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8-Asking for me

Adrien's POV

As we sat in the car.. after a few minutes I got a call from Samuel.

He said that the police told them that the knife had poison on it and there was blood too. They thought I was hurt and did not tell anyone. But it is not me.. it's her. As soon as I ended the call with him.. I asked her if she felt anything weird.. she felt drowsy. I have to speed up.

I noticed that she suddenly couldn't open her eyes...

Me: hey hey.. don't fall asleep.*brushing my cheeks with his thumb* We are almost there. Just try to keep them open for a bit longer


Ava: Just if.. if someone by the name Mark calls.. tell him not to tell anyone about it first and then tell him what happened.. Also, Mark's my manager.

Me: Okay..

After a few minutes..

Me: We are here..

Ava: hm...

That's all she was able to say.

I hurriedly got off the car and went to her side to pick her up.

And then rushed in the hospital.. the nurses brought the stretcher and I layed her there and followed them till the gates of the ICU.

I- am worried.

Also.. I called my band members to tell them I am fine..

Me: You guys don't need to worry.. I am fine.

Xander: Then who did?

Liam: what who did?

Xander: Who got hurt?

Me: I-

Should I tell them? I mean she clearly didn't wanted to let her family know then should I? But doesn't everyone like when there are people to take care of them or who cares when they are not well? I do. I'll just tell them.. she might not want to tell her parents so that they aren't worried.

Michael: hello??

Samuel: Is there something you aren't telling us Adrien??

And I decided to tell them how she saved me and they'll be here with some healthy food in about an hour.

30minutes later..

*Ring* *Ring*

It isn't mine..

Then I started checking my pockets because that was the source of the sound and found Ava's phone. Right.. It was Mark calling and I told him that she is at the hospital.. I didn't tell him the details and Anyway he didn't let me....


I calmed him down and asked him not to tell anyone because that's what she said and told him the name of the hospital to come over.

The boys and the manager arrived at the same time.. and then we all waited for her to wake up..

An hour later..

Doctor: she had poison in her system.. like you said. But she is fine now.. you brought her in time. Now we'll be waiting for her to wake up and then we can shift her to the normal room and you all can meet her.

Me: Thank you doctor. *Smile*

Mark: She is fine right? Nothing to worry about?

Doctor: Everything's fine. Rest we can tell you later when she'll gain conscious.

Me: Okay doctor, thank you so much.

Doctor: *smile*

He patted my shoulders with that smile and went off.

Mark: she's fine.. thank god!

Me: I know right!

Liam: Look at that smile on his face.. man.. *while looking at me*

Me: I am happy.

Michael: You sure are..

With that Mark went off to fill in the forms and all..

3 hours later..

At 4p.m.

Doctor: She is awake and she is asking for you. *Looking at me*

She is asking for me..

Mark: What about me? Can I also go in?

Doctor: I am sorry. No one is allowed in the ICU.. only he is allowed because she asked us to call him.

Mark: Alright..

Me: I'll tell you how she is once I get back.. don't worry.

Mark: Okay..

With that I went inside with the doctor..

And there she was..