The man named Daniel Davis

"And this is the last one. Ah damn, it's so tiring!" Sitting on his chair, the brunette young man stretched his arms.

"No can do since we're stuck here with table work. But these file works is never-ending. Kinda makes you wish that every day was Sunday, right? Hey, you listening? The ginger woman kicked the chair beside her making the man sitting on it flinch.

"Ow I'm listening, I'm listening." The brunette man who was too busy yawning finally shifted his attention to the ginger woman. Mrs. Jones, a middle-aged office worker, divorced, lives with her two children, kind in nature. "Are you done with that report? The one assistant manager gave you?"

"Hmm hmm. All done! I'm just about to head out now."

"Why don't you wait a bit? Some coworkers are going to the pub tonight." Shaking her hand in a drinking notion, she winked at the younger male. "Not to mention, a gorgeous lady next door specifically asked for you. Ho ho, being young and handsome must be so nice."

Hearing the keyword 'a gorgeous lady next door', the brunette's stomach dropped. Scratching his head, he offered a polite smile. "Appreciate the offer Mrs. Jones but I gotta clock out now. Maybe next time." Hanging his coat over his shoulders, he quickly packed his belongings and before the ginger woman could speak another word, he dashed for the exit.

'Gotta scram, gotta scram, gotta scram…..' was all he could think at the moment.

Checking his surrounding for the umpteenth time, the brunette finally made his way out of the office building. The sun had already set an hour ago. Even though it's a suburban area, the rush hour is crazy, and the young man was planning on taking the first train as soon as possible. Pitter patter. Cold rain droplets fell on his nose, then his eyes, and then suddenly it started to shower down.

"Oh great! Just my luck." Screaming profanities in his head, he started running through the crowd, using his cheap briefcase as cover. Striding his long legs, he ran for the subway station. 'Hah! I miss my car so much.' Again throwing some profanities at who knows what, the brunette eventually made his way to the subway. Finally finding shelter from the sudden rain, he put down the briefcase from his head and shuddered from the cold. 'Seriously, rain in the fall season is the worst. It comes out of nowhere and soaks you to the bone. Ridiculous!' Grumbling to himself, the brunette got on the train which has also just arrived. His big-self squeezing through the hoard of people, struggled to find an empty seat but in vain. 'Ah damn. Not everything goes according to the plan afterall. Hold on tight, me. Cause this is gonna be a crazy ride!"

Therefore, after an hour of squeezy ride and continuous 'Sorry's and 'Excuse me's, the brunette finally reached his destination. Rubbing his swallen cheek with one hand and grabbing his briefcase with the other, he glumly dragged his feet out of the station. He got slapped twice in the face for the accusation of sexual harassment even though he was saying that the train was overcrowded and that it wasn't his hand, to begin with. . There was a chill in the night air. An after-effect of the Fall rain. The cool breeze made him shudder. His clothes were still slightly wet from the sudden rain this evening. So, while walking, his right hand reached out for the overcoat on his shoulders to cover himself up.


Fast pace came to sudden halt as his hand fumbled upon empty shoulders.

"I fucking dropped it back in that crowded train. Seriously, this day couldn't get any worse."

The urge of screaming profanities almost reached its peak but then it dawned on him that the one at fault is none but himself. And cursing at himself sure sucks. So again, he started dragging his tired body on the road, this time in despair of losing his expensive overcoat. And somehow he managed to bring himself back to his small apartment door.

"Well, they say nothing is better than home sweet home."


Someone's calling. The brunette fished out his house keys along with his ringing phone. An unknown number. "Is it….from the headquarters?" Putting the right key after the third attempt, he answered the call.



Twisting the doorknob, he entered, phone secured between his ear and shoulder. "Hello? Who's there?"


'The hell! Must be prank call!'

"Who called you?"

"I dunno. Must be a jerkface doing prank ca-" ...….. Wait a minute! I LIVE ALONE!


Quickly taking his cheap briefcase in his hand, he hid behind the kitchen counter, taking position. His mind racing to find out the intruder's identity and motive.

"Pfft haha! The way you jumped up, even I could tell it was cute."

A woman. Probably in her late twenties. Deep and quiet voice. Her voice is vibrating and echoing all over the place, making it hard to figure out the exact location. But for some reason...…..

