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9-She's cute

Ava's POV

I asked the doctor to call Adrien inside.. I didn't wanted him to blame himself.. I am not sure of what type of person or personality he has yet so I am not sure if he is the type to blame himself or not.

I mean I have seen some of his clips with his band mates and all but not much plus I don't judge people unless I know them well atleast I try not to.

There he was standing right infront of me. As soon as he saw me I saw he was somewhat relieved. I am glad.

Me: don't worry.. I am fine. Just wait for me till I get shifted to another room and I hope you know that you're not to blame.

Adrien: Take care of yourself.. (he suddenly held my hand and started caressing it with his thumb)  don't worry I won't be blaming myself but thank you.

Me: No problem. Now go out.. I asked doctor to let you in for just a minute. See you!

And then after saying see you, he went back outside, and with that I fell asleep.

After a few hours..

I woke up to bright lights and when I got aware of my surroundings.. I saw Adrien holding my hand as well as sleeping on it.. he looks cute! Then when I was fully aware I saw that on my right side of the bed was my manager and on left side was Adrien (whom I first noticed) then on the further left side was all his band mates. Sitting. And then Mark saw me and said..


Me: shush! He is sleeping!

And it was too late because he started to rub his eyes like a baby with both his hands and then when he saw me.. A smile placed on his lips. I smiled too.

Liam: Trust me never have we ever missed our practice. I am really very glad that we got to today. Not great that you got injured but what I am trying to say is he cares for you.

Michael: She's cute *while going through the phone* and *shrugging* (As if he's stating the obvious)

And with that Adrien started to glare at Michael.

And it was as if Michael sensed his eyes on him..he slowly slowly started to look towards Adrien.

Michael: I am sorry *hands in air*

And with that we all were just staring at them both. Michael being in the tough spot and Adrien being genuinely angry. Man.. He looks intimidating when he's angry.

Samuel: Anyway *cough* (this is one single intentional cough that I am mentioning here)

Xander: Yeah anyway, let's go call the doctor. Come on Michael.

Michael: Sure! (Trying to get away)

After doctor came he said that I can get discharged in about 2hrs.

Liam: So? Are we going to practice today?

Adrien: if y-

Michael: Let's take a break.

Liam: Agreed.

Xander: Totally.

Samuel: I mean.. DUH!

Liam: Let's rehearse tomorrow.

Adrien: Well then.. I'll.. let you guys enjoy for the day.

Samuel: ViceVersa *whisper*

As soon as Samuel said that.. Everyone in the room started laughing except Mark because he  was outside trying to get the house ready on the call and I smiled too.

Liam: Okay soo Introduction time.

Michael: Rightt *smirk* (while standing up)

Me: Actually.. I know you all.

Xander: Not surprised.. obviously she does.

Samuel: Sooo you're a fan?

Me: I mean I do like your songs.

Xander: Fan it is. You can help us as well. That's gonna be fun!

Me: Help?

Xander: Details later.. Doctor's here.

Doctor: Here is the form that you asked for and the discharge papers.

Me: Thankyou!