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6- You like her.

Adrien's POV

As soon as we reached to where the aunt was.. I spotted the other band members and decided to go to them while she returned the purse.

Me: You go on.. I see my band members.. let me talk to them and then we can go to the hospital

Ava: Okay

Me: Listen-

Hold up hold up.. before we go any further let me tell you about my band members..

First is.. Liam.. He is the hm.. fun guy types..

Second it is.. Samuel.. He is the quiet types..

Then thirdly.. it is Michael.. He is the flirty guy of our group

And then it is.. Xander.. He is uh the smart guy of the group

Xander: You like her.

Liam: He totally does.. I mean have you ever seen him holding any girl's hand while even saving them? Except obviously on those fan events..

Samuel: I agree

Me: These questions are for later.. first call the police

Xander: Already done

And also Michael didn't wanna roam around so he's at home.

Me: great.. thanks.

Liam: As soon as he heard the word thief.. he started calling..

Samuel: That he did.

Me: Anyway I am gonna give her a ride to... Somewhere so can you give me the keys? And ask manager to send another car??

Liam: Sure thing.. we anyway won't be going back anytime soon and probably michael will be coming soon too

Me: cool then.. you guys can ride with him.. I really need the car.. so see you later!

Then I turned around to go to hm*thinking* her name.. anyway.. off to.. nevermind.. I should ask her, her name.

Adrien focus! She was bleeding.. I am actually surprised that nobody noticed.. As soon as I heard her talking I stopped at a distance to listen to What they were saying

As soon as the old lady was about to ask for my number she started typing hers and was about to say no from my side.. but something that I never.. like literally NEVER do.. I did do it this time.

I typed in my number.. why? Trust me I have no idea.. I am the kinda guy who.. sure.. likes his fans and everyone but not the type to easily like a girl.. and by like I mean.. Like like.

She somehow seemed to like it. I am not sure but I caught her smiling.

After that we both were surrounded with media.. she somehow found her way out of the spotlight but then I couldn't spot her.. GREAT.

And then I saw her.. going somewhere.. she.. I have to go too.. she might be thinking that I cannot because of all the media coverage

And then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

It was Samuel.

Samuel: We'll take care of it here.. you go on.

Me: you sure?

Liam: Go dude

Me: Thanks.. later!

And with that Xander threw the keys in my direction and I catched it and opened the car and got in and vroom vroom.

Going ahead I knew that she wouldn't have gone far so I decided to check the street walk.. there she was.. how wasn't anyone able to notice that she was bleeding... She was trying to hide it, I know but still.

With that thought in my mind I got out of the car and ran towards her and grabbed her hand gently from behind and made her face me

Ava: What the-.. OH