Not knowing how long she fainted there, Jieun finally opened her eyes.  Her ears, then could catch the sound of the rain roaring down.  Quite heavy.  Its a storm indeed just like what Mia predicted before.

          "You are awake."  Eun-Woo's soft voice made her more aware than before.  It was then that she noticed that she is lying in his lap. Irene could see his face even when there was only a little light from the small oil lamp next to them.  She could also vaguely see the light of a campfire that was quite far away from them at that moment.

          Eun-Woo there was holding her in his lap, while he sat and leaned back in the what Jieun can tell by now a ground wall.  Her face slightly red because of that close proxy, but she also feels relieved and safe around his warm body that now radiate to her too.