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2- A man in the crowd

I have always liked walking. Alone. In silence. The place where I left Mark in that cab was beautiful and I have been walking since then.. these cherry blossoms are wonderful!

And where it lead me to? Oh trust me.. you have absolutely no idea. I mean.. at this point, I didn't either.

As I was walking I saw a huge crowd gathered up infront of what looked like a man.. trust me when I say this.. that I would most definitely go in that damn crowd to know who it was but this little full of guts guy ruined my plan to do that.. I mean.. don't people have anything else to do?

So let me tell you what happened.. as I decided to go and see who it was.. I saw a damn thief robbing a grandma. Great *eyeroll*. And obviously me being me.. I ran over to the grandma to see if she was hurt and then ran after that man.

Now you ask why? Eh.. I dont know? It's fun? And you shouldn't rob? Well.. enough reason for me to run after him.. I guess

So as I was running after him, he obviously saw me and wouldn't stop! Instead he started running in circles. Hah! This guy doesn't know me.. I ain't backing off.

Then he suddenly stopped..

Suspicious? I know righttt

The thief: girl back off.. I am not giving it back

Me: Dude you don't even know if she has mor-

The thief: GET LOST

And with that, his whole gang came out.


And then this guy tried to punch me. Hah! This guy thought that I would run after him in circles knowing he might know how to fight and might hurt me? Nah.. I know how to fight too bish.