They walk about two hours now.  With silent.  After the use of the main road, their leader Prince Ray, changed their direction to a more secluded area that is a bit challenging because most of the area is hillside and rocky.  But Jieun still feel excited with the journey.  Probably because this is her first time making all that she see now is interesting.

          But things that previously made them wonder, is confirmed now.  Because they can see with their own eyes that the married couple, Ethan and Mia is clearly not in good terms.

          They both did not greet each other from the beginning of the trip.  Walk quite a distance from each other.  Directly do not look at each other.  As if they did not exist for each other.

          "Mia.."  Haru started asking in a whisper as he can't stand seeing the cold war there.

          "Can I ask you something?"  Mia watches the sixth prince there with her narrow eyes.