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3- Too much attention

Adrien's POV

So... All us boys are out today.. We all decided to roam by ourselves and I don't have a slightest clue that how I managed to get practically EVERYONE'S attention when I am in all black.

So there was this one fan who recognised me and with that I somehow am now surrounded by media and my fans.

Then suddenly an aunt far away.. at the end of the crowd caught my eye.. and then.. a guy? What.. he- HE ROBBED HER.

And then I saw this girl right next to that grandma who came running towards her.. she talked to that grandma for a second and then.. she ran off?


With that everyone started to make way for me and simultaneously were trying to figure out that which lady exactly got robbed and I made my way to that grandma.

Me: Are you okay?

*snap* *snap* (these are cameras clicking pics)

Grandma: I am fine.. but that girl ran after that thief and told me to wait

Me: WHAT?!

Grandma: she's gonna try to get it back, probably. But..I think.. she's new here and don't know much about this area.. there could be a whole gang of pick pockets

I mean she did look like she's.. not from here

Me: Don't worry.. I'll go after her.. and Thank you everyone but I'll have to go now.

Fan1: Be careful oppa

Fan2: We are with you!!!

And with that I started running after that girl

As I was running.. you know what I realised? That all the media IS BEHIND ME! With that I started to run faster because 1. They were far ahead (the girl and the thief) and 2. Reporters are behind me..

I started running faster and soon they were left behind..

Then suddenly the girl stopped  and lots of other members of the gang came out... a guy tried to hit her and I was about to go and stop him but then...

Thief 1: Shi- *smash*

SHE DID NOT JUST.. *laughing*

Why am I laughing? Well.. let me enlighten you by telling you about what I saw.. The thief which robbed the aunt tried to hit her but instead she kicked him and he fell backwards ON THE DAMN CRATES *LAUGHINGGGGGG*


Yup.. I have absolutely no idea how but today, I am definitely getting too much attention.