CHAPTER 4: Ice Ball Sunghoon

Jay walked on the path towards the beast forest, crowded with people. After a day since Soul Pact Online started, they had yet to be a single players within Mauini Town to receive a Normal Quest because how intelligent the NPCs are they may be given a cold shoulder or respond by the NPCs.

In comparison, Jays advantage maybe because he got a hard quest to dark Soul which is to hold a one to one conversation with NPCs to get information. So he is very familiar with NPCs in the game it like a chest but Jay pay a big punishment for this.

So after going back to the game Jay wanted to used this information to accumulate a significant amount of advantage and to build his own workshop for future development.

Every player would receive 10 coper coins at the start of the game. Although it was not enough to buy a weapon or equipment and soul materials. So after Jay arrived at the beast forest, he saw scene of hundred of people attacking and leveling up in different areas. Even though your a soul pact player you can still learn a skills to follow up to your future soul pets in battles.

As Jay was walking to the deeper of the forest , " Hey newcomer, I advise you to go far from here, you'll be death if you go deeper." a simple and honest looking male looked at Jay and said that. And pointing towards the danger of the forest.

Jay smiled but did not care, instead he changed the topic saying, " seeing as you're not a bad person, I'll point you towards a brighter part. Kill soul monster in the other fields, You'll have a better future than remaining than here."

" I'm not going, there are too many monster in the wild and I can't compete with those other people. This place is still better." The young man said, he was not an idiot he knows his ability with just his skills he probably couldn't even kill or snatch a monster, by staying here and killing pig is better than living even though it's was slow.

"That's because you are thinking of hard place who have strong wild monster. If you go some where with few monsters, naturally there wouldn't be anybody to compete with you. Compared here which packed with players, the leveling efficiency there is several times better. Not only the monster there is easy to kill by a single person." Jay said with smiles

The young man was curious and excited after listening to Jay. He was interested in such a location. If he could grind on monsters for an hour, the EXP he could obtained would far surpass everyone here so he can level up soon and find a soul pet companions.

" Can you tell me where is that place is? I'll give you a 20 coppers as a payment but you are not trying to decieve me right?" the young man said with excitement but still with hesitation in his eyes.

" If you don't believe me, you can pay 10 copper first and then after you arrived to the place I'm talking about and if it's true you can pay me then the other 10 coppers. If you don't like just forget about it." Jay said and ready to leave at any seconds

Jay won't share if he didn't lack noney. But as worst, he'll just use some other way to earn money.

When Jay was about to leave, he was stopped by the young man.

" Hey brother, wait in a moment, let's talk about it, here is the 10 coppers take it, I will trust you and I know you won't trick me." The young man revealed a honest smiled, and trade the 10 coppers to Jay without hesitation.

"Seeing that you really believe me, I'll give you a good location. Although this place need you to traveled 10 minutes but still worth it, in this place there was a rabbit soul pet monster that was level 0, it has a low defense and a quick respawn rate. Chances are also greater when dropping money. " Jay give the young man a good grinding location which he was familiar with when he was still taking the quest of dark Soul when the first day of soul pact online begin.

The young man was very happy and was relieved when he heard how Jay was familiar with the monster, even the degree of dropped items.

" Brother, let's add each other as friends, I'm snow ball, I'll contact you again after I've saved up enough money?" the young man sent Jay a friend request.

"Sure". Jay accepted Snow Ball Sunghoon request.

"Then I'm off to go to that place brother, I'll start sending you the money if I saved enough?" snow ball Sunghoon happily parted with Jay.

Now that Jay has money, he can already plan for his future, then he slowly walked to level 5 zone for his quest. After minutes of walking Jay finally reach his destination.

[Hungry Wolf]

Level 5

HP 200/200

MP 150/150

There was not a single player who could beat this monster at this stage. But Jay who experience a life and dead situation and how he was familiar with this monster. Jay quest is just to kill one hungry wolf and get soul stone.