"Who sent you? Was it the MOB?"

He needs to keep her talking in order to find her location so he can attack and gain the upper hand. Silently he took a kitchen knife from the counter along with some forks just in case.

"Hmm… I wonder…" the intruder replied with a fake sarcastic voice.

"Not good with jokes, are you huh?" For some reason this voice.....

"And you're not really good at being an undercover cop, huh? Well, not that you were cut out for this job anyway, DANIEL DAVIS!"

".....What....did you call me?"

"Did I stutter?"

The light suddenly lit up the whole apartment, burning his eyes. And before he knew it, there was a tall figure hovering over him from the opposite side of the counter. Feeling a foreign presence this close, he quickly shot his head upwards, making his neck almost snap in the process. Brown eyes meet with silver-blue orbs. Silky strands of dark hair almost touched his nose.

"I-It's you? The gorgeous lady next door! But how?"

Raising an eyebrow, she straightened her back, pushed back her black locks behind her ears, and stared down at the man in front of her. The brunette, Daniel Davis, also stood up before examining the woman in front of him for a brief second. A tall slender figure, height must be 5.5 ft. Wrapped up in a black outfit from head to toe. Waist long dark hair. A small face, cat-like eyes, shaped eyebrows, thin lips. No doubt about it. She is Ms. Parker, the new coworker at his office. She gained the nickname 'the gorgeous lady next door' right on her first day at work.

"How did you know that name?" Daniel asked with caution, his briefcase still in hand.

"Take a guess." She cocked an eyebrow while shifting her weight on the other leg, her composure lazy.

"Oh, I don't need to." His hand moved fast as he took out a gun from that cheap briefcase he's been carrying all day, "Cause you're going to tell me everything I need to know."

"Ho? Interesting! And here I was wondering why you were carrying that shit-looking bag with you all the time to even now." Her lips perked up in a snicker, eyes full of amusement.

"Don't move! Hands behind your head." Pointing the gun towards her head, he barked, "Don't think of any funny business!"

Giving the man in front of her another amusing look, she put one hand in her pant's pocket, spun around, and walked towards a chair, doing the exact opposite of what she was told.

"Hey! I said don't move. Or else I'm gonna shoot!"

Pretending not to hear him, she continued walking until she reached out her hand, pulled out a chair, and sat down, Her composure still lazy and relaxed. As if a 6 ft man pointing a gun at her head is no big deal.

"What are you playing at?"

"The police is gonna raid the MOB tonight. Get my drift?" she cut in like a knife. "Thanks to your last report, the local police finally found an excuse to raid their base tonight. So, with this, the case is closed."

"Wait wait, hold on! What do you mean? So you're not from the MOB, the underground criminal organization? And what do you mean the case is closed?"

The amusement look dropped from her eyes and switched with a bored expression. The dark-haired woman leaned on the chair and gave the man a long look. Then continued with a monotonous tone.

"Ok, first of all, no, I'm not from the MOB. Secondly, I joined your little farce of an office to know you better. Thirdly, I called you out to drinks tonight so that we could have a first-row seat to their raid. But apparently, you just ran away. And about the case being closed, well, you were being way too slow, so I intervened a little. Don't worry, the chief won't know. The credit will all go to your name."

Daniel Davis, a 27-year-old man, a police officer, an undercover police officer, a police officer who got demoted to this position and got this case as a form of punishment a year ago, suddenly found out that out of nowhere, a breathtakingly gorgeous woman, who he knew of as a new coworker but in reality is not, solved his year-long case in three days and told him to rest assured that her assistance will be kept a secret and that all the credit will be put under his name. Wonderful, isn't it? AS IF!

"Oh, by the way. You should've guessed by now that Ms. Parker is not my name."

At this point, Daniel wasn't surprised anymore. This is beyond question that she is from the headquarters. An elite nonetheless. To be able to solve a critical case like this in just three days, she can't be an ordinary backup officer.

"Anyway, let me finally introduce myself," she said as she lifts one hand to lower the gun pointing at her.

"Jessica Hawklin, from the SPD. Nice to meet you, Daniel Davis or should I say, Mr. Failed Hero!"