The tonight sleeping arrangement is not to Mia liking at all.  She actually thought that they will be divided into man and women's section but after Jieun fainted, she cannot voice her opinion about it at all.  Especially after she looks at Eun-Woo, who seems like didn't want to let go of Jieun even for a second.

          Well, she suppose to know it anyway, as it just her didn't want to sleep closer to her own husband!  In fact, after their argument, she never slept in the same room with her husband again.  What worst is Ethan also seem didn't mind about her little tantrum.  Seriously, that man!

          And now even fate has done not side with her.  Force them to be closer in this cave.  Mia can only sigh.  She didn't want to argue, but Ethan could have just slept outside with the other princes.  After all, they all already know that they are at 'war' now.  There is nothing to hide anymore.