The cat-like woman

"SPD? Which department is that? Special police department?"

After that little farce, the two officers finally sat down in the dining area, face to face, each with a coffee mug in hand.

"Close but not close enough." Jessica blew on the coffee steam as she replied with a bored tone. "It's Secret Police Department, maybe."

Choking on the hot coffee from the surprise, Daniel gave her a thorough look. "Maybe? What do you mean Maybe?"

"Well, I never really asked my superiors about this shit anyway. It's not like knowing the whole name will change my position in my team so yeah, whatever."

"you're kidding me, right? So, the Secret police department or whatever the name you just said right now is…"

"Yep, just made it up on spot."

She kept on blowing on the coffee, taking a careful sip, wince, and then again blowing on it. As if what she is saying is not abnormal and drinking her coffee is the most important task in the world right now. Watching her like this, Daniel forgot about his coffee. He was so astonished to even refute her logic. When Jessica first said that the raid is going to happen tonight, Daniel immediately called a contact to confirm what was going on. Turns out Jessica was telling the truth. They confirmed that through 'His' last report, the police were able to find the necessary evidence of the MOB's connection with some big financial companies. The police are going to raid at the transaction site tonight. But the thing is, he hasn't sent any report this month. So, someone must have 'interfered' and did the deed. But now that the case is over, what was Daniel supposed to do from here? Report back to the headquarters? But what will he say? Let's assume that he lied in the report. What if they asked for the details? No no, they are bound to ask for details. He cannot lie. But he cannot tell the truth either. This case was his punishment. He was supposed to solve it all by himself. That's why it took him a year to even get this far into the MOB's lair.

"Oh no! What am I gonna write in my report! I can't tell those assholes the truth that I've been useless for an entire year! What if I go back and this time, they really kill me in a car crash! This case was supposed to be my death sentence! But I'm still alive and kicking. Oh no, what a disgrace! I couldn't die a hero's death! Buhuu…. ….."

"Ms. Hawklin, if you're trying to make me laugh, it's not working." The brunette deadpanned.

"What? It's written all over your ugly mug." She shrugged her shoulders in response.

"Huh! Okay, look. First of all, my face is not ugly. Secondly, I wasn't looking for a hero's death. Period!"

"Heh?" Jessica leaned towards the brunette, her cat-eyes gleaming as she spoke, "Of course you weren't. No one in this world wants to die. But you know the truth, don't you? You're not an idiot. You were assigned to this case so that the MOB could kill you in their stead. It took you this long to just settle down. You felt it, right? You weren't solving any case here because you were too busy saving your ass."

Hearing this, Daniel's eyes darkened, face grim. Of course, he knew this. But even for an outsider to know this.....

"The MOB case is a very sensitive issue." Ignoring the grim look on Daniel's face, she continued, "This mafia group is associated with many big shots in the financial industry. Even the FBI doesn't dare touch'em. But a shrimp like you got assigned to this case. Not to mention, all alone, without any sort of source or backup. Haha, I bet someone even snitched on you to the MOB to quicken the process. Isn't that right? Rather than investigating, you're too busy covering your tracks since those goons were also looking for the rat. Gosh, living like that must've been tough for you. Anyway, was your blunder that bad for to be punished this way? This is literal exile."

"So why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you help me then? Knowing full well what you're getting yourself into, why step in now?" He didn't want to be reminded of his past now. It's true that he was prepared to die any moment when he transferred here a year ago. But it's also true that he didn't want to die. But after that incident, he wasn't allowed to choose his fate anymore. Failed hero? Sure! That nickname fits him best.

Hearing his question, Jessica leaned back on the chair and twisted his face in a thoughtful expression. After a brief moment, she answered in a matter-of-fact tone. "You could say, I'm your fan."

Daniel was prepared for anything but this. Fan? What does she take him for? "Please be serious about this!"

"I am being serious. Don't believe if you want to but it's the truth." Shrugging her shoulders, she blinked.

Looking at her lazy appearance and her reluctance to find a decent excuse, he gave up on her. "Whatever. Forget that I ever asked. Then, what do want with me now considering the case is closed now."

As if on cue, her phone buzzed with an incoming call. She got off the chair and went to the corner to answer the phone. To give her privacy, Daniel took both of their coffee mugs to the sink. Neither of them finished their drink and it was left cold. Turning on the tap, he began rinsing of the dried coffee stain from the mug, racking his brain along with it.

Jessica hawklin, SPD.

Did she come here alone? Don't know. What's her purpose? Don't know. Easily solved a year-long case. An elite officer. Easily gave away the credit. This means, she also wants to keep her involvement a secret. So, let's assume she is working on her own and has nothing to do with the headquarters. Everything about her is suspicious. Better keep my guard up.

Reaching to conclusions, Daniel turned around to see if she was done talking to find her standing right behind him, Her face full of smiles. When did she get behind him? He didn't even hear her footsteps!

"Congratulations, Daniel Davis! You are promoted to your previous rank. You're being transferred back to New York City. Halleluiah!"


The brunette didn't even know what kind of face to make at this point. Getting promoted takes a lengthy process. And to transfer back to New York? No matter how elite she is, to do all this overnight is not possible. Unless......

"Ms. Hawklin, how long have you been watching me?" Unless it's not done overnight?

The dark-haired woman rolled her eyes at the question. "And what do you mean by that?"

"Who are you anyway? What is this SPD? Coming out of nowhere, solving my case, promoting me overnight, and telling me to go back to my previous life, no matter how elite or powerful you are, it takes a hell of a lot of time to do this. It's not possible unless you planned this all out from a long time ago. What is your purpose? What do you want from me?"

