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As we were running I.. hesitated.

I am not the kind of person to hold someone's hand.. like you know.

I think he noticed my hesitation because he stopped and asked..

Adrien: What happened?

Me: Are you sure you wanna hold hands?

Adrien: I-

Me: No.. I mean you know your fans might recognise you and you know you don't want to make them think like.. you know, tha-

Adrien: It's fine, you're not uncomfortable right?

Me: No.. I am not

I- kinda like it.

With that he continued to run till we reached the intersection when he said..

Adrien: Let's do this.. you return the purse to the grandma while I bring my car and then I can take you to the hospital.. if you're okay with that..

Me: cool

Adrien: cool

*Both of us smiling*                Adrien: come on

And then we crossed the intersection and I returned the purse to the aunt and there were even some fan girls next to the aunt taking care of her.. (who ran to adrien when they saw him.. this is exactly how I knew they were fan girls)

Aunt: thank you so much dear.

Me: your welcome.. please take care.

Aunt: you too.

Me: *smile* sure thing.. see you.

Aunt: wait.. let me treat you to lunch?

Me: I actually am in a hurry..

Aunt: later? Just type in your number and that man too..


Me: here.. this is my number and that man I-

And then out of no where adrien appeared behind me.. sooo what happened was that when I decided to go to aunt to return her purse.. he saw his other band members and decided to go talk to them while I return the purse.

Adrien: Here.. let me.


And then he returned the phone.. to be honest I did not think that he would be in for the later  lunch or dinner part but oh well.. I like it. *Smile*

Adrien: why are you smiling?

Me: nothing.

And with that reporters came running and surrounded Adrien and me..

I managed to somehow get out and was trying to get his attention but then I decided to just go on my own... (to the hospital)

I started walking and after a few minutes of walking on the side walk.. someone grabbed my hand from behind and turned me to face him/her.

Me: What the-.. OH