::The Castle::

Yesterday, Eun-Woo returns to the palace late at night and finds that the royal gathering that the King, who is his father wants to make has been cancelled due to sudden out of the town affairs. He was quite relieved that he no longer had to explain why he was late coming to the meeting.

Today, the postponed meeting was made again. All six princes gathered in a room in the north castle (king's private area) basement, which was always locked and monitored by guards where the red magic stone was.

All princes or others were not allowed to be there except when ordered by the king and of course only when the king is present. Since in the past, they only gathered there for one purpose, which was to discuss about collecting the magic stone.

It's been known by royal history that 'the chosen one' will come contact with the magic stone and use its power to rule the world. The royal ancestor of Dream Land is said to have owned all the stones hundreds of years ago.

Because of that, the king has searched every corner of the world to find 'the chosen one' to be reunited under his rule. Now he manages to find all of them, the chosen one who owns the magic stone inside themselves. Yes… The six princes is not the King's real child, but being adopted from all over the world and bring to his lands.

It's also been told that the magic stone has a twin stone that scattered everyway. Meaning that, inside 'the chosen one' there is stone that contains the power. The power stone chooses them to become their owner and no one else could exchange it.

But, the twins contain a power that opposite from that. It's not tied to the owner and it's power can be manipulated. It has been told that if the power stone and its twin stone is gathering together any wishes will become true.

That's why the princes travel to every corner of the state to find their twin stone, moreover, if they have heard rumors of strange things happening from one place to another. And their music performance as a group is also just to cover their real mission actually. No one should know about the magic stone or a war definitely will break out just to claim as its owner.

Why are they so loyal to the king when they are not the king's real children? Because they never remember their past. For them the king saved their lives and it was fitting for them to return them.

Nothing difficult at all. Just be loyal and do the work that's been given and that's it. The King's wish? That is not their concern at all.

Eun-woo is the one that enters the room last. He's not late, but he always prefers his other siblings to gather first. After all, the King and Queen have not yet arrived.

"My brother, the fourth prince, why did you come back late last night?" Prince Haru the sixth princes, famous for his loud mouth was always the one to greet him first.

"Luckily father postpones the gathering or you will be in a huge trouble." The 1st prince, Prince Ray which also their leader is talking. He doesn't like people being irresponsible. As the older, he always emphasized that thing.

"He must have a reason. Don't pressure him so much Ray. " The third prince, Ethan also interrupted.

"Take a sit first Eun-Woo. You must be tired. " Leo the second prince who is always caring for others only focus on that.

The fifth prince, Syaoran who likes to act more than talking push Eun-Woo inside to let him sit first before anything.

After sitting comfortably, Eun-Woo answer his brother question a little. "I went to the forest as usual. Got a situation there, but I will explain more when father arrived. "

"Woah! That's why you look so awful last night. I saw you walking in but don't want to ask you in case you're in a bad mood. " Prince Haru honestly say his word.

"What situation?" Asking Prince Ray who only interested in something serious that is.

"He said he will explain later, Ray. Why are you in a rush? " Prince Ethan never the one that like Prince Ray bossy attitude even he is younger than him.

"The King and The Queen arrived!" Suddenly, the announcement makes by the guard outside informing the arriving of the King and the Queen whom they're waiting.

As the king and the queen began to walk in automatically all the princes that present at the time stood up as a sign of respect to the two of them.

After the King and The Queen stood in front of them all, each took his place on the magical altar that surrounded the red stone that was there. The altar is made in the shape of an orbit which is like a planet orbiting the sun.

In the middle there are a place for the red magic stone-next to it there is a platform to place the red twin stone which is still empty. Around it there are six empty platforms that are supposed to house the other colour of twin stone. And outside it is the platform for the six princes to stand up –Blue-Orange-Yellow-Green-Indigo-Violet.

There are lines from one platform to another that are forged by the royal witch using high-radiation magic and it cannot make a close contact with people directly. The prince never knew what the purpose was. But for now, nothing bad happened so, they just trusted their father's instructions.

They had to stand there for a few minutes before The King said they could make themselves comfortable in the chair that had inside the room. Again the princes didn't know why the king insisted that they make the ceremony anyway. But, they never once ask about that.

After sitting, Eun-woo looks towards the entrance, apparently the palace witch did not follow the reunion this time. Sometimes the king brought along the palace witch to be present at the meeting. Eun-Woo never fond of the witch anyway. There's something seem off about the witch that make him uncomfortable.

King Liam, who still stood up open the speech. "I'm sorry to all of you because I had to cancel our meeting last night due to a few problems in other cities. So, let's just straight to the point, we always try to find the twin stone for almost 10 years now but nothing is ever found. But, yesterday when I went out to the next town I heard rumours about it. So, you guys probably need to prepare to travel again. As we don't want the stone to fall to other people as its our heritage. We must protect it at all cost. " He said it firmly.

At that time, Eun-Woo rises from his chair to give a speech, but waiting for The King to notice him first.

"Yes fourth prince. What do you want to say? " King Liam allows him to talk.

"Yesterday I went to the forest nearby Hilleo Village and found out the strange thing happening there." Everyone there paid full attention to the story that Eun-Woo wanted to told.

"Hilleo Village huh? What's strange there? " King Liam face a bit distracted when hearing the name also making the queen, Queen Anna looking at her husband.

"When I was strolling suddenly there's a giant dove attacking me and I even need to use my power to stop it. The energy is strong, but it's not too dangerous. I saw some glitter in the bird's body seem like green magic stone fragments."

King Liam's eyes, then widened in shock. As long as they are searching for all those years, nothing like that had ever happened before. Unexpectedly, there are clues in his own land.

"What! Why are you saying it just now and not last night?!" King Liam raised his voice sounding dissatisfied.

"My King." Queen Anna, who had been silent from earlier suddenly spoke. Listening to his wife's voice the king is calm down a bit.

"Proceed." He said.

"Is it really a green one?" Prince Syaoran that usually quiet is now talking. If its really the green magic stone, it is the twin stone that's belonged to him as he is the owner of the green power stone anyway.

Eun-woo continued his words, "I'm sure of it. But we need to investigate the forest to know more and if it's correct, we probably can retrieve the first twin stone. "

Hearing that makes King Liam smile bigger. After so many years he's been waiting how miracle is it to have the first twin stone.

"You can prepare things and go now as fast as you could. We are waiting for so long for this moment. If you need something just let me know and I will provide anything. Don't come back if you're not getting the concrete clue about the stone. I have a good feeling on this. " King Liam giving his final order before taking his Queen hand and walking out from the room.

"Yes, my lord!" All of the princes said simultaneously.