After having prepared all the equipment to enter the forest, all six princes rode their respective horses and subsequently embarked on their journey. The fourth prince, Eun-Woo is appointed as the leader for the expedition this time, as he has more knowledge about the forest there, and also the he is the one who discovered the magic stone trail before that.

Along the way Prince Syaoran makes a mark using his power so that if something happens, they can find the way out easily and not only depends on Eun-Woo's knowledge. After all, Syaoran power is connected to the earth and nature, so it's easier for him to take in charge of that.

At the same time, Prince Ray sharping his sense to detect any disturbance in the area also talking to the small animals that he encounter there. He can use his power to communicate in the animal's language just by staring into their eyes and so far none of the information about the magic stone is he get.

"How can you walk by feet in here before brother Eun-Woo? Even by horse we have not yet arrived at the place you having a battle. " Prince Haru can't be silent anymore and starts to break the silence.

"It's no big deal for him Haru." Knowing Eun-Woo is indeed lazy to answer such unimportant questions like that, Prince Leo answers on his behalf.

"Don't be too loud Haru. We don't know what will be waiting for us in front. " Prince Ethan scolded him a little.

Haru is clearly in low spirit right now. Why all his brothers can be so boring? The situation makes him feel very lonely.

"You guys aren't fun at all." He sighed in a low voice making them all smile a little because it was funny to see him sulk.

Syaoran who was sympathetic to see his younger brother gave him some chocolate to eat so that his heart would be comforted a little. This kind of scene is always been made by Haru after all as he not the kind that can sit still.

"Wow! Syaoran my brother, you definitely the best brother ever. I'm just low on sugar now because all of this silent. Can you talk to me more?" Haru said like asking a favor while greedily eating the chocolate.

"I was not born to entertain you." Syaoran said it firmly with a smile before leaving Haru alone like that.

"That's so you." Haru said utterly dumbfounded.

"We're here!" Eun-woo announced.

This is the little farm he once fought with the giant bird. The scene still clearly looks like there was once a fight going on with broken ground as well as trees and plants that fell and broke.

"You fought well Eun-Woo." Ethan said.

"I can see it definitely a big bird." Ray also started speaking after seeing a giant footprint in the scene.

All of them got off their horses and tied them to the tree. Then, they walk slowly while trying not to cover up any clues.

"Are you with someone else that day? I saw some other foot print. " Ray started asking as he can see it clearly on the ground.

"Whoa! I can see it too. Look small like it belong to a girl. Are you late because you are with a girl that night? " Haru mischievously teasing Eun-Woo while take cover behind Ray afraid if Eun-Woo is getting mad.

"Uuu… It's a very rare sight if it's true. She's probably so pretty." Leo also joining.

Eun-Woo's face is a little red by all the talking but trying hard to keep his composure. He also can see from the corner of his eyes that Syaoran also looking intently at him waiting for his answer even he didn't said it out loud making him a bit uncomfortable.

"It's not like that. I just save someone in need. " Eun-woo didn't really answer it directly but enough to confirm that he is with a girl.

"It's not always for you to save the damsel in distress Eun-Woo. Hope she is the right one. " Ethan said as he taps Eun-Woo back encouraging.

"Argh! Not you too Ethan. " Eun-woo started to feel frustrated.

That is them even with different personalities and different opinions but they are still close like real siblings. Often in every exploration they are not really always serious 24 hours a day but still joking with each other just like everyone else.

"Alright now, let's not making he more angry. Syaoran, try to use your power to detect if some of the green fragment is still here. " Ray gives the order.

Syaoran nodded his head and then walked in the middle of the field and closed his eyes to concentrate.

"Green stone. Lend me your power! " As what happens to Eun-Woo before, Syaoran appearance also changed but to green color, especially in his hair and eyes. After that, he laid his hands on the ground to feel the energy.

"Dear earth. Send me your energy. "

The ground there suddenly glowed bright green and slightly vibrated. This kind of ritual is just normal for all of them to scan the area, so no one blinks when seeing it.

Just minutes later, Syoaran stopped his ritual and returned to his normal self before reporting to his brothers.

"I can feel it. It's vague but definitely the green stone." Syoaran said confidently.

All of them let out a sigh of relief. It seems like their journey this time will bear some fruit.

"Good job Syoaran." Ethan compliment him.

"Okay. As it already confirm lets continue our journey more further. Is this forest big, Eun-Woo? "

"It is. It is one of the biggest forests in this land."

"Well, in that case we probably need more time before we can find the stone and go back to the palace." Leo interrupted after hearing an explanation from Eun-Woo.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm so thrilled all of the sudden." Haru suddenly high in spirit.

"You're just high in sugar." Ethan states the truth after looking at how much chocolate that Haru eaten before.

"Let's move faster then." Ray also seems to can't wait any longer.

While they walking to their horses, "I think we should find shelter first." Eun-Woo suddenly says. He also look a bit disappointed.

"I can feel a thunderstorm is coming."

"Can't we just keep going? It's still bright now. " Haru tries to persuade as he doesn't want his high spirit to go to waste.

Ray as the oldest, looking to the sky. Just then he saw a dark cloud and a rumble of thunder ripping through the sky just after a couple of seconds after Eun-woo saying his instinct. He also feels the wind in his hand to feel the moisture.

"Eun-Woo is right, we can't go on like this. If it's just a rain shower we can make it through and build a tent to sleep and shelter, but this is a thunderstorm we need other choices as it will be hard even for us. "

"In that case, why don't we rest in the Hilleo Village. We've all been there before and the people there are all fine. After all, the night is also almost come. Eun-Woo also knows the person in charge right? It's easier that way. " Ethan suggested.

"I'm fine with that." Ray agrees.

Haru who had been disappointed before now seems like his face was a little glowing when he heard the name of the village. "In that case, let's go now. I also miss the good food in there. " He said honestly apart from having other intentions in his heart that only he knows.

Leo and Syaoran just listen and follow whatever the decision is.

"Let's go now before this weather becomes worst." Eun-Woo directs them to move fast. After all, such an atmosphere would have been difficult for their horses later.


:: Hilleo Village::

That night, after dinner Jieun went to the orchard in the mansion area and picked some kind of fruit that she's suddenly craving to eat. She gets a blueberry, orange, and some mangosteen. Funny when all kinds of fruit can be grown in that world, regardless of weather and the place. The fruit basket is now a little heavy due to the fruit.

"Woah… This is really a heavy rain." She said by herself while watching the dark sky behind her big umbrella.

"Let's get inside now. It's too cold… " Jieun a little shiver now because of the wind. Just a few steps she walked, wanting to get into the door of the house she heard someone knocking on the front gate quite loud.

"Who comes at a time and weather like this?" Jieun become wonder. Since the people there were all good people, then she was not afraid to go see for herself the visiting guests. After all, foreigners are not allowed into the village at night by the village guard. So, the guest must be someone who had the village pass or used to come here.

She placed her fruit basket on one of the seats there letting it get wet from the rain and headed for the gate and opened its stainless steel latch while holding the umbrella in the other hand. She still could not see clearly who was coming behind the iron fence because of the dim lights.

"Who is this?" Jieun asking while opening the fence.

After opening the high gate, her eyes could catch the face of someone she seemed to know very well was soaking wet in front of her because of the rain. She herself could see that the man's eyes that were starting to grow bigger clearly shocked by the situation they were facing.

'He again? What is he doing here? And who is the other people? Same clothes like people from the castle. Since Jieun could also see that there were other people there, she just kept quiet and did not greet the man. What's more, they don't really know each other very well. So, it's feel more weird now when they meet when she is not in a state of danger as always.