"Are you angry? You don't like it?"

"Please don't change the topic. Don't take me for an idiot just because I served you a cup of coffee out of courtesy."

"That's an awfully rude way of talking to someone who just saved you out of your misery." puffing out a breath of frustration, she said as she turned away from him and sat on the chair again, "I think it's about time. Why don't you just check your fucking phone and confirm all your doubts? You should be receiving your transfer letter through an email right now."

Daniel didn't want to act on her words but he also needed to confirm it. And it was also about time he reported back. So, giving her a look that said 'do not fucking move', the brunette went to his bedroom. he opened the wardrobe and fumbled around until he found the switch to the secret drawer and opened it. Inside were his FBI badge, Driver's license, fake IDs and every other fake document that is needed to go undercover. But for some obvious reasons, the higher-ups decided to seize his passport. After rummaging for a brief moment, he found his phone. This was his actual phone, not the burner one he's been using since last year for other obvious reasons. Turning on his phone, he took a careful peek at the woman across the corridor who was still sitting on the chair, carefully observing her toenails. Her relaxed figure actually made him even more uneasy since he can't figure out what's going on inside that head of hers.

The phone turned on with a ting sound. Again, checking his surroundings out of habit, Daniel opened his inbox and was surprised. There was a recent email and it was sent to him five minutes ago. And it was from the HQ! He checked, rechecked, and checked again to see if this was fake or a scam. But turns out it's the real deal And this email is addressed to him. so, without further ado, he opened it read aloud in his mind, mimicking his boss's nasty voice along with it.

"So, was I right?"

"What the- when did you get here?" Again, he couldn't detect her movements. she really is like a cat!

"Argh! You're being annoying! Why can't you just answer a simple question? What did the email say?"

"And why should I tell you, a complete stranger, about my personal emails?" Voice filled with annoyance, he gave the prying woman a glare which she returned with a smirk.

"Well, let me guess. Your chief congratulated you on your success?"


"Hm-hm. And he also promised your promotion as a reward?"


"The last and final, the most important part." Crossing her arms over her chest, she shifted her weight on the other feet, posture still relax, "You are being transferred to another department for your next assignment. So, you must return to New York City in three days and report in to accept your assignment." She ended with a deep tone, her face switched from a laid-back expression to a serious one. "I wonder which department that old dog was referring to."

Clenching the phone in his hand, Daniel replied in a cold tone, "It's the SPD."

Dropping the serious expression in less than a heartbeat, her face lit up and like a toddler, she up and down jumped in joy, "Yes! Ah, finally! My one-month-long struggle finally paid off!"

Giving her the moment to enjoy, Daniel looked at his phone again, rereading the email. But then suddenly it dawned on him.

"You've been following me for one month, huh? Well, that explains some things." Hearing his sudden low voice, Jessica stopped jumping in glee and looked at him, returning to her laid-back posture. "You've been planning this from the beginning. You goofed around the area for the last month, looking for the perfect opportunity to approach me. You didn't solve this case in three days. You already had all the necessary info in your hand. You just matched your timing and send the files to the local police, using my name. But something isn't connecting." Daniel stopped to take a breath while staring at Jessica dead in the eye.

"You've been biding your time for a month. But Your procedure was rushed at the end. Maybe you wanted to make all this look natural to me by handing me clues and info one by one. That's why you joined that company to work alongside me. But something must've happened to make you rush things, ruining your perfect plan. I can safely assume that it has everything to do with this new assignment mentioned in my email. I can also safely assume that you are working on your own since you rushed my promotion using a method unknown to me."

The brunette took a few steps forward to close the gap between them, staring down at her. Jessica was tall, but not as tall as him. She had to twist her neck upward to math his eye level.

"You need me for something. Something that you can't even tell your own department, your colleagues. So, I'm asking for the last time. What is your purpose, Jessica Hawklin?"

Daniel felt irritated, he felt like he was being played with. He was not given a choice since birth. Growing up as an orphan, he wasn't allowed to choose his curriculum. He wasn't able to refuse while being forced into the police academy. He wasn't given the choice to protest his forced demotion. He wasn't allowed to say anything about his sudden transfer. Does his life, his opinion means nothing to these people?


"Is my question that funny to you?"

"No, no, I'm just content with the decision I made. I'm glad I chose you."

"....." What the hell is she even saying? Does she have some screw loose?

"Anyway, this conversation is taking way too long." Jessica turned around and left the room within a few strides which Daniel followed suit. "Hey! Where are you going. Answer my question first!" Pretending not to hear again, she put on her jacket which she took of earlier. Brushing off some imaginary dust from the sleeves, she continued, "And if you want answers, why not just come back to New York? you can ask my direct superiors in detail about everything, except for me being here and doing your job for you. Oh well, you know the drill."


"By the way, lemme say it first before anyone else. Welcome to the SPD, Secret Police Department! Let's get along well!" saying, she extended her right hand. giving her extended hand a brief look, Daniel finally spoke out the thing he wanted to say the most.

"It's Special Personnel Department, you Dumbass woman!"



"Well, like I said before, knowing or not won't change my position. And I may not look like it but I have quite the position in my department." Saying it, she turned around and walked towards the front door. "Oh! And the fact that you intentionally put salt in my coffee earlier, I'll get back at you for this later, Asshole. See ya!"

Finishing her speech, she shut the door behind her with a loud thud.