his head and looked at Jay, his eyes carrying a hint of anticipation as he said " If I had money, I would definitely be willing to give you a quest but I don't had money to reward you?."

If anyone who will talked or accidentally come here they would already leave if that happen because they don't know the real deal here.

"No problem sir, I can still do want your request is." Jay said if they do not continue the conversation the quest will not triggered so Jay still continue with so that the special quest will start.

The old became excited and unyielding eyes after he received Jay respond then said. " Such a good young man as you are willing to help me, I will pay you a sufficient price."

" May I ask what you want me to do?" Jay questioned

The old man said " Please, help me kill a level 5 hungry wolf and get me his soul stone."

"Okay I got it." Jay unhesitatingly accept with smiled.

System: Unique Quest " Old Man Request" accepted

Quest Details: Kill a hungry wolf, a level 5 soul pet monster and bring back the soul stone to old man. Players must not exceed level 10.

Jay turned around and headed towards the outside of town, the place where wolves stay, the forest of beast after receiving the quest.